
Focal alopecia in children: causes and methods of treatment


Alopecia areata in children is a fairly common disease, which most often disappears as the child grows older.

But there are cases when parents resort to medical care depending on the causes and symptoms of the disease. Therefore, it is important to determine whether the disease is congenital or acquired in a child so that the doctor can select the most effective treatment.

This article contains information on how to treat focal alopecia in a child.

Focal alopecia in children: features and causes

The disease is characterized by its own characteristics, which have differences depending on the age of the child.

  • At babies of chest age most often the problem arises when suspected rickets. Also, hair loss can be associated with constant contact with the pillow. The child rubs against its surface with a head, with the result that alopecia appears. This problem is solved independently as the child grows up.
  • Toddlers quite often they like to pull at their hair, touching them or twisting them on their fingers. If this habit is ignored, then a slight loss of strand from such a mechanical effect is possible. This is a psychological problem that does not need to be treated. The task of the parents is to wean the baby from this habit and consult a psychologist.
  • In children older than 3 years the cause of baldness can be a fungal disease due to contact with sick children or animals. These can be ringworm or microsporia infection. Also baldness can appear due to weakening of the immune system. Despite the treatment, some children have their hair restored on their own, and some even after treatment do not have the opportunity to achieve the same thickness.
  • Children 6-7 years and older experiencing mental stress, as they go to the garden or school. Stress, anxiety, fatigue can also cause baldness. Therefore, it is very important that parents monitor the emotional state of their children and, if necessary, visit specialists to restore mental health and nervous system.

In this video, an expert will talk about the causes and treatment of lopetia in children:

Diagnosis of the nest form of the disease

If parents have found balding heads on their children, a visit to a dermatologist or trichologist is mandatory. Alopecia areata in children is rather difficult to be treated. And an important component is the timely access to a doctor and carrying out all necessary diagnostic measures.

First of all, you need to visit a pediatrician. According to his recommendations, if necessary, the pediatrician prescribes a consultation with a psychologist, a dermatologist or a trichologist. Specialists will conduct a medical examination and appoint the following activities:

  1. It is necessary to pass an analysis of feces to exclude the presence of parasites in the body.
  2. Conduct analysis to identify dysbiosis.
  3. Conduct an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and the thyroid gland.
  4. To eliminate disturbances in the endocrine system, it is necessary to pass an analysis for hormones.
  5. The child is prescribed Trichogramma.
  6. If there is increased baldness, biopsy the tissue from the scalp.

Also, parents should know that at detection of the disease is prohibited:

  • Cut the baby bald.
  • For hair growth do not use masks or essential oils.
  • Do not use in the treatment of drugs for adults.

Stages of the disease

  1. Active, in which in places where the loss occurs, redness of the skin and its small swelling are visible. Child worried about burning. The skin is flaky, damaged hairs visible at the edges of the spot. When you pull the hair, it easily comes out of the skin.
  2. On stationary stage The place of baldness is white. The lesion is not so pronounced.
  3. recourse instead of healthy hairs, fluffy ones are noticeable, which have a paler color than other strands.

Regardless of the area of ​​baldness, treatment is carried out comprehensively, since the disease is quite difficult to treat. With timely treatment to the doctor there is a high probability that children will stop hair loss. For each patient, the doctor selects an individual method of getting rid of alopecia.

An important component is to eliminate not the symptoms, but the causes of baldness.. In addition, it is important to improve the microcirculation of blood in the scalp, restore the core structure of the hair, pick up drugs that will stimulate cell proliferation in the epidermis.

Treatment can be divided into several stages:

  • the use of skin irritating drugs
  • use of immunosuppressive drugs
  • the use of stimulants that will affect the hair follicles,
  • the use of physiotherapy.

In the initial stage of the disease, skin irritants are most commonly used. These are spirit tinctures of hot pepper, eucalyptus, horseradish, onion, garlic, lemongrass. You can use the drug Dithranol, which is a synthetic irritant.

One of the funds applied to the scalp of the child and leave it for 20 minutes. The course of treatment is about a month.but it can fluctuate depending on the area of ​​baldness.

Regardless of the stage of the disease, children are prescribed a course of vitamins.. The most effective is Volvit, which includes all the trace elements necessary for growth and strengthening of hair. Also included in the preparation is biotin, which is a source of sulfur. It contributes to the qualitative production of collagen. In addition, it is advisable to drink a course of such drugs as:

  • Retinol.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Tocopherol.
  • Pantothenic acid.


If the stage is active or stationary, steroid preparations are added to the irritating drugs.. Injections are not advisable, as they are quite painful. Prednisalon has established itself well, which is taken strictly according to the scheme (it must be written by the doctor). You can use Betamethasone ointment or Minoxidil.

Ointments, solutions and gels are applied to the bald spots. The treatment scheme is most often as follows:

  1. one of the preparations that has an annoying property is applied to the bald areas,
  2. Florocort is then applied in a small amount.

If the disease is at the stage of regression, Minoxidol is added to the above preparations. It has a beneficial effect on the hair follicles, increases the thickness of the hair, and lengthens its life cycle. For a better result, it is advisable to combine the drug with Dithranol.


The type of treatment is aimed at strengthening the hair follicles, to improve blood circulation, so that the hair will receive the necessary flow of blood with nutrients. The most commonly prescribed procedures are:

  1. darsonvalization, in which high frequency electric current regenerates the growth of young follicles,
  2. laser therapy, which promotes the restoration of damaged cells and the growth of new, healthy hairs,
  3. cryotherapy, in which the affected areas are affected by liquid nitrogen,
  4. electrophoresis, which will allow microelements to penetrate the scalp, supplying all the necessary components to hair follicles.


With the help of traditional medicine, alopecia can be cured if it is in its initial stage. There are safe recipes that can be used in the treatment of children. The most effective are:

  • Mask of gruel of onions, which is rubbed into the scalp of a child.
  • You can use a decoction of coltsfoot, which is rubbed into the scalp 2 times a day for a month.
  • Alcohol tincture, which includes red pepper. For its preparation you need 300 g of vodka and 2-3 pods of red pepper. The pods are crushed, poured gruel with vodka and insist 10 days in a dark place.

Hair transplant child

If a child has no more than 100 hairs per day, you can use the above mentioned methods of treatment. If the development of alopecia cannot be stopped, hair transplantation is resorted to..

  • It is possible to carry out a patchwork method, in which healthy hairs with bulbs are taken from the donor and transplanted to the child. This method is quite long and does not always give a positive result. Only in 45-50% of cases the material survives, since the body can reject an extraneous implant.
  • When using the punch method, only one session can implant up to 5 thousand hairs. The duration of such an operation is 3 hours, and the effect in most cases brings positive results. In any case, the child will not have bald patches, but it will not always be possible to grow long hair.

Despite the fact that alopecia requires long-term treatment, timely access to a doctor is important. If the parents notice that the child has hair fall out, do not self-medicate or wait for everything to normalize. Only a doctor can determine the cause of baldness and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Why does hair fall out

The causes of alopecia areata in children are diverse. Many parents start to panic if their child is balding. And this is understandable, because baldness accompanies oncological diseases. Do not self-diagnose and self-medicate. This can really lead to serious problems in eliminating alopecia in the future.

Baldness in itself does not indicate oncology. The hair rather begins to fall out not under the influence of the disease, but because of the use of aggressive drugs. As for the main causes of childhood baldness, they are as follows:

  • hormonal imbalance - may occur during puberty. Boys are more likely to experience hair loss, and it is difficult to call the process real alopecia. As a rule, hair is abundantly falling out, while the hairline remains uniform,
  • genetic predisposition - is also more often manifested in boys, and at a later age. If there are bald relatives in the family, you need to take care of the prevention of baldness in advance,
  • violation of the integrity of the skin and damage to the head - as a result of the death of the hair follicles on the site of the lesion bald spots are formed
  • autoimmune diseases - focal alopecia in children may be due to fungal and bacterial ailments,
  • medication - hair growth stops due to antibiotics, hormones, cytotoxic drugs. Antidepressants can cause similar reactions,
  • problems with the nervous system - at-risk group includes people with increased excitability, emotionally unstable and hyperactive children who suffer from insomnia, etc.

In most cases, alopecia areata in children occurs with the simultaneous presence of several factors. The situation is exacerbated by problems with the endocrine system, tight hair and improper hair care, systemic diseases, nutritional errors, vitamin deficiency. In early childhood, hair loss can be a response to stress. Parents' divorce, scandals in the family, mother’s exit to work and negative experiences in kindergarten can lead to such manifestations.

Diseases such as diabetes, lupus erythematosus, iron deficiency anemia have a negative effect on the condition of the hair. One of the causes of hair loss in children is a high concentration of vitamin A in the body.

Clinical picture

The causes and treatment of the ailment will vary, depending on its form. When focal baldness is characterized by specific symptoms: hair loss has clearly defined edges - nests. Small round bald spots do not combine with each other, and the scalp looks healthy.

The disease is different. In one case, several lesions appear on the surface of the head. With developing baldness, one focus is first formed, new ones are gradually added. The process in this case can take from 3 to 6 months.

The mouth of the hair follicles expands markedly. In some cases, the eyebrows may thin. The clinical picture is expanded by the addition of associated diseases. This is usually atopic dermatitis, vitiligo, allergic manifestations.

If alopecia does not progress, soon the bald areas will become overgrown with whitish hair, and then merge with the bulk of the hair. If the area of ​​baldness increases, a comprehensive study is required. Hair loss in this case is observed not only on the head, but also throughout the body.

Additional symptoms include the destruction of the nail plate. More than half of cases with focal alopecia, dystrophy of the nails or their deformation is observed.

Establishing diagnosis

At the first symptoms of alopecia, refer to a pediatrician. The doctor will examine and refer you to a consultation with narrow specialists: an endocrinologist, a neurologist, a dermatologist, a trichologist. Be sure to appoint an examination of the gastrointestinal tract. An analysis of feces, recommended abdominal ultrasound. It is advisable to conduct an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and determine the level of cortisol.

Trichologist prescribes a spectral study of the hair. The differential diagnosis excludes diseases of the hair of fungal nature, herpes infections, streptococci. Assess the condition of the hair follicles and scalp allow:

  • Trichogramma - implies microscopic examination of removed hair from various areas of the scalp. The study determines the number of hairs that are in various stages of growth,
  • computer diagnostics - a research method using a trichoscope. Identifies changes in the structure of follicles, sebaceous glands and hair bags,
  • biopsy of the scalp - is carried out in exceptional cases, involves taking the skin for examination. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.
  • phototrichogram - involves the execution of individual images with subsequent computer processing. This method allows to estimate the hair growth rate and the percentage ratio of telogen and anagen hair.

Therapy for Childhood Alopecia

Treatment of focal alopecia in children is based on the basis of the clinical picture. Therapy is complex and is determined based on the causes of baldness. For various types of alopecia in childhood, fortifying methods are prescribed: taking immunomodulators, using complex vitamins, mainly group B, using biostimulants.

Treatment of alopecia areata in children will be the more effective the sooner a diagnosis is made. In some cases, require hormonal drugs. Drugs are selected based on the patient's age and degree of baldness.

Externally use contact allergens, drugs with photosensitizing effect, glucocorticosteroid hormones. Additionally prescribed physiotherapy methods of treatment:

  • UV-therapy is characterized by an immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effect. It refers to the most effective methods of phototherapy of superficial action. UFO promotes desensitization and increase the body's defenses
  • darsonvalization - stimulates metabolic processes, improves blood circulation, activates hair follicles, prevents hair loss.The procedure is carried out using a comb-type electrode, and its duration is not more than 7 minutes,
  • Cryotherapy - is a cooling of the scalp. Prevents further hair loss and activates the hair follicles,
  • galvanization - stimulates capillary blood circulation, eliminates itchy skin, if present, improves immunity. To stimulate hair growth using preparations of magnesium, zinc sulfate, nicotinic acid,
  • laser therapy - demonstrates good results in the treatment of baldness of various etiologies. It prevents hair loss, blocks the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, activates blood circulation, soothes inflamed skin. The course of treatment implies 10-12 procedures.

During the period of treatment should be especially careful to choose drugs for the care of the scalp. Do not use adult shampoos while swimming. It is desirable that the means for washing hair contain less fragrances and dyes. At the same time should monitor the diet of the child. The emphasis in the diet is on protein foods, fresh vegetables and fruits, foods enriched with vitamins and minerals.

Methods of traditional medicine

Unconventional treatment of focal alopecia in children involves the use of traditional medicine methods. We must understand that they are not fundamental. Moreover, drugs with unproven efficacy can aggravate the course of the disease and cause allergic reactions. Before using traditional methods of treatment in children, you must obtain the consent of the doctor.

The following recipes have proven themselves well:

  • Mix 1 egg yolk, a tablespoon of aloe juice, a teaspoon of garlic juice and a tablespoon of liquid honey. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, applied to the scalp, cover with polyethylene. Mask hold for 20 minutes, then washed off with water,
  • mix in equal proportions burdock root and nettle leaf, take two ½ liters of boiling water for two tablespoons of the collection, leave to rinse the scalp and hair after each wash,
  • mix in equal proportions of castor and burdock oil, warm up in a water bath to body temperature, rub into the scalp, leave for half an hour, then rinse with a mild shampoo. The procedure can be repeated twice a week.
  • wash your head with broth of the capsule, prepared at the rate of 20 g of grass per half liter of beer. Stew over low heat for 10 minutes, use to rinse your head once a week for a month.

If the classic treatment of focal alopecia in children is ineffective, you should clarify the cause of hair loss. With psychoemotional stress and frequent stress, herbal medicines with a calming and sedative effect are shown to the child. With a tendency to allergic reactions enterosorbents are prescribed, in case of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, phytopreparations are recommended, normalizing the work of the stomach, pancreas, cleansing the liver and stimulating bile flow.

Separate attention deserves immune correction using biostimulants. It is advisable to take preparations of echinacea, eucalyptus, aloe juice, honey. Such agents are considered allergenic, so before treatment you must ensure that there is no individual intolerance. It is necessary to adjust the food and enter into the diet foods enriched with retinol, tocopherol, vitamins of group B.

1 Focal alopecia in a child - why it appears and what symptoms

Most often, children have - alopecia areata. The signs of baldness are very specific, they are difficult to confuse with something. Why hair loss occurs, what signs of focal alopecia will tell our article.

2 Signs of alopecia areata

Alopecia areata in a child has the same manifestations as adults. This ailment has no sex and age differences. Alopecia appears rather quickly, sometimes within one day.

The main symptom of alopecia is the fact that small bald spots are formed on the child's head, namely, the fate of the skin devoid of hair.

The number of such foci varies as focal alopecia progresses, they may become larger in number and size. The skin on the site of lost hair looks healthy, has no redness or peeling.

The edges of the lesions are clearly expressed, has a round or oval shape. Also in children there is a partial loss of eyelashes and eyebrows.

With the development of alopecia alopecia, another symptom is formed, namely, the deformation of the nail plates, atypical indentations and whitish strips are formed on them, this symptom is characteristic only for children.

Focal alopecia in children has a positive prognosis, and in the overwhelming majority of the hair is restored completely, not even leaving memories of the disease.

At first, the hair on the spot of loss appears a little lighter than the rest of the head, but over time the hair becomes saturated with pigments and is no different from those around them.

It is not uncommon for a shawl to grow on its own on the spot of lesions on its own without any treatment. However, do not rely on at random. It is better to seek help from a specialist in order to avoid complete baldness, which will be impossible to reverse.

3 Causes of Alopecia

Despite the fact that the alopecia areata is quite common, there is not a single study that could give an answer about the causes of the development of this disease.

That is why the most common theory of origin has become - autoimmune. According to her, failures in the work of the immune system provoke the protective cells of the body to perceive the hair follicles as an alien agent, and accordingly attack them, which leads to the loss of hair.

Despite the fact that the causes of alopecia are poorly understood, experts have identified a number of factors that can develop signs of hair loss in children:

  • Genetic predisposition

One of the main reasons for the development of baldness. The inherited genes provoke the formation of weakened follicles that are too susceptible to exo or endogenous factors, leading to alopecia in the child.
  • Stress

Children, just like adults, are subject to stress. The first trip to the kindergarten, the school affects the psychological state of the child, as a result of which the body initiates protective mechanisms that cause the development of alopecia in children.

  • Hormonal imbalance

Puberty is often the cause of alopecia. This is especially noticeable in adolescence. However, this process of falling out most often ends on its own and does not require any treatment.
  • Medication intake

Abuse of antibiotics and hormones often leads to baldness, and hair loss can be observed both in small areas and on the surface of the entire head.

  • Injuries

Focal alopecia in children often occurs as a result of stroke. Violation of the integrity of the skin and the subsequent scarring of tissues, causes the death of hair follicles. As a result, the curls cease to grow, forming small bald spots.

Improper nutrition of the child can also cause alopecia, the increased content of vitamin A in the diet causes hair loss and the formation of bald spots.

Alopecia in children most often occurs with a combination of factors, thyroid problems, infectious diseases and improper hair care can aggravate the situation.

6 Prevention of focal alopecia

As in any other case, it is much easier to prevent the disease than to treat it. In order to avoid hair loss in a child, you must follow a number of rules:

  • Proper care for hair and scalp.

In childhood, the use of adult care products is unacceptable. Shampooing should be done with a minimal amount of dyes and perfumes, while it should be done no more than once a week.

In the remaining days it is useful to rinse the hair with decoctions of healing herbs. In no case should you comb the wet curls, it hurts them and makes them more brittle. And you should also avoid tight hairstyles for girls.

  • Proper nutrition

A poor diet can cause weak hair and their subsequent loss. Vitamins, minerals and proteins must be present in the baby’s diet. It is necessary to consume meat, fish, fresh vegetables and fruits. Vitamin complexes and fish oil in capsules will be an excellent tool.

  • Avoid temperature changes.

Cold in the winter and hot sunshine in the summer make hair vulnerable. Therefore, it is better for children to put on hats and not to expose curls to climatic factors.

By following these simple rules, you can protect children's health and avoid unwanted hair loss.

Symptoms of alopecia

Symptoms of alopecia lie mainly in external signs and have the following manifestations:

  1. Hair grow dull, lose shine, their structure is disturbed. They become brittle and fall out when combing, washing, putting on and taking off the headdress and just when stroking, as a result of which nestle bald patches are formed.
  2. The skin in areas of baldness can be smooth, reddened or have rough areas with skin scales. It all depends on the causes of alopecia.
  3. Nails become brittle. Plates are deformed, and their natural luster disappears.
  4. Eyelashes fall out, eyebrows are thinning.

Types of disease: diffuse, congenital, autoimmune, universal and seborrheic

  1. Physiological. More often observed in breastfeeds. Alopecia in infants occurs due to systematic lying position. Often it happens: the baby was born with thick hair, but by the age of six months he became completely bald. The loss in this case is provoked by the fact that the child is in one position, respectively, his hair “rolls out” in the back of the head.

Nesting In medical practice, this baldness is called ochakov. Causes of appearance - a violation of the normal functioning of the immune system of the baby. Ophthalmic alopecia in children is manifested in the form of baldness, which has a round shape. In other words, such alopecia in a child manifests itself in the form of bald circles on the head, which are in contact with each other.

Traction. Appears when damaged hair follicles. Often the cause of the appearance of this disease are tight hairstyles that "pull" hair follicles, thereby damaging them.


When a loss occurs, you should contact a specialist. The causes and treatment of alopecia in children can only be determined by a qualified dermatologist. Do not self-medicate. This can only damage, provoke the transition of the disease from one of the stages to universal baldness. It is impossible to identify a single cause of the disease.

Often the reasons are:

Increased body temperature.

In the event of baldness in the chest, it is not necessary to immediately "sound the alarm and begin to treat the baby." It is likely that he has physiological alopecia, and soon it will pass. Yes, pediatric consultation will not interfere. But if it is physiological alopecia, then there is no need to treat it.

With the appearance of hair loss in the chest should visit the doctor. Quite often, rickets becomes the cause of baldness.

In children aged from a year to three, periodic hair loss is quite often observed. Most likely, this is due to the effect of the child on the hair: winding, tearing, etc. If the signs of “games with hair” have not passed before four years, a sensible way out will be a trip to a child psychologist.

In children older than three years of age, baldness often occurs due to failures in the immune system and fungal diseases. Kids at this age often come into contact with peers and street animals, who are "carriers" of various infections.

Alopecia Alopecia: Treatment

Often there is a physiological and breeding alopecia in children. But if the physiological passes itself, then treatment of alopecia areata in children is simply necessary. Treatment of focal alopecia in children should begin in cases where alopecia becomes "large-scale" character. Trichologists recommend at the first signs, just to observe the disease.

Root causes and symptoms

In this case, the hair follicles are perceived by the child’s immunity as foreign bodies. As a result of this, certain substances are released in the body that destroy the hair follicle, respectively, the hair becomes weaker and falls out, there are pockets of baldness. To the number of others reasons for the development of pathology include:

  1. Hereditary predisposition. It is believed that the cause of hair loss in this case is a certain gene that is inherited by a child,
  2. Frequent stress (for example, upon admission to kindergarten, school). This reason is considered indirect. A child at certain moments experiences a strong emotional overstrain, which negatively affects the state of his body as a whole, and, accordingly, affects the condition of the hair,
  3. Disturbances in the peripheral nervous system. Such disruptions lead to impaired blood circulation in the scalp. As a result, the process of feeding the hair follicles is disrupted, their functionality is lost. This process develops gradually, that is, during a certain time, hair growth is maintained, although the quality of the hair shaft is noticeably deteriorating. Then the hair growth stops completely,
  4. Endocrine diseases. Violations of the hormonal background (in particular, an increase in the level of the male sex hormone testosterone), leads to a weakening of the hair follicles, and, accordingly, to hair loss. As a result of certain chemical processes occurring in the human body, a substance derived from testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, is formed, which contributes to the destruction of hair follicles.

Stage of the disease

Children's disease may occur in various forms, has certain stages of development. Depending on this, the clinical picture of the pathology is also manifested. So, according to the degree of damage distinguish the following forms:

  1. Local There are separate, well-defined centers of baldness, having a rounded shape,
  2. Ribbon Hair loss occurs in the temporal, occipital regions. The centers of alopecia have a stretched shape (in the form of a tape). Pathology is characterized by an unfavorable course; it is relatively rare in children,
  3. Subtotal. Occurs when a patient has a confluence of small lesions between them. As a result of these processes, larger foci form on the scalp,
  4. Total. Over time, the alopecia foci grow, this leads to complete loss of hair on the scalp and then on the face (eyebrows, eyelashes),
  5. Universal. Hair falls all over. In this case, the pathology has a wavelike course (periods of exacerbation and remission are noted),
  6. Nesting baldnesswhen not only the skin is affected, but also the nails. This form of focal baldness in children is considered the most severe, difficult to treat.

Pathology develops gradually, has several stages.

Variety Alopecia

During the study of pediatric alopecia, experts have identified many of its varieties:

  • cluster or focal,
  • total,
  • physiological,
  • genetic (congenital),
  • atrophy,
  • tractional
  • seborrheic

Each type of pathology got its name, depending on the conditions of the appearance of the disease. Some species are extremely rare in children, others are normal in the life of any child. Consider the main causes of each type of alopecia, to determine in which cases it is the norm, and in which - the deviation.

Causes of disease

There are many factors leading to baldness in childhood. To make a diagnosis correctly, you need to examine each of them in detail:

  • Physiological alopecia is characteristic of newborns and infants. It occurs because of the constant lying, with the result that the baby's weak hair rolls out, forming a bald patch.
  • Genetic is associated with the hereditary predisposition of children whose parents have this pathology.
  • Focal (epithelial) alopecia is characterized by partial hair loss. At the same time, oval or round-shaped bald patches are formed. The causes of pathology lie in the weakening of immunity caused by various diseases (ringworm, vitamin deficiency, scab, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus) (we recommend to read: what treatment has ringworm in children?). Focal loss can be associated with stress or trichotillomania - a stressful condition in which the child pulls out his hair.
Alopecia Alopecia
  • Total alopecia in children is manifested in abnormal rapid hair loss on the head and face (eyelashes, eyebrows) for 2-3 months. The main factors are congenital underdevelopment of hair follicles, constant stress situations, the use of products with chemical additives, infectious diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, affecting the digestibility of products.
  • Atrophying. In children, this disease is extremely rare. Bald areas have an irregular shape, with the skin and hair looking healthy. The main symptom of pathology is the appearance of two hairs from one follicle at once. The causes of this type of alopecia are unknown.
  • Traction. Appears in girls who make tight hair. Hair is in tension, therefore fall out.

In addition to the above reasons, nesting, total and some other types of alopecia develop due to improper hair care, hormonal adjustment, taking potent drugs, with rickets, fungal and bacterial diseases, and a lack of vitamins and microelements. In infants, parents shave their hair together with hair follicles, motivating it with good goals.

Diagnosis of Alopecia

At the first signs and suspicion of balding a baby, an urgent need to show the pediatrician. He will schedule an examination and give direction to narrow specialists. Diagnosis is a complete examination of the child's body, in order to identify possible factors for the occurrence of the pathology:

  1. Examination of the gastrointestinal tract. A child takes analyzes of feces for dysbacteriosis and worm eggs. Do fibrogastroduodenoscopy and ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. Using enzyme immunoassay and polymerase chain reaction to determine the presence of microorganisms and bacteria.
  2. Examination of the endocrine system. Implies ultrasound of the thyroid gland, a blood test for hormones to determine the level of cortisol and ionized calcium.
  3. Blood tests are in the analysis of antibodies to streptococcus, helminths, herpes, fungi, Giardia.
  4. General trichological diagnostics consists in carrying out phototrichograms, trichograms, biopsy for histology, spectral analysis of hair for microelements, scraping of focal scales from the skin, rheoencephalography, and computer diagnostics.
Ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland

Treatment of pathology in children

If the cause of alopecia in a child is minor, the doctor may choose a waiting tactic. In this case, the disease must pass in a few months. Thus, with physiological alopecia, no attempt at treatment should be made. Hair will begin to grow rapidly after a year when the baby becomes more active and learns to walk.

If in adolescence hair loss is caused by improper care, parents are advised to pick up shampoos, balms and other hygiene products in accordance with the individual characteristics of the child. Girls who do tight hair, they are recommended to change, the best solution would be a short haircut.

If there are many causes of alopecia and urgent intervention is required, complex medication should be prescribed individually:

  • multivitamin complexes with trace elements,
  • immunomodulators,
  • injections of the placenta and aloe extract,
  • ultraviolet irradiation with photosensitizing drugs that are applied to the lesions,
  • with neuroses, sedative sedatives are prescribed,
  • steroid creams,
  • hormonal drugs
  • fortified oil solutions for rubbing.

Once a month it is necessary to trim the ends of the hair to stimulate growth and strengthening. The child should have his own comb and hair care products without soap and chemicals.

Many parents use folk remedies to strengthen hair:

  1. Broth oak bark. It is cooked on low heat for 15-20 minutes. Broth rinse hair after washing. Oak bark strengthens them and returns shine.
  2. To enhance hair growth using onions, which are crushed in a meat grinder, poured brandy and rubbed into the scalp of the child daily. After that, the head is washed under running water.
  3. When baldness will help burdock oil, which is rubbed into the scalp 2-3 times a week, then put on polyethylene and wrap for 20-30 minutes with a towel. To stimulate growth, ground red pepper or mustard can be added to burdock oil (30 mg).
  4. Hair mask from the egg. The raw egg is whipped until smooth and applied to the scalp and hair, which is then hidden under a plastic cap and towel. After half an hour, the hair is rinsed with vinegar diluted with water 1: 1. This mask is used 2 times a week and helps strengthen the hair and saturate them with vitamins.
  5. Nourishing mask. Homemade mayonnaise is rubbed into the scalp and hair, which is covered with polyethylene and removed for 30 minutes under a towel. After that, rinse the head with warm water and wash with shampoo.
  6. To strengthen and nourish the hair do rubbing kefir, rinsing bread kvass.
Egg masks effectively solve baldness and hair loss problems.

What not to do?

The problem of balding children should be approached very seriously and not self-medicating. All medicines are selected individually, depending on the causes of alopecia.

  1. It is not necessary to include drugs intended for adults in children's therapy, since the dosage of the incoming components is not designed for children. In addition, many ingredients are prohibited for use in medical practice in children.
  2. When prescribing alopecia remedies, the doctor takes into account the individual characteristics of each child, including excluding the presence of allergies. If the use of therapeutic shampoo or cream in one child causes an improvement, then the other can result in bouts of suffocation and anaphylactic shock. For drugs that cause allergies, include essential and vegetable oils, so they, too, are not recommended to prescribe independently.
  3. Oil masks that clog the sebaceous glands should not be applied to the scalp - this leads to a violation of their function.
  4. You can not shave your head well and shortly cut the child, because hair follicles are damaged from this and alopecia occurs.
  5. Do not pull the girls' hair, pull out matted hairs that could not comb. Children's hair is very weak, so rough actions harm the hair follicles, disrupting their growth (see also: good children's hair shampoo).

How does the disease manifest?

Focal hair loss can begin to manifest itself from three years of age without gender restrictions. The disease can develop in both boys and girls and manifests itself in the following forms:

  • local - baldness on the head is formed in the form of individual lesions, mostly round,
  • serpentine - bald patches begin to appear in the neck in the form of a tape and gradually pass into the temporal region,
  • subtotal - centers of baldness are interconnected,
  • total - the complete absence of hair.

In children, as well as in adults, in the advanced stage, there is a deformation and fading of the nail plates. With this symptom, the prognosis for recovery worsens.

Hair loss can go through three stages:

  • progressive, when the whole hair zones are formed in children with a little effort ready to fall out,
  • stationary, on which such zones are not detected,
  • stage of regression, when on the spot bald spots begin to penetrate the fluffy hair, which gradually thicken, keranitized and pigmented.

In children, with a mild disease course, hair can recover spontaneously. But there are, of course, incurable cases in which alopecia remains resistant to treatment.

What causes the disease?

Defining the causes of alopecia areata in children, doctors find the relationship of the problem with the following malfunctions of the body:

  • endocrine disruption,
  • change in the function of the adrenal cortex,
  • neurological disorders
  • stressful situations
  • vegetovascular disorders
  • immune failure,
  • injuries
  • viral diseases
  • chemotherapy for cancer.

The reasons for which the child begins to lose hair, are also rooted in hereditary factors, since a quarter of children with this problem have ancestors in the family with this disease. A large number of dermatologists still see the causes of alopecia in the action of the autoimmune response of the body, when hair follicles begin to be perceived as foreign bodies, and a large number of immune cells begin to form at the sites of their appearance.

Principles of therapy

At the first signs of beginning loss, you should immediately contact a dermatologist to establish the cause and type of baldness. Differential diagnosis is mandatory to exclude such a common disorder in childhood as trichotillomania, when the child pulls out the hair on his head. With focal alopecia, the doctor during the inspection notes the presence of redness, swelling, discoloration of the skin, areas of broken and loose hair are found. Conducted microscopy of the rod, which in the place of breakage resembles a torn thread.

However, there are general guidelines that should be applied with any treatment regimen:

  • For nesting baldness is characterized by the appearance of separate areas devoid of hair, but the entire surface of the head and, if necessary, the nail plate should be treated.
  • Both a sick child and parents should be prepared for the fact that the treatment will be long, and the first results will be noticeable no earlier than three months after it begins.
  • It is important for the period of treatment to minimize stressful situations and to ensure the psychological calm of the child.
  • Therapy of any type of baldness is accompanied by the intake of multivitamin complexes.

Means and methods of treatment

Dermatologists are of the view that, regardless of the cause of the disease, therapy should be comprehensive and based on a strictly individual approach. First of all, it should be aimed at eliminating background and associated diseases. Then means are used to improve the processes of cell nutrition and microcirculation of the skin, and preparations are prescribed that contain silicon to restore the core structure, as well as substances that stimulate the reproduction of epidermal cells.

Currently, the treatment of focal alopecia in children is carried out by several types of tools and methods:

  • irritating substances
  • contact allergens,
  • non-specific and specific immunosuppressive drugs,
  • growth stimulants that affect the bulbs,
  • physiotherapeutic methods.

Irritating substances

Among the annoying remedies, medicine still does not reject hot pepper tincture, juice from such plants as garlic, horseradish, onions, lemongrass and eucalyptus spirit tinctures.

But the most effective synthetic anthraclin-based irritant, marketed under the name "Dithranol". In childhood, its use is possible only under the supervision of a physician.

Treatment with this drug is phased with a gradual increase in the time of its exposure from 20 minutes in the first two weeks of therapy to an hour after a month of use.

The first results, provided that the foci of balding are small, become noticeable after three months of use.


The use of steroid drugs, both local and systemic, give good results when nesting alopecia is treated. But injections of glucocorticosteroids into the affected area are not recommended in childhood because of their pain. Do not apply to children and systemic steroids, which is associated with a large number of side effects.

Dermatologists in the treatment regimen of children, first of all, include ointments and gels for external use.

Popular in childhood is such a scheme:

  • Applying a small amount of peppermint or other alcoholic irritant to excite the damped activity of the hair follicles.

  • The use of hormonal ointment "Ftorokort" once a day in a small amount and provided that other methods do not help.

In general practice, corticosteroid ointment is recommended to use only from 14 years of age.

Growth stimulants

The “Minoxidil” solution, which is so widely used for the treatment of focal alopecia in adults, is forbidden to be taken in childhood. But if other drugs are ineffective, the doctors use Minoxidil in their practice. It helps to increase the diameter of the hair and the length of the follicle, normalizes its life cycle. Most often, Minoxidil is used in combination with drugs that have an irritating effect, for example, with Dithranol.

Vitaminized remedies

As therapeutic and prophylactic drugs such vitamin complexes as “Volvit” are used. It includes a set of vitamins and microelements, among which biotin is the most important for hair - a vitamin of group B. Biotin is a source of sulfur, the lack of which quickly affects the structure of the rod, as it is a building material for the production of collagen.

Concept and description

What is alopecia?

Alopecia in a child is characterized pathological degree of hair thinningwhen their life cycle is violated.

The process of hair growth occurs in 3 stages:

  1. Anagen - growth phase (lasts about 2-5 years).
  2. Catagen - intermediate stage (lasts 2-4 weeks).
  3. Telogen - stage of withering away.

With alopecia, the duration of these hair growth phases is violated in such a way that the length of the growth stage is reduced, therefore the amount of hair falling out begins to exceed the number of newly appearing.

This leads to thinning of hair, the formation of various foci of baldness (depending on the type of alopecia).

Hair loss - natural process for any person, while in the normal state hairs that have been dropped are always replaced with new ones.

If this process is broken, and during the day a person loses a large amount of hair, we can talk about the presence of pathology caused by one or other reasons.

Disease classification

There are the following types of alopecia in children:

  • congenital alopecia. This problem is quite rare. Appears as a result of any congenital disorders (for example, diseases of the endocrine system, pathology of the skin of the scalp). As a result of these reasons, the child lacks some of the hair follicles, or they are not sufficiently developed. Therefore, hair in this area may be absent,
  • physiological alopecia. It is observed in children of the first year of life, when the baby has a strong hair loss on the forehead, the back of the head. This condition is not a pathology, does not require any treatment, because after some time hair growth resumes in the normal mode,
  • focal (nesting) alopecia. In the presence of this pathology on the head of the child, you can notice specific foci of baldness (areas where there is no hair). This disease occurs as a result of disorders in the immune system, caused by various kinds of autoimmune diseases,
  • seborrheic alopecia. The cause of the development of the disease are diseases of the scalp (seborrhea of ​​various kinds). This pathology occurs most often in adolescents during puberty,
  • baldness atrophy. This pathology mainly affects older women, however, signs of the disease can be seen in children. When baldness of this species is observed thinning of the hairline in the forehead and crown.

Recommendations of experts on the prevention of acclimatization in children can be found on our website.

Editorial Board

There are a number of conclusions about the dangers of detergent cosmetics. Unfortunately, not all newly-made moms listen to them. In 97% of baby shampoos, the hazardous substance Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) or its analogues is used. Many articles have been written about the effects of this chemistry on the health of both children and adults. At the request of our readers, we tested the most popular brands. The results were disappointing - the most publicized companies showed the presence of those most dangerous components. In order not to violate the legal rights of manufacturers, we cannot name specific brands. The company Mulsan Cosmetic, the only one who passed all the tests, successfully received 10 points out of 10. Each product is made from natural ingredients, completely safe and hypoallergenic. Surely recommend the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed 10 months. Come carefully to the choice of cosmetics, it is important for you and your child.

Causes of hair loss

Among the root causes that cause violations of the life cycle of hair include:

  1. Pathologies acquired in the prenatal period of development, as well as hereditary predisposition.
  2. Violations at work immune system (decreased immunity, the presence of autoimmune diseases).
  3. Various treatment methods other pathologies in the body (for example, surgery, use of chemotherapy).
  4. Poor nutrition, insufficient intake of essential vitamins and trace elements (in particular, vitamins of group B, folic acid, selenium, zinc, etc.).
  5. Diseases accompanied by the counter hyperthermia, intoxication organism.
  6. Mechanical damage scalp (for example, when wearing too tight hairstyles).

There are a number of additional negative factorswhich can lead to hair loss:

  1. Violations of the nervous system (stress, overwork).
  2. Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  3. Bad habits (for example, the habit of constantly touching your hair, twisting them on your finger).
  4. Burns of the scalp, violation of the integrity of the skin.
  5. Diseases accompanied by the development of inflammatory processes in the body.
  6. Taking certain groups of medicines (for example, antibiotics).
  7. Staphylococcal infection.
  8. Avitaminosis, hypervitaminosis.
  9. Other pathologies.
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Risk groups

Alopecia in newborns may occur due to reasons such as rickets (in this case, the doctor prescribes a number of studies to confirm or deny the presence of this pathology), as well as physiological reasons when the child’s hairs are thinning from rubbing the head against the pillow.

In this case, no special treatment is required, as the process of hair growth normalizes over time.

Children aged 1-3 years. The main cause of hair loss, in addition to the diseases mentioned above, is considered baby's habit of constantly pulling his hairpulling strands. As a rule, by the age of 3–4, this passes; otherwise, the child will need a psychological consultation.

At the age of 3-7 years, when a child begins to actively explore the world around him, to communicate with his peers, he rises fungal infection riskwhich can cause alopecia.

In addition, children at this age have an increased risk of developing autoimmune conditions, which also negatively affects the density of hair.

Children at the age of 7 begin to attend school, change their daily routine. At that time emotional and physical stress increases on a child, which undoubtedly causes fatigue and stress - conditions that can lead to hair loss.

Older children are subject to hormonal fluctuations (for example, during puberty). Such hormonal surges affect the condition of the hair is not the best way.

How does it manifest itself?

The clinical picture of alopecia in children depends primarily on the type of disease.

So, focal (nesting) alopecia characterized by the appearance of specific areas on the scalp where there are no hair (centers of baldness).

These foci have a different diameter (1-15 cm), clear boundaries, round or oval shape. As a rule, these areas appear in the region of the neck or crown. Over time, the lesions grow, merge with each other and form total baldness.

Alopecia areata is characterized by a change in the hair shaft. Hair becomes brittle, thickened at the roots and thinned at the tips. Expanding mouth of the hair follicles.

With atrophy alopecia patches of baldness have an irregular shape. The skin does not change, there is no flaking, inflammation, the mouth of the follicles have a normal appearance.

It is impossible to completely cure the pathology, however, correct therapy allows you to stop the development of the disease.

With seborrheic alopecia a change in the state of the hair coat is noted, the hair becomes fatter, specific scales and crusts appear on the scalp. In this case, the child feels itchy, burning. The child often scratches his head, injuring the skin.

As a result, hair follicles are also damaged, resulting in increased hair loss. Over time, areas of baldness (in the forehead, crown) are formed on the head.


The patient is prescribed the following groups of drugs (depending on the cause of alopecia):

  • nootropics, sedatives are recommended for frequent stresses, emotional fatigue,
  • immunomodulators allow you to strengthen the body's defenses
  • vitamin preparations oil-based are used for local use, can strengthen hair follicles, normalize the nutrition of the scalp. Not recommended for seborrheic alopecia,
  • drugs intended for treatment underlying diseasewhich caused alopecia.
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Folk remedies

Use of traditional medicine can only be prescribed by the attending physician.

In this case, you should choose only the most gentle and safe methods of treatment. So, children are well suited rinsing hair with herbal decoction (chamomile, nettle).

This procedure helps to strengthen the hair shaft, the normalization of sebaceous processes in the scalp.

Affected skin can be treated burdock oil.

This tool does not cause allergies, is well suited for all skin types, promotes enhanced hair growth.

The prognosis of treatment depends not only on how timely the treatment was started, but also on the type of alopecia. So, atrophy alopecia is not treatable, all that can be done is to stop the development of pathology.

It is important to remember that over time, pathological processes, regardless of the type of baldness, become irreversible, therefore, are not amenable to therapy.

If necessary measures are not taken in time, alopecia can lead to significant or complete loss of hair.


Watch the video: Treating Alopecia areata, a common cause for hair loss. For medical education- NSFE. (July 2024).