Eyebrows and eyelashes

All about permanent eyebrow tattoo


Publication from PERMANENT MAKEUP (@onika_elena) Mar 12, 2018 at 1:45 PDT

If you want beautiful eyebrows for a long time, choose a tattoo. He can hold more than five years. Tattoo is performed with a special machine with a needle. Afraid that the eyebrows then become too bright, blue-black, you should not. Now professionals work only with the upper layer of the skin - the epidermis, new techniques allow to achieve the most natural effect. There are several types of tattoo.

Hair technique

Master draws literally every hair. This way you can correct the asymmetry and turn narrow eyebrows into fashionable wide ones. Permanent make-up hair technique is performed as a hardware method, and manual. The most popular is microblading. When applying paint, a pen with a blade is used, which the specialist draws eyebrows with. They are very natural. The effect lasts about two years.

Shooting, or shading

After stitching eyebrows look less natural, but more impressive. It seems that they are slightly tinted with shadows or a pencil. The master first draws the contour, and then fills it with soft, scratching movements of the machine. When shading, a color gradient is applied - the eyebrows make it lighter at the base and darker at the tip.

Mixed technology

It is a mixture of hair method and shading. The beautician first draws the hairs, and then applies the shading technique - creates a shadow between them. This is the longest and most expensive procedure.

3D technology

This is the same mixed technique tattoo eyebrow with a spectacular name. In a figure (2D, 6D), the salons express the promised result - to what extent the eyebrows will eventually be thick and clear. The higher it is, the more expensive the cost.

Publication from Permanent Makeup (@yana_pohilova) Nov 22, 2017 at 4:48 PST

Beauticians recommend that the lips be tattooed after 35–40 years old when the lips begin to fade and the contour is blurred. Micro punctures are made on the lips, into which the coloring pigment is entered. Nowadays, professional salons use only natural plant and mineral components to minimize harm. Technician there are several.


Those who want to emphasize the lips a little or correct the asymmetry will suit the contour technique. The master will pass the needle only along the contour of the lips with a natural tint slightly brighter than the natural. Lips become more expressive.

Contour with shading

Here, shooting is added to the eyeliner. Lips are emphasized along the contour and partially painted over. The master selects the pigment according to the color of your lips (or according to your wishes) and blends with a thick needle. The paint is applied about three millimeters. So you can visually enlarge the lips and add volume to them.


Here the lips are painted completely with pigment, and the contour is not highlighted. Used two colors with a difference of about the tone. The brightest color is at the contour. Gradually he turns pale, which also adds volume. Watercolor technology in permanent make-up - the most invisible and natural.

3D technology

This is the longest and painstaking method. The master completely paints lips with several pigments. Usually, three shades are used. One draws a contour, and the other two draw a volume. This tattoo is recommended for mature women. The effect lasts five to seven years.

Publication of tattoo eyebrows, lips, century Almaty (@tatuazh_almaty_versailles) Sep 17, 2017 at 10:49 PDT

Today, it’s not at all necessary to draw arrows in the morning every day, because ideal lines can be made once every few years. There is an invisible eyelid tattoo, which can make the eyes more expressive. We analyze the possible options.

Coloring of the intersplit space

This permanent makeup technology is suitable for girls and women of all ages. The master is covered with pigment between the eyelashes, making the line brighter. With the use of anesthetics, the procedure is completely painless. The cross-page tattoo visually increases the thickness of the eyelashes and allows you to correct the asymmetry of the eyes.


A perfectly even arrow is applied to the eyelids. The pigment is injected with a small needle. During the procedure, there may be a slight discomfort. But here we must remember that the effect of permanent makeup on the eyelids lasts three to five years. And during this time you may get bored walking with arrows.

Art permanent

This is the most difficult and most risky type of permanent. The wizard creates an image for you for several years - draws arrows and shadows depending on preferences. To create such a long-term make-up, it is better to turn to a proven master, and before going to the salon to study the methods of mixing tattoo.

Publication from Permanent Makeup SPb (@artwomen_pm) Nov 1, 2017 at 11:56 PDT

With the help of permanent technician today you can finish your hair. A permanent is performed by analogy with a brow tattoo and allows you to hide bald areas, trichopigmentation or scars. Master imitates the growth of hair on the head.

What is permanent tattoo eyebrows and what is it for?

Such a service is one of the most sought after in beauty salons, because thanks to her You can not only achieve color correction, but also hide minor defects (scars, gaps, bleached spots).

Permanent permanent make-up depending on the technique is performed by different types of needles, other additional tools can also be used.

Depending on the method chosen also pigment penetration depth varies under the skin.

And the deeper it lies and is distributed - the more stable will be the result.

Does it hurt to do?

It is impossible to objectively answer this question, since each person has his own pain threshold.

Some tolerate the procedure easily, and even anesthesia does not help someone.

The eyebrow area is in principle considered one of the most painful areas when tattooing and tattooing., because the skin in these areas is very thin and tight to the bone.

Therefore, the nerve endings lie close to the surface.

In the same time much depends on the technique of execution: If microbleeding is performed, in which micro incisions are made, the pain will be more noticeable.

When powdered spraying pain almost completely absent.

Varieties of permanent tattoo

  1. Hairy.
    One of the most complex varieties, in which each hair is “drawn” by the coloring pigment along a predetermined contour.
    The master, depending on the sketch, can change the direction, thickness and shape of the drawn “hairs”.
    Thus, you can create a smooth and uniform hair coat, and you can make it less neat and more natural.
    Keeps such a tattoo, depending on the type of skin and paint for at least three, but not more than five years.
  2. Powdery.
    The procedure is performed by injecting paint at a shallow depth using a fine needle machine.
    The advantage of this method is in the variety of choice of colors and shades and the possibility of combining them with each other by the overlay method.
    This technique allows you to adjust the thickness and contour of the eyebrows.
    But clear lines in this case can not be achieved: the edges will be smooth and natural, as if feathered with a cosmetic pencil.
  3. Microblading.
    Complicated procedure in which a thin blade is used instead of a needle.
    He master cuts along the hairs, in which the pigment is injected.
    The procedure is quite painful, and the paint at the same time penetrates deeper than when performing other types of tattoo.
    But at the same time we can confidently guarantee that the result will be maintained for at least three years.

How to prepare for the procedure?

Training to permanent tattoo starts a few weeks before the procedure.

In most clinics, a specialist will require a certificate from the clinic in the community about the state of human health.

If a person is undergoing treatment with potent drugs, it must be completed at least two weeks before the procedure.

Especially if antibiotics, glucocorticosteroids and blood thinning drugs are taken.

2-3 days before the procedure should be abandoned the following foods and drinks:

  • roast,
  • fatty dishes
  • hot spices
  • coffee,
  • carbonated drinks,
  • energy,
  • alcohol in any form.

About within a week you should stop visiting the beaches and tanning salons: It is desirable that during the procedure there is no fresh tan on the skin.

In addition, the skin becomes coarser under the action of sunlight and may, because of this, not perceive the pigments of some colors.

Despite the fact that the master will treat eyebrows with an anesthetic ointment before the procedure, people with an increased pain threshold are advised to additionally take anesthetic pill before visiting the master.

How is the procedure?

  1. The client negotiates with the master the desired color and shapeon the basis of what the sketch is made.
    Subsequently, it is transferred to the eyebrows with a special cosmetic pencil and is finally corrected.
  2. The skin is treated with a lidocaine-containing anesthetic cream., after which you must wait for about 10 minutes, until the pain reliever begins to act.
  3. The specialist installs a needle in the gun for tattoo and begins to process his eyebrow along the contour outlined.
  4. Within an hour the procedure is completed and the master treats the skin with an antiseptic composition.

After care

Immediately after the procedure, pain and tingling can be felt, eyebrows may turn red, puffiness appears, but these are natural consequences that will disappear within the first two days.

Then the most crucial period begins: rehabilitation.

At this time for the client certain restrictions will apply wherein some required procedures will be required:

  1. Hair for a week can not touch and prevent their contact with other surfaces.
    Otherwise, there is a risk of infection, and the skin at this place will heal more slowly if it is constantly disturbed.
  2. In the first two days to the place of procedure 1-2 times a day it is necessary to apply moisturizing and healing creamsit is better to use bepanten or panthenol.
  3. In the first days of the eyebrows ooze will trickle.
    You can clean it directly from the eyebrows by slightly soaking them with a dry, clean cloth.
  4. During the first week, when the tummy disappears, at the procedure site a crust will form.
    This indicates the beginning of the final stage of healing. Crust rip off: it should peel off naturally.
  5. You cannot wet eyebrows in the first week., and you need to wash quickly and carefully, without using any hygiene products.
  6. Sunlight on the eyebrows should also be excluded.
    It is better to leave the house only when necessary. and in sunglasses.
  7. Saunas, baths and swimming pools are prohibited.
  8. Cosmetics can not be used for 3-4 weeks after the tattoo.

If you follow all these guidelines - The healing process will take no more than a month.

By this time, the contour and color will be completely formed, and the puffiness will completely subside, and even if there was a slight asymmetry that scares customers in the first days, it will also disappear.

How long does the effect last?

  • How accurately did the client comply with the specialist’s instructions regarding the recovery period,
  • skin type
  • type of procedure
  • pigment color
  • paint manufacturer.

If hair tattooing was performed - the result will be longer (up to five years).

After microblading, the color persists for 2-3 years, and in the case of powder coating, a lot depends on the number of layers.

But in general You can guarantee the stability of the result from a year to three.

Possible negative consequences

Complications and negative consequences after tattooing mostly arise when hygiene regulations are not followed and as a result of master errors.

The consequences may be:

  • infection and syphilis, herpes or hepatitis (may occur when using a non-sterile instrument, or with improper care in the first few days),
  • education scars and scars,
  • unstoppable bleeding,
  • paint rejection or the manifestation of an allergic reaction to it.


Tattoo has many contraindications, the main of which are:

  • diabetes,
  • hemophilia and other diseases that affect blood clotting,
  • epilepsy,
  • oncological diseases,
  • HIV and AIDS
  • nervous disorders, due to which the client during the procedure may behave inadequately,
  • serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system
  • warts, papillomas and birthmarks on the eyebrows.

There are relative contraindications: these are conditions, diseases and factors in which a tattoo is possible only after their removal.

What is the difference between permanent makeup and eyebrow tattoo?

Procedures have much in common with the technique, and the differences relate only to the thickness of the needles used and the composition of the pigments used.

In addition - the tattoo is a more “thin” procedure.

With it, you can achieve almost any desired effect and shade of eyebrows.

The result is more natural.

Can pregnant women do permanent eyebrow tattooing?

Pregnancy is an one of the relative contraindications in which the tattoo is not done.

This is associated with many risks: stress, potentially affecting the process of carrying and possible infection, which can affect not only the mother, but also the child.

In practice, tattooing in many salons is done even for pregnant women, if the term is small enough. (up to three months) and other contraindications are absent.

Procedure cost

In Moscow and St. Petersburg this procedure will cost an average from 7 000 to 15 000 rubles and above.

In regions and small salons prices below: within 6,000.

Below are some reviews. If you have something to say - leave your feedback in the comments below the article, it will be useful to our readers.

"I am a blonde by nature, and I have very bright eyebrows, and over the years, they generally almost become invisible.

I decided to have a tattooto at least designate them, and for this chose a wheat color.

To me really likedhow everything turned out in the end: eyebrows low key, but they are very noticeable.

In the first two weeks it was even very bright and I thought that the master and I were wrong in color, but in time the color evened out. ”

Maria Baklanovskaya, 29 years old.

“In my youth, there was no tattoo, and my friends drew eyebrows with black pencils, ink and everything, just to emphasize the look in this way.

I had the same problem, and when I became an adult held woman, I decided drastically fix the problem and make tattoo.

I am not very happy with the result, because in the cabin I did a little wrong shape, which was assumed, and the staff acknowledged that this was the mistake of their specialist.

However, this is not such a large error, which not particularly striking, and this result is still better than it was before».

Tatiana Shulga, St. Petersburg.

"I did a tattoo a few years ago: it was necessary to make the eyebrows a little thicker and darker.

Everything turned out well externallybut for some reason the master did not warn me that on the paint may be allergic.

As a result, I suffered about three months, experiencing constant itching.

Then this feeling passed (as they explained to me in another salon - part of the pigment came out, and its amount became uncritical, therefore allergic reactions disappeared).

I think I personally got off easy, but I want to warn others: girls, be sure to pass an allergy test before a tattoo, otherwise the consequences can be serious».

Ekaterina Govorova, Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

Useful video

From this video you will learn how to do permanent eyebrow tattooing:

Permanent tattoo eyebrows considered safe procedurewhich allows you to create the desired image without special financial and temporary costs.

If you follow all the precautions and turn to a good specialist, you can not worry either for your health or for the aesthetics of the final result.

But at the same time it is necessary to take into account contraindications and make sure that the dye is tolerated by the body without a negative reaction.

Eyebrow permanent makeup: what is it

Permanent makeup - giving the correct shape and the desired shade of eyebrows by subcutaneous injection of resistant pigment, which is a natural dye.

In essence, this procedure resembles a tattoo, but unlike a real tattoo, it is inserted under the skin to a depth not exceeding 1 mm and lasts about a year, sometimes up to 7 years, depending on the individual characteristics of the body and the qualifications of the master, as well as the quality of the material used.

It is performed under local anesthesia in a beauty salon.

How to choose the color and shape of eyebrows

It is very important to choose the right shade and shape of the eyebrows, so as not to spoil the appearance, since it is almost impossible to correct the flaws in the future.

Therefore, before you make permanent eyebrow makeup, be careful about the choice of the wizard.

Experienced cosmetologists at the beginning of work are interested in customers, what result they want to get.

As a rule, they advise fair-haired ladies to consider a gray-brown palette, ginger and blondes - reddish-brown shades, brown-haired women - chocolate gamma.

It is important to know that when applying the tattoo do not use black color, because, coming into contact with the skin, it gets a bluish tint and resembles the seemingly old tattoo.

To achieve the desired dark shade, mix gray, brown and olive color.

Determine the shape of the eyebrows by trial and error.

Conduct experiments with a pencil: draw in front of a mirror possible options and take a picture of the most suitable. This will facilitate the work of the master. In some cases, keep the shape of the eyebrows, formed at birth.

Technique performing permanent makeup

Having defined the shade and shape of the brow ridges, the master makes a sketch on paper and then transfers it to the body with a pencil. Then he applies an analgesic that suppresses pain during the procedure.

Permanent permanent eyebrow makeup is performed by a special apparatus, equipped with a nozzle - a container for the dye and a hole for inserting a needle.

Both items are designed for individual use, so the master in the presence of the client must charge the device with tools.

It is important that a brow specialist work in disposable sterile gloves.

The process of modeling the eyebrows in many ways resembles a tattoo: using a needle, the coloring pigment is embedded in the epidermis, coloring the skin in the desired shade. Due to local anesthesia, application is painless.

Rarely owners of super sensitive skin feel a little discomfort.

Permanent makeup is applied for a little over an hour, on average, about an hour and a half. In the future, a correction will be required (approximately six months), lasting no more than an hour.

There are three techniques for permanent makeup:

Feathering or stitching is eyebrow “drawing.” Finished eyebrows make the impression as if they were drawn in pencil or shadows.

Shadow permanent tattoo eyebrows is considered a universal technique and is suitable for almost everyone.

Hair technique - applying pigment with small linear strokes, repeating the shape of hairs. Ideal for bearers of beautifully defined natural eyebrows with sparse hair.

The permanent gives the brow ridges brightness, they become more expressive.

Combined technique (tattoo 3D), combining the above methods. Assessing the initial state of the superciliary arches, the master divides them into parts, on each of which he applies a particular application technique.

It requires a longer time, but allows you to get the most natural eyebrows, apparently no different from the natural.

In the photo of permanent eyebrow makeup you can see the application of the above methods.

The main requirement for eyebrows, regardless of the technique of the procedure - a natural appearance.

However, it is important to treat it with maximum responsibility: to choose an experienced graduate and a salon that works with certified raw materials and has positive customer reviews.

Who is contraindicated persistent makeup

There are a number of contraindications to the procedure of permanent tattoo of eyebrows. These include the presence of the following diseases and pathologies:

  • mental disorders and epileptic seizures,
  • high blood sugar
  • insulin dependence,
  • circulatory system diseases
  • malignant tumors
  • acute inflammations and infections
  • weak vascular walls,
  • hemophilia,
  • the presence of human immunodeficiency virus,
  • poor immune system
  • scaly and dry skin.

It is allowed to hold a persistent makeup in the period of carrying a child and breastfeeding.

However, the procedure is possible after consulting a gynecologist and in strict compliance with the recommendations given by him.

How to properly care for persistent makeup

Immediately after the permanent tattooing procedure, the eyebrows look reddened and puffy and require careful grooming in order to prevent possible complications and the appearance of allergic reactions.

With proper care, the very next day, skin problems will disappear, and the natural color will be restored immediately after the permanent gets fixed under the skin.

In total, the healing process lasts on average about 8 days.

This procedure is accompanied by the formation of a thin crust of lymph, dye residues and ichor. It protects the epidermis, promoting rapid tissue repair.

In no case do not remove the formed crust, otherwise the permanent will become faded or will not be fixed at all.

Intentional removal of the sore will contribute to the formation of a keloid scar, accompanied by inflammation.

Within three weeks after the application of tattoo eyebrows should refrain from the following procedures:

  • visit the bath / sauna, solarium,
  • sunbathe and stay in the sun for a long time
  • swim in saline or chlorinated water
  • use cosmetics with moisturizing, nourishing, rejuvenating and other side effects,
  • apply makeup to the eyebrows,
  • apply hormonal / antibacterial ointment,
  • to peel.

During this period, eyebrows should be treated with antiseptic agents, for example, miramistinom, chlorhexidine, as well as the application of special ointments - panthenol, bepantena. To make processing accurately by means of a wadded tampon.

After three weeks, you will be pleased with healed permanent eyebrow makeup.

You will be able to evaluate the result and draw a conclusion about the need to make an additional adjustment. Note that the final brow tint will be 30% lighter than the initial.

When deciding to perform a tattoo of eyebrows, remember that this is a very important procedure, almost not amenable to change in case of an undesirable result.

Weigh the weight of the pros and cons, choose a qualified and experienced craftsman working with high-quality products.

“Comfortable makeup”

Technique of permanent makeup appeared in Russia in the 90s and is still evolving. Every year there are more and more new devices for its implementation and many different schools are opened, teaching this art. Permanent makeup (it is also called contour makeup, tattoo) is an introduction to the top layer of skin with special dyes. Depth of introduction usually does not exceed half a millimeter. With the help of such a technique, a persistent pattern is created on the face in order to improve appearance. Permanent makeup can visually enlarge or reduce the eyes, highlight the cheekbones, add volume to the lips, and also hide minor imperfections of the face.

Difference of a contour make-up from a tattoo

The first significant difference is how long a permanent eyebrow makeup and tattoo are held. We all know that tattoo (tattoo) - is an international term, which is used to refer to such a procedure as impaling a pattern on the body. The depth of injection of paint under the skin is more than 1 millimeter, and that is why it is very difficult to withdraw. Since permanent makeup is made to a depth of less than half a millimeter, a correction should be made every 2 years.

In addition, the material and the tool that is used with these techniques is different. When performing a tattoo, more gentle paints are used on a natural basis. Most often, the removal of permanent eyebrow makeup is not required, just need to wait until the pigment is discolored. How much the tattoo keeps depends on the type of skin and metabolic processes in a person.

Brow Coloring at Home

As a rule, the technique of contour makeup is performed with special pigments and devices with a needle. That is why it is difficult to make a tattoo at home. However, there are 2 ways that can give a good result.

First, you can invite the master of contour makeup on the house. As a rule, this service is provided in clinics and beauty parlors, however, some specialists are ready to perform this procedure at home. All that is required is the necessary tools and pigments. Such a permanent eyebrow makeup at home can save you time.

The second method can be considered staining with a special paint. It does not require special skills and devices. This method is good before you decide on a permanent makeup. This will allow you to independently choose the shape and color of eyebrows and get used to them.

Eyebrow tinting with special paint

It is simple to carry out coloring at home. This will require: fat cream, eyebrow paint (available in any cosmetic department), cotton pads and sticks. It is very important not to pull out the eyebrows before dyeing, because the paint can get into the empty pores, and colored spots form at this place.

A cream is applied to the area around the eyebrows and only then the coloring matter is applied. Wash residues with a cotton swab smeared with cream. After 20 minutes, the paint can be washed with wet cotton pads. How long does permanent eyebrow makeup, made at home in this way, depends on skin type and quality of the material. As a rule, after a week there is almost no trace of staining. This allows you to experiment with different shades and shapes.

When the desired shape of eyebrows successfully chosen, you can safely go to a specialist in permanent makeup to fix the result for a long time.

Materials used for tattoo

Surely, those who want to do contour make-up are very concerned about the question, what kind of tools and colors this technique is performed and how do permanent eyebrow makeup in modern salons.

Equipment for tattooing differ in the way they work: manual and automatic. If an electromotor drives a needle in the last, then in the first one - a specialist's hand. Of course, manual machines at the moment are extremely rare, since the technique of performing the procedure with this device is much more complicated and longer.

Automatic machines for contour makeup look like a ballpoint pen. They are very convenient to use. For each such mechanism there is a set of special needles. It is very important that the packaging with a needle, which you will do permanent makeup, was opened in front of you.

The palette of pigments for tattoo eyebrows is very large. There are a variety of colors and shades. A professional master will surely help you to choose the eyebrow shade that suits you. The choice of eyebrow color depends on the hair color. It is believed that blondes fit brown shades, and brunettes and brown-haired - black and gray. As a rule, in the salons take pictures of patients before and after such a procedure as permanent makeup eyebrows. The photo before and after is done so that you can evaluate the result.

Tattoo make slowly and very carefully. This procedure is almost painless. Permanent makeup of eyebrows, as a rule, is done within an hour, and the place where the needle will be inserted must be anesthetized.

Does the tattoo of eyebrows require special care?

At its core, this procedure involves the violation of the skin and, like any wound, requires care. On those places where the permanent make-up of eyebrows is done, before and after the procedure, various creams are applied. Before the tattoo is applied anesthetic cream-gel, and after - cream for quick healing (for example, "Bepanten").

It is also recommended not to wet the eyebrows with water for a week (until the crust comes off). It should not be ripped off, because at this time the pigment is absorbed into the subcutaneous layer. The paint, which is used for tattoo eyebrows, is very sensitive to sunlight. When exposed to ultraviolet light, it loses saturation. When visiting a solarium, as well as with long exposure to the sun on the skin, it is recommended to use a protective cream against UV rays.

Various techniques of applying contour eyebrow makeup

There are three different methods of performing tattoo. The choice of this or that technique depends on the structure of your own eyebrows and on the expected result. The master in the salon, as a rule, helps to choose the necessary equipment individually, but in any case the choice is up to the client. In addition, in different beauty salons, only certain tattoo techniques can be provided. In most cases, this depends on the availability of the tool, and the skill of the specialist.

Hair permanent makeup eyebrows. What it is and why it is used

This technique involves drawing the missing eyebrow hairs. This is a very hard work. It happens that the eyebrows do not grow at all or have certain bald spots. In this case, the tattoo specialist, together with the client, select the desired eyebrow contour and trace it on the skin with a special pencil. In the place where the hair is missing, the master draws them with special pigments. It happens that after various injuries or with age, the hairs completely stop growing. In this case, this technique will also give excellent results.

Shading technique

This type of tattoo is suitable for those who have a great eyebrow shape, but too dull color. A slightly blurry contour is also applied, which gives the form a natural look. On any face it will look very gently feathered permanent makeup eyebrows. What it is, easy to guess.The technique is the filling (shading) of those areas where the color is less saturated. In this form of tattoo is supposed to use several shades of pigments. It helps to create more natural brow shades.

Many prefer exactly the shading technique, because it is less painful and takes 40 minutes to complete. There is also another version of this type of contour make-up - this is the oriental shading technique. In this case, permanent eyebrow makeup is performed in more intense shades.

Newest tattoo technology

Today, 3D permanent eyebrow makeup is very popular. What it is, it became known recently. This is a relatively new brow tattoo technique. It includes the drawing of hairs, and their shading. This technique allows you to create a volumetric pattern of eyebrows, even if they are not at all. This procedure is expensive, but has several advantages. First, permanent 3D eyebrow makeup looks very natural. Even near it is very difficult to determine its presence. Only having touched an eyebrow, it is possible to understand that it is a permanent make-up.

Secondly, the technique of such a tattoo allows you to draw every detail. In such a contour make-up, more than 3 shades of pigments are used, which allows you to experiment with thick and long drawn hairs.

The procedure of permanent makeup eyebrows: what is it

The technique is widely used in cosmetology. This is a kind of tattoo in which the pigment is injected under the skin, but almost does not damage its integrity. The depth of dye injection does not exceed one millimeter.

Thanks to this technique, it is possible to achieve the following results:

  • change the shade of hairs
  • hide aesthetic defects
  • create the perfect shape of the eyebrows and give them a thickness.

There is not a single method of applying permanent makeup. The end result depends on the correct choice.

Permanent eyebrow makeup: spraying

Shadow permanent eyebrow makeup has an amazing effect. The make-up looks like it’s done with shadows or a pencil.

This method of applying the pigment is considered quite complicated. You need to accurately pick up the coloring matter and make the perfect hue transition.

Only an experienced specialist can perform this work.

Hair technique

The peculiarity of this method is that the drawing is drawn in the form of hairs and exactly follows their natural shape and length. Due to this, eyebrows visually look thicker and brighter.

The effect, which gives the technique, it turns out very realistic. This is due to the fact that all the hairs are imitated as accurately as possible. The pigment is injected into the upper layers of the skin. At the same time, it is possible to inject dye into certain areas only, when it is necessary to hide certain defects.

After reviewing the photo before and after performing this makeup, it is clearly visible that significant defects, such as scars and scars, become imperceptible upon completion of the procedure.

Technique watercolor

This is a relatively new tattoo technique that is rapidly gaining popularity among modern fashionistas. Its essence lies in the fact that the paint is applied without keeping the contour. That is why the effect is natural.

Makeup is performed using several shades of coloring matter. They are introduced to the minimum depth, creating a play of colors and giving the image a natural look. The effect is quite persistent.

He remained flawless for about three years. If the care of a permanent eyebrow makeup is due, then it will delight the eye much longer.

This procedure is resorted to in the following cases:

  • brow growth uneven,
  • there are aesthetic defects,
  • no bright shade of hairs and lack of a clear contour.

It is not recommended to perform makeup in such cases:

  • during pregnancy and lactation,
  • during critical days
  • in the presence of an allergic reaction to the dye,
  • If there is a pathology of the skin in the history,
  • while taking antibiotics
  • in diabetes insulin form.

Manual equipment

The procedure, though new, is quite popular. This is a manual tattooing method in which all actions are performed with the help of a handle-arm. It is equipped with a very thin needle capable of applying a coloring matter, affecting only the upper layers of the epithelium. Performing make-up in this technique manages to create an imitation of natural hairs.

Among the advantages of this type of make-up are the following:

  • during the procedure, the pain is almost not felt,
  • You can retouch defects by performing partial makeup,
  • after performing all the manipulations, such complications as puffiness, redness and formation of crusts do not occur,
  • minimum term of the recovery period. Healing takes place as soon as possible.

Speaking about how much such a makeup is held, it largely depends on the peculiarities of the skin. On dry epithelium, the pigment will last for a longer period than on the skin of a fat type. On average, the coloring matter does not tarnish for about two years, but correction is still recommended every six months.


This method of applying makeup is suitable for those fashionistas who are afraid to get an undesirable effect and are afraid at the sight of a needle. Dye in this case is henna, which has a natural composition. It is injected under the skin by minor scratching. Thus both eyebrows are drawn.

Despite the fact that this technique is gentle and the fastest, the persistence of makeup turns out to be amazing. The effect lasts up to one and a half months. It does not need to wait until the damaged cover heals.

Yes, and think about how to care for the eyebrows after the procedure, also not necessary. You need to remember only one rule - do not wet your eyebrows for a day after the performed manipulations.

What you need to know about permanent makeup

Regardless of which tattoo technique was chosen, you need to know all the features of this procedure in order to dispel all doubts and avoid unwanted effects:

  1. Permanent makeup and leave are incompatible. If the procedure is carried out before the release, you should not expose the skin to sunlight and contact with sea water. He needs time to fully recover.
  2. Do not shave eyebrows before doing makeup. Even if the cosmetologist asks you to perform these actions, stipulating that it will be easier to work this way, you should not fulfill his request. Often this is the reason why the tattoo is uneven or too dense. Experienced experts say that the hairs need to be grown before the procedure. Initially, it is them that is stained, only then they begin to inject pigment under the skin.
  3. Mandatory sketch design. No matter how experienced the master is, you need to insist on the preliminary preparation of the sketch. The main actions can be started only when the draft version was approved.
  4. Combining botex and permanent makeup can not. The interval between these procedures should be at least two weeks.
  5. Special attention is paid to sterility. Care must be taken to ensure that the master in the process used exclusively sterile instruments, disposable needles and high-quality pigment means. It would not be superfluous to ask him about the availability of a license and work permit.

The progress of the permanent makeup eyebrows

Despite the fact that for many women, the procedure of applying makeup seems complicated, it goes through only a few steps:

  1. The specialist, together with the woman, chooses the most appropriate form of eyebrows and draws it using a special pencil.
  2. At the next stage, the pigment shades are selected to be used in the dyeing process. They should be in harmony with natural hair color and skin tone. For this purpose, about ten shades are resorted to mixing. This is the only way to get the perfect color.
  3. After the color and shape of the eyebrows are selected, applications are made using an anesthetic agent. Thanks to this, all actions that the master will perform will not cause discomfort.
  4. Before starting the main works, all instruments are necessarily sterilized. Needles, while taking only disposable.
  5. After the completion of all preparatory actions, a pigmenting substance is introduced. Manipulations are performed in accordance with the selected technique.
  6. When the procedure is completed, the master makes recommendations for the care of the treated areas and tells about the features of the recovery period. It is extremely important not to leave the house for several hours. You need to wait until the redness and irritation of the skin disappear.

Permanent makeup: the pros and cons

Among the advantages of eyebrow tattoo are the following:

  • there is no need to perform daily make-up, purchase cosmetics and spend a lot of time dyeing eyebrows,
  • the make-up performed in this technique is obtained naturally
  • the pigment is stable, does not spread and is not afraid of moisture,
  • after performing the procedure, the face visually looks younger. The look thus becomes more expressive.

Despite the huge number of advantages of this technique, it has several disadvantages:

  • the effect is only temporary. Depending on the chosen technique, the pigment is stored under the skin from one and a half months to several years,
  • soreness of the procedure. This area of ​​the skin is not sensitive, however, anesthesia should be used. Only at the same time all the manipulations will not cause much discomfort,
  • eyebrow area after performing makeup needs proper care. The skin is inflamed and must be treated with an ointment or cream. During the recovery period, avoid exposure to sunlight:
  • after the procedure, a crust forms on the treated areas, which does not disappear for several days.

Thanks to permanent makeup, eyebrows get the perfect shape and at the same time look natural. The main thing is to choose the right technique before its implementation Only with this will be able to achieve the desired result.

In this video, all the subtleties of step-by-step make-up for beginners are explained and explained. If you are just starting to dive into the world of cosmetics, it is recommended for viewing.

Natural eyebrow technology

A beautiful permanent is created in two ways - machine and manual. The first is safer, although it does not allow the specialist to adjust the depth of paint in different areas.

It is carried out by a tattoo machine, which supplies pigment to the skin through a needle. The second technique is more flexible in terms of the performance of complex works, but in fact is a more modern version of the drawings, used in ancient Egypt. For the tattoo, only the hands of the master, paint and a handle are used. The master completely controls the depth of pigment input.


For those who have light eyebrows with sparse hairs, it is recommended to apply the shading technique. In this method of execution, the pigment is applied in a continuous strip, gently eroding. Due to this, eyebrows acquire tone and thickness without losing their naturalness.

A competent specialist will help you choose the perfect technology and pigment, depending on the wishes of the client and the characteristics of his type of appearance.

Types of eyebrow tattoo

There are two types of permanent makeup: shadow eyebrow feathering looks more brighter and richer than the hair method. This design is suitable for girls who have no eyebrows at all or hairs are very bright. The advantage of this tattoo is that this method is suitable for all skin types. On average, eyebrow tattooing lasts from 2 to 3 years.

Feather eyebrow lasts from 2 to 3 years

Hair method: the result before and after will amaze anyone

The hair method became popular a few years ago. This tattoo looks more natural and natural due to the fact that it is applied in separate lines, in appearance resembling eyebrow hairs. The disadvantage of it lies in its fragility. On average, the tattoo is held no more than one year. This type of makeup is better not to use on oily skin, as the paint will not last long.

Hair tattoo lasts about 1 year

Step by step description of the correction using the laser in the cabin

If the hairs go beyond the drawn shape, they are removed with tweezers.

Remove excess hairs with tweezers

Shadow tattooing is applied only in the salon

On average, the process of applying the pigment takes no more than 2-3 hours. At this time, drawing a sketch, selection of colors and shapes, as well as the tattoo itself. It is worth remembering that before the procedure it is strictly forbidden to consume alcoholic beverages.

Can henna be used immediately after the procedure?

For the first 7 days it is forbidden to apply make-up, drenching, peeling in the treated area. It is not recommended to apply cosmetic creams on the area of ​​tattoo.

After the procedure, the tattoo may swell

You can use only the means that the specialist will write out to relieve inflammation. Often, antiseptics that prevent the growth of bacteria are prescribed for this. One of the known antiseptics is Miramistin.


Watch the video: My Eyebrow Tattoo Experience! (July 2024).