Eyebrows and eyelashes

The best serum for growth and - strengthening eyelashes and eyebrows: rating, price, functions


Lush expressive eyelashes - the dream of every beauty. With such without any additional cosmetic help eyes look incredibly attractive. One snag, not every girl by nature has long eyelashes.

Good that today is not a problem. You can make up thick mascara, you can stick artificial. And even better - make your own thicker and healthier with serum to grow and strengthen eyelashes.

Let's see how this cosmetics works, how effective it is. We will also talk about the basic rules of use, advantages and disadvantages of such tools. We will tell you how to choose the best option.

Why use serum for the growth and attachment of eyelashes

Serum for eyelashes are a cross between firming and healing cosmetics. In their composition a large number of useful elements, so that the tool has an intense effect:

  • nourishes hair follicles, fills every eyelash with essential elements,
  • strengthens the roots, making hair fall less often,
  • stimulates and accelerates growth
  • makes eyelashes stronger, increases their thickness and gives natural volume,
  • restores damaged hairs, makes them more elastic and shiny,
  • gives lashes a rich color,
  • has a rejuvenating effect on the eyelid skin.

Some sera contain coloring pigments. Such tools are not only treated, but also able to make the color of the eyelashes brighter and more saturated, to give an additional shade. The rest of the serum - an excellent base for decorative cosmetics.

The composition of the sera

The effectiveness of any medical cosmetics depends on the correctly selected complex and the concentration of nutrients. Therefore, if you want to find a serum that helps, pay attention to the composition of the funds.

Note that not all serums are equally beneficial. In addition to nutrients, such agents may contain hormonal substances - prostaglandins, as well as peptides. These substances may cause allergic reactions: dry eyes, redness, inflammation, loss of eyelashes. Be sure to test the tool on a small area of ​​skin before you apply it on the eyelashes.

Useful components of serums:

  • amino acids restore the hair structure,
  • biopeptides increase the volume of eyelashes and stimulate their growth,
  • a complex of vitamins necessary for nutrition and health,
  • antioxidants slow down aging,
  • seaweed extracts accelerate cell regeneration,
  • dexpanthenol strengthens hair follicles,
  • hyaluronic acid makes eyelashes stronger and more elastic,
  • natural oils are rich in micronutrients,
  • polymers fasten scales, making hairs smooth and shiny,
  • herbal extracts have various beneficial effects, for example, pumpkin strengthens the roots, and green tea soothes and tones the skin,
  • moisturizing additives do not allow eyelashes to become dry and brittle.

The list of possible serum components is, of course, incomplete. Manufacturers are constantly improving the composition of their products, creating the most effective remedies.

Types of eyelash serums

All serums can be divided into two main types:

  • Therapeutic. Such tools are designed to restore the structure of hairs and improve the hair follicles. Healing serums are used after aggressive cosmetics or adhesive compositions for false eyelashes, perms, stresses, hormonal imbalance and other factors that have a destructive effect on the hairs. Means help to restore the growth line and strengthen eyelashes. The course is one to two months. If the serum does not work, you should contact the trichologist. Perhaps the problem is too serious and is not solved by medical cosmetics.
  • Nourishing and firming. Most effective on healthy eyelashes, which require additional volume. The composition of such funds are antioxidants, vitamins A, B, E and plant extracts. It is possible to use the strengthening serums long - before achievement of the necessary effect. To do this, apply the composition to the eyelashes once or twice a day.

How to choose a serum for the growth of eyelashes

Before you go to the store for serum, decide why you need it. For straight thin eyelashes suitable inexpensive drug with a vitamin complex. If the eyelashes are weak, dry, fall out over the norm, you will need more powerful healing sera.

  • If the problem is purely cosmetic - I want to make the eyelashes thicker and more attractive, just select high-quality nourishing serum. If the hairs fall out, you should first consult with the trichologist. A doctor will help you find the most suitable composition.
  • Carefully read the annotation to the tool. It should indicate whether the agent was tested on humans, how likely allergic reactions were.
  • Read reviews about the selected serum, you can also ask questions to those who have already used the composition.
  • Buy high-quality specialized cosmetics - this is your health, you should not save on it.

ALERANA® eyelash and eyebrow growth

Eyebrow and eyelash serum from the ALERANA® series with a two-phase formula "day" and "night" - suitable for strengthening healthy and for treating damaged eyelashes. Due to the fact that for each time of day its composition is used, the compatibility of components and the maximum efficiency of their interaction are ensured. The formula takes into account the daily rhythm of the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes, which further enhances its action.

  • stimulates the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes
  • strengthens the nutrition of hair follicles
  • restores the hair structure
  • helps to enhance the natural pigmentation,
  • protects against the negative impact of the external environment,
  • treats eyelashes after extension and other aggressive procedures.

In exchange the use of the drug increases the thickness, length and thickness of the eyelashes. Hairs become stronger, resilient, healthy shine returns.

  • hyaluronic acid accelerates cell regeneration, has a moisturizing effect and reduces the damaging effect of free radicals,
  • Castor oil nourishes, moisturizes eyelashes and eyelid skin, reduces hair loss and promotes their growth,
  • almond oil stimulates the growth of eyelashes, stops hair loss, makes hair more elastic,
  • taurine contributes to the preservation of the hair structure,
  • ceramides strengthens the connection between the cuticle scales, removes delaminations and eliminates damage, which allows even strongly weakened eyelashes to be restored,
  • nettle extract stimulates blood circulation, providing an enhanced nutrition for eyelashes,
  • Eleutherococcus normalizes lipid volume, has a tonic effect on the skin,
  • panthenol improves the appearance of eyebrows and eyelashes, stimulates the synthesis of elastin and collagen, which makes the hairs more durable and elastic,
  • chestnut extract enhances the microcirculation of nutrients in the hair follicles,
  • jojoba oil restores natural pigmentation, moisturizes, has a beneficial effect on the structure,
  • vitamin E improves follicles nutrition, has an antioxidant effect.

Serum formula includes: ceramides, panthenol, sodium hyaluronate, chestnut and nettle extract, eleutherococcus, taurine.

At night - castor, almond, burdock oil and jojoba oil, as well as vitamin E.

Method of application of serum:

  • Daily formula is applied to the eyebrows and eyelashes after morning washing.
  • The night formula is applied after evening hygienic procedures.

In order to achieve the most stable result, it is recommended to take a course of one to three months twice a year. During the application of the composition should not get into the eyes.

Before use, be sure to check that the drug does not cause you allergies.

General rules for the use of serums

The pledge of the effectiveness of care procedures is their regularity. Therefore, if you want results, apply the serum once or twice a day (depending on the specific drug). In addition, you should follow simple rules:

  • Before applying the therapeutic composition, be sure to remove all makeup so that the pieces of decorative cosmetics do not fall on the mucous eyes.
  • If you use serum in the morning, it is advisable to wash your face before the procedure.
  • Evening procedures are best carried out 30-40 minutes before bedtime so that the useful elements can be absorbed.
  • Apply the serum with a brush from the roots of the eyelashes or eyebrows to their tips - one stroke is enough.
  • Try at a minimum to use mascara and eye shadow during the treatment period of the eyelashes, do not apply makeup earlier than 30-40 minutes after using the product.
  • Some sera do not require rinsing, others need to be cleaned with a cotton pad after a while, you can clarify this in the instructions for the preparation.
  • If the desired result is achieved earlier, experts recommend using serum less often - once or twice a week.
  • Periodically, you should repeat the course on the care of eyelashes and eyebrows, so that they always were thick and attractive.

Massage to strengthen the eyelashes

Massage of the eyelids will help enhance the action of the serum This simple home procedure will restore the microcirculation of blood and, accordingly, improve the nutrition of the hair follicles. We recommend to perform a massage every day before bed:

  • apply a nutritional composition on the eyelashes,
  • with the tips of the ring fingers, lightly push down on the outer corners of the eyelid,
  • gently massage movements move to the nose,
  • Repeat this procedure on the upper eyelid,
  • further, with patting movements, walk along the brows from the nose to the temples,
  • do the same from the outer edge to the inner lower eyelid,
  • then close your eyes and gently press on the upper eyelid.

Daily massage and one or two courses of serum per year will ensure your eyelashes health and fluffiness.

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Functions and composition of serum for the growth and strengthening of eyelashes

Serum for eyelashes can be divided into several groups depending on the function they perform.

  1. Nutritious serums. They are recommended to be used for recovery after aggressive cosmetic procedures (for example, building up or curling with the help of chemical compounds). They restore the structure of the eyelashes, eliminating porosity, returning the hairs to a natural shape and bend.
  2. Healing sera. They are appointed only by specialists with higher medical education. Healing remedies are used when the loss of eyelashes is associated with any internal diseases or nervous exhaustion.
  3. Serum, stimulating growth. They have a purely aesthetic function and are created to make the women look brighter and more spectacular. Most of these products also contain special components that envelop every hair and create a lamination effect. It helps to protect the cilia from the aggressive effects of the environment.

In addition, sera may differ from each other in composition. There are three main types of agents that differ from each other in the active ingredient.

  1. Vitamin serum, enriched with vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances.
  2. Vegetable serum, which include extracts of medicinal plants.
  3. Chemical sera consisting entirely of substances that were obtained under laboratory conditions.

Hormonal and non-hormonal agents

Today, most of the sera presented in pharmacies and cosmetic stores are made on the basis of an artificial prostaglandin, which is called bimatoprost.

Initially, it was used as a means of intraocular hypertension, but over time, doctors and patients noticed that with its regular use, eyelashes grow and thicken at an incredible rate.

You can use them no longer than 2 months in a row, and after the cessation of the course, the eyelashes gradually return to the past state.

The composition of non-hormonal agents may include any nutrients: usually these are vitamins, oils and hyaluronic acid. They rarely have side effects, suitable for almost all girls without exception. Their effect is not so bright, but much longer. Non-hormonal serums can be applied as long as necessary.


Eyebrow serum works to strengthen and restore hair. The compositions are distinguished by a high concentration of nutrients, the addition of vitamins. Due to this, are possible:

  • root strengthening, stopping loss or thinning,
  • giving brows thickening due to the increase in the thickness of hairs and the growth of new ones,
  • acceleration of growth, elimination of fragility, dryness, section of tips,
  • improved nutrition of hair follicles.

More often eyebrow serum comes with a dual purpose - and also for eyelashes, due to which the look in the photo becomes more expressive.

The composition of really working products includes:

  • D-panthenol - restores, heals wounds, moisturizes,
  • fruit, hyaluronic, humic, aminocarboxylic acids - activate hair growth, cellular metabolism,
  • soy proteins - give shine, fill the voids,
  • vitamins, minerals - fully nourish the follicles,
  • extracts of seaweed, althea, pumpkin, cedar, licorice, citronella, lemon, red clover, blueberry, camellia, mint, chamomile, pepper - strengthen, restore, serve as antioxidants,
  • pink pearl - gives shine, suitable for stimulating the growth of fine hair,
  • castor oil, burdock oil, tetra and polypeptides - restore, strengthen, soften the aggressive action of acids,
  • fatty acids - stimulate growth, improve regeneration,
  • Allantoin - softens.

Serum is applied every day, morning and evening - before applying makeup (you need to wait for the product to be absorbed, and then you can apply makeup) and before bedtime. The result manifests itself in 3-4 weeks. Before use, it is advisable to take a test for allergies - put a little product on your wrist and wait 10 minutes. If a rash, irritation or burning sensation does not appear, the remedy is safe.

What it is?

Due to the constant impact of decorative cosmetics, eyelashes become thinner, fall out and lose their color. They need protection and permanent recovery procedures. Serum for the growth and strengthening of eyelashes allows you to deal with these problems. But before you start using this product, it is recommended that you first become familiar with all the nuances of its use.

Any hormonal serum for the growth of eyelashes, sold in pharmacies, is made on the basis of bimatoprost. Previously, this component was used to treat intraocular hypertension. Eyelashes of patients after its use became longer and thicker, and it was decided to use it in cosmetology. Such growth promoters are not suitable for allergies and women with eye diseases. Using them for more than two weeks is fraught with undesirable consequences.

Non-hormonal serums do not have side effects, require more prolonged use, but do not admire too bright and fast results.

What you need to know?

When choosing a serum for the growth of eyelashes, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • consult with a specialist trichologist in case of a strong loss of eyelashes. He will give his recommendations on the use of serum and advise the most appropriate means,
  • carefully read the instructions for use of the product, paying attention to possible allergic reactions from the drug, compatibility with the use of cosmetics and wearing lenses, as well as whether laboratory tests or tests were conducted in humans,
  • read reviews on the Internet (not only positive),
  • when making an online purchase, you should ask all questions to the consultant, and when purchasing in pharmacies - the pharmacist,
  • Do not trust too cheap serums. Effective in treating hair loss and strengthening eyelashes means may not have a low cost.

To achieve a visible result it is not enough to use the product regularly throughout the month, you also need to know some nuances.

  1. Before applying the product, remove all residues of cosmetics from them. Particular attention should also be paid to the eyelids and skin around the eyes.
  2. Using the tool for the night, you need to enter this procedure into your exercise so that it takes at least half an hour before going to bed.
  3. It is best to apply the serum with a special brush, which will help to evenly distribute the product on the hairs, starting from the base and ending with the very tips.
  4. Morning procedure is recommended for an hour before applying eye makeup.
  5. For the period of application of serum, it is necessary to minimize the application of mascara for eyelashes and eyeshadow or completely abandon them.

Best eyelash oil

Oil for eyelashes - perhaps one of the most traditional means. Our grandmothers knew that castorca makes eyelashes and eyebrows thicker and darker. Yes, and now funds based on oils are more "natural" composition. As always, there are pros and cons. Negatives: natural remedies deteriorate faster if no preservative is added to them. They are more likely to cause allergies. They will not have a quick and clear effect - yes, growing eyelashes will be stronger, stronger, more elastic, look darker. But to awaken dormant hair follicles will not succeed. On the other hand, the oil will not cause root depletion, as is the case with the thoughtless use of stronger agents, has no side effects and is completely non-toxic with overdose. It is necessary to apply natural oils from the middle of the eyelashes to the tips, not “coloring” at the roots - the necessary amount itself will be distributed along the core of the eyelashes to the root. Excess oil may cause eyelid swelling. Use oil tools before bedtime.

4 Sexy Lashes Mix Oils

One of the best mixes of oils for strengthening and growth of eyelashes is Sexy Lašes. The product is based on usmy oil - the most valuable component that has a positive effect on the density of hairs. Complement the composition of burdock oil and apricot kernel.

  • Effective stimulation and fast hair growth.
  • 100% natural composition.
  • Convenient micro brush included.

Users in the reviews note the increased volume of the bottle - 4 ml. To the effectiveness of the means of claims from buyers do not. The composition is really useful, because the increase in the length of the eyelashes becomes noticeable after a month of use.

3 Oleos Food

Nutrient for eyelashes and eyebrows from "Oleos" occupies the third line of our rating and is awarded the nomination "Best Price". The mix of this brand of peach, calendula, castor oil and almond oil is in great demand among buyers. The composition is enriched with vitamins of groups A, E and F. The distinctive characteristic is the antiallergenic orientation, which consists in a complex hypoallergenic extract from chamomile, sea buckthorn, nettle, and a succession.

  • The tool prevents hair loss by activating the awakening and growth of "sleeping".
  • Regular application contributes to the increase in thickness and strengthening.
  • Suitable for sensitive skin types, does not cause burning, redness and irritation.

Experts and users emphasize in the reviews that the composition carefully cares for the skin in the area of ​​eyelashes and eyebrows. Improvement of the state is achieved by saturating the hair shaft with useful elements, as a result of which activation of the “sleeping hairs” is observed and their loss is prevented. “Eyelashes have become noticeably thicker and more magnificent!” - exclaim happily those who have tried this effective oil on themselves. The cost of the bottle (8 ml) does not hit the wallet - you can continue to purchase the product as a preventive measure.

2 DNC Eyelashes Repair

The second place was awarded to the effective refined oil from the CSN, as the manufacturer calls it. The tool is a lifeline for damaged and thinning eyelashes, which was awarded a nomination in the rating due to pronounced restorative properties.

  • It consists of natural ingredients - oil of castor oil, almond, amaranth, argan, rosehip, cherry seed, papaya, etc.
  • Reduces prolapse, and activates the growth of "sleeping follicles."
  • Stimulates the roots, nourishes and strengthens them.

In the reviews emphasize that after using no allergic reactions occur. The bottle (12 ml) is supplemented with a convenient brush for quick and comfortable application. The effect is noticeable after a month of use - really thicker, fluffy and strong eyelashes, literally returned to life.

1 Elma Eyelash Oil

Here is the leader of the category - an effective natural complex of oils for strengthening and caring for Elma eyelashes. This popular tool is kept on the heels of fashionistas for the last few years. On the packaging of the goods there is a note that the product consists of 100% organic ingredients - essential oils and plant extracts. The composition includes oils of burdock and castor oil, oil extracts of thistle and nettle, vitamins of groups A, E, H and PP, hyaluronic acid.

  • Growth Activation.
  • Nutrition and hydration.
  • Giving elasticity and shine.
  • Restoration of natural color.

The reviews positively evaluate the tool, and also express gratitude to the manufacturer for the clear font on the package. The form of release is convenient in all respects - the brush is practical, passing through the neck of the bottle the optimal amount of oil remains on it. It is recommended to apply for the night, and this is perhaps the only negative, since there is a high probability of getting the pillow case and hair dirty. In this case, the tool does not get into the eyes, you can not be afraid of redness and burning. The volume of 10 ml is enough for a long time, the price is reasonable. After a month of use, you can see that the cilia have become darker, they are larger, they are more magnificent and stronger.

The best serum for eyelashes

Serum for the care of eyelashes have a positive effect on the growth and strengthening of hairs. Presented in the category of products - the owners of the largest number of positive user reviews and experts. The enriched composition is a feature of this product, which, together with a pleasant consistency, makes serums very popular for improving the condition of eyelashes in the shortest possible time.

4 FEG Eyelash Enhancer

Effective serum from "FEG" is based on a complex of amino acids, vitamin A, plant extracts, distilled water, a binder and a stabilizer - elements that qualitatively nourish hair follicles. The elegant framing of the eyes - this is what you can expect after a monthly course of application.

  • Longer, darker and voluminous hairs after 2 weeks of using serum.
  • Restoration of damaged hairs. Even after a traumatic extension, the eyelashes soon become strong and fluffy.
  • Safety means confirmed by laboratory tests and user reviews.

All buyers, without exception, speak of growth and strengthening, except that some have higher efficiency than others, but no one will be left without a change for the better. Serum should be applied only to the roots using an applicator that comes with a bottle. Small volume (3 ml) should not embarrass you, since the money is spent economically.

3 Rapid Lash Eyelash Enhancing Serum

“A unique activator of the growth of eyelashes!” - so say users about the third line of our rating, which went to the Rapid Lash serum. Innovative tool improves the condition of the eyelashes, restoring damaged hairs. As a result - more lush, long and thick natural eyelashes.

  • The safety and efficacy of the formulation has been confirmed during clinical trials. Serum approved by ophthalmologists and dermatologists.
  • Guaranteed results after 5 weeks of use - elasticity, brilliance and volume.
  • Anti-aging effect, accelerating growth and strengthening hairs.

The course recommended by the manufacturer - 8 weeks. The volume of the bottle (3 ml) is just enough for a half to two months. One package is just enough to check for yourself how the serum works. In the reviews emphasize that having tried once, you will be further faithful to this product. Buyers definitely recommend the serum and confirm the claimed effect.

2 Eveline Cosmetics 3 in 1 Advance Volumi

The second line of the rating in the category of the best serums rightfully goes to the 3 in 1 tool from Evelyn Cosmetic. This is a progressive and effective high concentration serum designed to activate growth and strengthen eyelashes - a real hit of sales.

  • Basis for mascara.
  • Repairing agent.
  • Growth stimulant

Pros - a large volume (10 ml), soft texture and silicone brush. In the reviews, they note that the brush perfectly separates the cilia so that the look becomes open and expressive. The tool creates an attractive bend, lifting hairs. But the main thing is the therapeutic focus of the product. Serum is suitable for use as a base for mascara. The latter, by the way, is now spent much less - one layer is enough. The composition fits well on the eyelashes, enveloping even the thinnest hairs. As users assure, there are no problems with serum even for those who wear lenses and have high eye sensitivity.

1 Eyelash Booster Stimulator Elixir

The undisputed leader is “Ishale Booster”. This is an effective serum stimulator for the prevention of precipitation, which can also be used as a caring drug. German whey is appreciated by users all over the world who prefer naturalness. Thanks to this tool, the cilia visually appear longer, and the number of falling hairs is noticeably reduced.

  • Serum complex acts on the roots of the eyelashes, as a result of which the eyelashes grow both in length and in width.
  • Falling decreases and growth is activated, so the cilia become thicker and fluffy.
  • The drug increases the growth stage and the transitional phase of eyelash development, slowing down the period of rest.

In the reviews they write that the composition does not cause eye irritation and burning. This is a safe product, the result of which will not be long in coming. Within a month, one can assess how the state of the eyelashes has improved and their strengthening has occurred. Efficacy confirmed by clinical trials - which also indicates the high quality of serum. Another feature is the admissibility of applying a mascara. Volume (2.7 ml) is enough for six months.

The best serums based on bimatoprost and its analogues

Bimatoprost is a remedy for high blood pressure in the eyes. Acceleration of growth is nothing more than a side effect of the use of this drug, noticing that the cosmetologists wrapped it up for the benefit of owners of rare and weak eyelashes. The principle of action - follicle irritation and stimulation of blood circulation, which in turn provides an increase in the phase of growth of eyelashes. The danger is a side effect, including the risk of conjunctivitis, the appearance of inflammation of the iridescent buds, the probability of retinal edema, etc.

3 dreamlash

The active substance of the effective serum from "Drimlash" - bimatoprost. Cosmetic product is in great demand, as it allows you to get the desired result after 3 weeks of use.

  • Increase the length and volume of eyelashes.
  • Restoration of damaged hair after the extension procedure.
  • Convenient bottle (4 ml) with a brush-applicator.

Reviews confirm that the use of serum reduced hair loss. The cilia acquired radiance, and their shade became somewhat darker. In general, there is an improvement in the state of the eyelashes, no side effects are observed during application. Among the contraindications - age under 18 years, pregnancy and lactation, allergies to components and diseases of the eye.

2 Allergan Latisse

According to the specialists, the tool “Allergan Latisse” is highly effective. Initially, the drug was intended for the treatment of glaucoma. During testing, the researchers noticed that as a side effect, patients had a darkening of the eyelashes, their lengthening and strengthening.

  • The main component of this serum is bimatoprost (fatty acid).
  • The bottle (3 ml) is supplemented with an applicator and brush for the most convenient application.
  • Daily use for 4-5 months is guaranteed to increase the length and thickness of the eyelashes.

Contraindications - pregnancy, breastfeeding, child age and sensitivity to the components. Judging by the reviews, the tool is a real miracle: rare and brittle eyelashes turn as if by magic into fluffy and strong. In order to maintain the achieved result, it is necessary to continue applying serum every day. The only negative is the high cost. Growth and strengthening have to wait longer than when using gels or other products, but it's worth it - experts assure and recommend serum for purchase.

Serum for the growth of eyelashes

Natural and healthy luster can be preserved in various ways as chemical procedures - lamination, keratin restoration, building up of artificial hairs. So with natural means - the use of a variety of cosmetic oils (burdock, castor, peach). All this prolongs life and brilliance for a while and the effect quickly disappears. What to do to cilia always shine and be fluffy? Serum for strengthening eyelashes will be a good tool in this case!

How does serum work when improving eyelashes?

Since ancient times, recipes have been known that helped to improve the growth and condition of the eye hairs. Previously, it was very common to use different masks with the use of vitamin E and castor oil. But the result appears after a month of use. Nowadays, new technologies allow creating tools with a light texture, which are much more efficient and effective than old masks. That serum promotes positively in such an important matter.In the set is a brush applicator and brush.

The first to make such a discovery cosmetologists from America. Over the course of time, specialists from many countries have begun to apply this technology on their domestic counterparts.

  • Moisturizing
  • Recovery
  • Elongation
  • Give elasticity
  • Do thicker row
  • Nutritional function

Like all cosmetics, serum must be tested before use. To do this, a small area of ​​the skin, preferably on the back of the hand, apply the tool. After complete absorption to observe the reaction of the skin, if there is no irritation and redness, then you can safely apply to the eye area.

What can be negative reactions to serum:

  • Age spots on eyelids
  • Inflammatory wounds
  • Abundant loss of eyelashes
  • Redness
  • Drying of the mucous membrane

1 Careprost

The basis of Kareprost means bimatoprost, a synthetic analogue of prostaglandins, which was originally developed for the treatment of glaucoma. But as a side effect of the substance, an increased growth and an increase in the thickness of the eyelashes were found. It was found that prostaglandins irritate the onion lashes, including "sleeping", stimulating their activity.

  • After 4 weeks, the first changes are an increase in the length and thickness of the eyelashes.
  • After 14 weeks - the eyelashes are dark, fluffy and shiny.
  • The increased volume of a bottle with the built-in applicator - 4 ml.

The tool can not be used during pregnancy and lactation. Doctors recommend using the composition course for 2-3 months daily, then 1-2 times a week to maintain the effect. Reviews abound with positive examples of how eyelashes have changed. And indeed noticeable growth and strengthening. Eyelashes are graceful, curved, healthy and at the same time natural. “You can forget about building up and even carcasses! This is the most effective means! ”- share the opinion of buyers.

How can serum improve eyelashes?

Our grandmothers knew which natural ingredients could improve the condition of the cilia. Vitamin E and castorca are among the most effective and popular. To achieve the result, masks based on them require at least a month. But today everything has changed. New technologies allow you to create a unique serum formula that has a light texture and allows you to achieve a luxurious effect in a short time. For convenient distribution in packages, a brush, brush or applicator is provided.

A breakthrough in the cosmetic direction made American beauticians. Manufacturers from other countries began to actively use their development and an uncountable number of analogues appeared.

  • moisturize
  • restore,
  • lengthen
  • give elasticity
  • increase the density
  • feed.

Test for an allergic reaction and sensitivity to components on a small area of ​​skin. Especially this advice applies to products containing prostaglandin, peptides, amino acids and collagen.

We recommend to read:

In rare cases, there are negative reactions in the form of:

  • age spots on the eyelids,
  • inflammations
  • loss of eyelashes
  • redness
  • dry mucous membranes.

Types of sera by type of action

Pharmacies and cosmetic stores offer a wide range of serums to strengthen and lengthen eyelashes, but not every woman knows how to choose the right product, and what effect it should have on the hairs.

There are three main types of serums:

  • Therapeutic. Their use must be agreed with the doctor. The therapeutic effect is aimed at restoring the density of hairs, which was disrupted as a result of a person being in a state of prolonged stress, hormonal disturbances, and mechanical effects. In this case, there is increased loss and a small rate of appearance of new eyelashes. Serum for eyelashes is designed to provide reliable protection and maximum care.
  • Nutritious. They are used to restore the normal state of hairs after breaking the structure and weakening of the follicles due to the prolonged growth of artificial eyelashes, chemical perms and other harmful procedures. The funds are aimed at filling the porosities and giving a natural natural shine and bending.
  • Strengthening and stimulating growth. Created specifically to improve the appearance of normal cilia, which lacks volume and length. Compounds often contain substances to protect against negative effects and activators of regenerative processes.

Choose the drug should be based on their problems or on prescription. The use of inappropriate serum may not bring the expected result.

Hormonal serums for growth and strengthening

These components are not used in pure form, they are obtained by artificial means. Prostaglandins are produced in the human body and are actively involved in the endocrine system.

The complex in which there are prostaglandins is called bimatoprost and is present in the products of such brands as Dreamlash, Careprost, Volum.

Preparations with bimatoprost give a quick effect, which is difficult to achieve with other types of serums that stimulate the growth and strengthening of eyelashes, and therefore the price for it is much higher. Consumer reviews confirm that results are fast and exceed expectations.

Also on sale you can find products based on prostaglandins and nutrients that give not only the visible effect, but also make the hair shiny, elastic and strong.

However, the use of bimatoprost can lead to the appearance of side reactions:

  • reduced vision
  • addictive
  • inflammatory processes
  • hair growth in places where they should not grow,
  • irritation of the mucous membrane.

Serum Eyelash Booster and other pharmaceuticals

Modern manufacturers know how to please women, and create amazing tools to increase the length and volume of eyelashes. One of such effective products in the cosmetology market is the Eyelash Booster booster.

This product does not contain parabens, silicone, hormonal substances and oils, therefore it does not cause allergic reactions, does not provoke the spreading of makeup and does not leave greasy spots on the skin.

It contains: panthenol, glycerin and zinc for density and strength, biotin for collagen production, caffeine for nutrition and improved blood circulation and other useful components.

What firming drug can be purchased at the pharmacy?

  • Gel Double-Lash based on hops extract.
  • Emulsion Ricinol with B vitamins and polyunsaturated acids.
  • Careprost, acting through bimatoprost.
  • Lipocils gel on natural extracts.
  • Oil Vereya containing oils and burdock root.

Instructions for use

Mandatory condition - regularity. To achieve maximum effect you need to follow the rules:

  1. Before applying, remove makeup and impurities from the eye area.
  2. The procedure is recommended for half an hour before bedtime.
  3. To distribute the composition of the brush, moving from the base to the tips.
  4. If the drug is a reducing action, then use twice a day.
  5. To apply a decorative ink on a medical basis with a thin layer.

If you want to achieve a quick result and do not want to limit yourself in the application of cosmetics, then there is nothing better than light and quickly absorbed serums. They contain beneficial substances that in a few seconds penetrate into the depth of the cells and have a powerful healing effect on the root and stem of the hair. The main thing is to choose the remedy for the treatment of a specific problem. Carefully read the instructions and indications.

Healthy habits

Weakened and brittle hairs will not grow better, by whatever means. Therefore, you need to acquire several habits that will help lengthen eyelashes:

  • Always wash off the mascara for the night, and better - immediately after returning home.
  • Massage the eyelids to improve blood circulation, but without fanaticism, so as not to stretch the delicate skin.
  • Change mascara every three months so that bacteria do not get into your eyes and inflammation does not start.
  • Do not sleep on your stomach: when in contact with a pillow, the eyelashes can deform, which will make them weak and brittle.

1. Castor oil

Castor oil - an effective and proven tool for the growth of eyelashes, which stimulates the hair follicles due to the acids in the composition.

To begin, we define how not to use it. Whatever advised on the Internet, do not put castorca on your eyelashes at night. Oil irritates the mucous membrane of the eye and tender skin of the eyelids. Because of this, you risk in the morning to get red watery eyes and expressive bags under them.

Gently apply the oil on the eyelashes with a brush. You can wash off the old carcass, and it’s better to order disposable ones: they don’t need to be washed and don’t need to be stored after use, at the risk of smearing the whole apartment with oil.

Leave the oil on for 15–45 minutes, then rinse off with makeup remover. One time will not be enough. Apply castor oil need courses. Repeat the procedure several times a week for a month before evaluating the results.

Castor oil is good in itself, but you can increase its effectiveness with the help of components that are sold in a pharmacy for just a penny or in almost any home.

Mask with burdock oil to grow and strengthen eyelashes

  • 1 teaspoon castor oil,
  • 1 teaspoon burdock oil.

Mix the oils in the tank in which you will keep the mask: you don’t have to wash the extra dishes. These ingredients will be enough for several applications. Apply the composition to the eyelashes for 15-30 minutes, then rinse.

Aloe Vera Antibacterial Mask

This tool is useful to those who periodically suffer from barley. But this mask can only be done in the intervals between relapses of the disease - for prevention.

  • ½ tsp of castor oil,
  • ½ tsp of aloe juice.

Mix the oil and juice, apply on the eyelashes for 15-30 minutes, and then rinse. It is not recommended to keep this compound for a long time, as aloe juice may start to deteriorate.


Calendula mask

  • 1 teaspoon castor oil,
  • 10 g dried calendula flowers,
  • 100 ml of water.

Calendula flowers put in a small bucket and cover with water. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes, then cool. Measure out one teaspoon of the filtered broth, mix with oil. Apply the same as previous masks.

2. Burdock oil

Burdock oil strengthens eyelashes and accelerates their growth due to sitosterol and stigmasterol - vegetable stearins, stimulating the process of cell division. It should be applied in the same way as castor oil: apply on eyelashes for 15–45 minutes, then wash off.

Burdock oil will be effective only with regular use.

3. Serum for eyelashes

These preparations usually consist of oils, plant extracts and vitamins. In fact, these are almost the same compositions that you could make at home, but ready for use and placed in a convenient package with a brush.

Depending on the manufacturer and the volume of drugs, the price for them starts from 100 rubles. Serum from Eveline 3 in 1 will cost an average of 250 rubles. Alerana's eyelash growth stimulator costs about 500 rubles, and the promoted Eyelash booster costs 1,500.

4. Serum based on bimatoprost and its analogues

This is the most controversial item in the collection. Bimatoprost is used as a medicine for increased eye pressure. The growth of eyelashes is a side effect that has begun to be actively used in cosmetology.

The essence of the action of bimatoprost in irritation of the hair follicles and stimulating blood circulation. Due to this, the growth of eyelashes does not stop when they reach the length laid down by nature. Apply such tools with a brush on the eyelid at the roots of the eyelashes.

Now, on the basis of bimatoprost and prostaglandins like it, they produce a lot of drugs under different trade names: Latisse, Careprost, Maxlash, Dreamlash, and so on. You can buy them at the pharmacy, some formulations are available only through distributors. They cost from 600 rubles.

Studies have shown that side effects were observed in 27.4% of patients who treated 0.9% bimatoprost with 27.3% of patients who received hypothyrosis of eyelashes in 27.4% of patients. hyperpigmentation of the skin, itching, eyelid erythema and irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes. And yet, scientists have recognized such compositions safe for long-term use and effective.

5. Gels for eyelashes

Healing gels for the growth and strengthening of eyelashes are used before or instead of the traditional colored mascara. In the first case, they perform a protective function. Mascara, especially waterproof, can dry eyelashes. The gel not only creates a protective barrier, but also nourishes the hairs during the day.

Using this tool instead of mascara will allow you to twist and fix the eyelashes, to make their natural color more saturated - all this without side effects.

The composition of the gels, as a rule, are a lightweight version of colored mascara with the addition of extracts of herbs, ceramides and other hair strengthening ingredients.

You can find gel for eyelashes in the lines of companies that produce cosmetics, and in the pharmacy.

6. Vitamins

Previous remedies were for external use, vitamins need to be taken orally. For the growth of eyelashes fit any complex, which contains:

  • Vitamins of group B - stimulate the activity of hair follicles.
  • Vitamin E - improves microcirculation of oxygen in the vessels, improves blood flow to the hair follicles.
  • Vitamin A - restores hair elasticity.


Despite the huge number of brand names for eyelash serums, there are a number of application rules that apply to all types of products.

  1. Use the product regularly.
  2. Firming serum is applied in the morning and before bedtime.
  3. Means evenly applied over the entire length of the hairs.

In a huge variety of cilia you can get lost, so we have compiled a rating of the best for today serums. From it you will learn how much a particular tool costs, what it consists of and what it is intended for.

Eveline 3in1 (Evelyn)

It is a leader in the cosmetic market due to the ideal price / quality ratio.

Appointment: it is intended for giving volume to eyelashes and eyebrows, increase in their length.

Ingredients: contains extracts of beneficial plants, as well as hyaluronic acid and panthenol.

Price: the tool costs only 135 rubles, it is considered the cheapest among analogs.

Expert Faberlic Eyelash Growth Activator

Developed by an Italian manufacturer, popular because of the availability, low cost.

Purpose: the manufacturer claims that the product is designed to grow not only eyelashes, but also eyebrows, as well as to strengthen them.

Ingredients: it contains castor oil, d-panthenol and chitosan.

Price: the price in special branded catalogs does not exceed 300 rubles for 1 tube, for dealers it may cost more.

Cosmeceutical serum from China. Its effectiveness has been confirmed as a result of many tests and experiments.

Appointment: acceleration of growth of cilia, their recovery and nutrition. The effect occurs within 14 days after the first application.

Ingredients: plant extracts, amino acids, panthenol.

Price: 1 pack costs about 1000 rubles.

Alverde Lash Booster (iver booster, german serum)

The tool is produced and sold in Germany. Girls value it for European quality and reasonable price.

Appointment: serum does eyelashes long, fluffy and strong.

Ingredients: the product is positioned as a natural cosmetics, it contains only vitamins, plant extracts.

Price: about 500 rubles for 1 tube.

Eyelash Booster (Islas Booster)

Luxury pharmacy product. Hypoallergenic, almost no side effects.

Purpose: eyelashes become noticeably longer, thicker and stronger in a month after the start of use.

Ingredients: serum active ingredients - caffeine, hyaluronic acid, d-panthenol.

Price: about 2000 rubles.

Revitalsh (Revitalash)

Effective, but very expensive product from America.

Purpose: the manufacturer guarantees getting rid of brittleness, loss, and also promises that within a month of use cilia will grow by at least 3 mm.

Ingredients: biotin, green tea, ginseng, peptides, vitamins of group B.

Price: 7000 rubles per pack.

Almea xlash

Excellent professional product comes from England with a wide spectrum of action, which is chosen by the stars.

Appointment: activation of growth of cilia, giving them shine and volume.

Ingredients: woad leaves, red coral, cumin, thuja, hebulis terminus.

Price: 2000 rubles.

Therapeutic agent sold in pharmacy chains. Created taking into account the natural biorhythms of the human body, regulating hair growth.

Purpose: the manufacturer offers to apply the tool not only on the cilia, but also on the eyebrows, if necessary. It has a protective, regenerating, stimulating and nourishing effect.

Ingredients: ceramides, hyaluronic acid, vitamin E, essential oils, taurine, d-panthenol.

Price: 600 rubles.

Means for growing cilia at home

To make eyelashes more beautiful and long, it is not necessary to buy expensive products of industrial production. At home, you can use:

  1. Healing oils (burdock, olive, castor),
  2. Tinctures of sage, cornflower, black tea,
  3. Masks of potatoes, cucumber slices,
  4. Vitamin complexes for internal use.

If nature has not rewarded you with beautiful eyelashes, do not despair. Modern cosmetology and pharmaceuticals offers a wide range of special tools for every taste and wallet that can lengthen eyelashes and give them a chic volume.

Mode of application

Before you apply this cosmetic, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to its components. To do this, just apply a small amount of serum to the elbow or wrist. In case of redness, pigment spots or dryness after a few hours, you should find another brand or stop using eyelash growth at all.

Apply the serum should be 2 times a day, half an hour before applying makeup and before bedtime. The tool should be distributed evenly over the entire length of the hairs. The course of application should last at least 3 weeks.

Eveline Cosmetics 3 in 1 (Evelyn)

One of the most popular eyelash care products is Evelyn serum. She is:

  • starts active growth of eyelashes,
  • restores hairs
  • It is used as a base for mascara, which allows you to apply makeup more evenly and visually give length and thickness to your eyelashes.

Buyers of serum from Evelyn argue that the effect is noticeable after the first application. Resistant and stunning result is achieved after 2-3 weeks of using the tool. A nice bonus is the price of this product in pharmacies.

Serum for the growth and restoration of eyelashes from Evelyn has D-panthenol (nourishes the hairs and makes them elastic), soy protein (stimulates hair follicles) and hyalouran acid (moisturizes the eyelashes). The combination of these components allows to achieve long-term results and give hair strength, elasticity and silkiness.

Using this serum as a basis for applying mascara allows you to save the natural bending of the eyelashes and curl them a little.

Hypno lash

The composition of serum Hypno Lash includes castor oil (stimulates the growth of eyelashes), humic acids (strengthen hair follicles) and VOM gel (protects hairs from harmful effects). The tool is very popular due to its hypoallergenic. Hypno Lash is a serum that is suitable not only for eyelashes, but also for eyebrows. It perfectly restores the structure of hairs, strengthens them and creates the effect of density.

This serum for growth of eyelashes and eyebrows in drugstores not often meets. Order it better through the official website of the company.

Activator eyelash growth from Faberlik

Italian means having an affordable price. According to the manufacturer, this tool is a serum for the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows. The Faberlic activator strengthens the hairs and makes them much longer.

As part of the funds are castor oil, D-panthenol and chitosan.

For sale serum for the growth and strengthening of eyelashes and eyebrows from representatives of the cosmetics company Faberlik or from dealers (the cost will be slightly higher).

Folk recipes

If a girl is not accustomed to trusting cosmetics bought at a pharmacy, then she can definitely give preference to proven home-made recipes.

  1. Castor serum. Castor oil (non-technical) should be mixed with burdock in a 1: 1 ratio. Apply to the eyelashes and wait an hour. Then the product should be washed off with water. Women who have used this serum report extreme results in hair growth.
  2. Serum with aloe. Aloe juice should be mixed with sea buckthorn oil in a ratio of 2: 1, apply to hairs, rinse with water in an hour. This mask is a natural growth promoter, strengthens hair and makes them elastic.

The availability of these cosmetic products is due to the low cost of components that can be purchased at any pharmacy.

When making such products at home, you should always remember about the possible appearance of an allergy to concentrated herbal ingredients. Therefore, the elbow bend test should be carried out with each new product.

Serum for the growth and strengthening of eyelashes is the best alternative to beauty salon procedures. When used properly. the result is not long in coming.

The best eyelash gels

Eyelash gels are famous for their healing effect. They can be used in free time during the day, shortly before sleep or immediately before applying mascara. They qualitatively envelop the hairs, making them stronger, more radiant and resilient. Gels also help to model the eyebrows and carefully separate the cilia so that the look is more open.

3 Mavala Double-Lash

The eyelash growth stimulator from “Maval” is produced in the form of a gel. The composition is represented by ingredients that favorably affect the condition of the hairs. Natural ingredients provide nutrition and strengthen the roots of the eyelashes. After application, shine appears, elasticity increases, loss stops.

  • The composition is enriched with oils, proteins, vitamins and silk extract.
  • Protection of eyelashes from external factors.
  • Contributes to the creation of expressive bending.

The tool is recommended to apply to clean dry eyelashes before bedtime. Flush gel is not necessary. Moreover, in the morning you can repeat the procedure, using the tool as the basis for the carcass. The bottle (10 ml) without problems is located in a cosmetics bag. In the reviews, customers emphasize that they were satisfied with the result - compaction and strength of eyelashes, an increase in their length, the appearance of shine.

2 Ardell Brow & Lash Growth Accelerator

The tool from "Ardell" is intended for eyelashes and eyebrows. The composition on the basis of wheat protein leads to faster growth and strengthening of hairs. In the near future you can see how brittle, rare and dry turn into well-groomed and strong.

  • The concentrate nourishes, strengthens and activates the growth of "sleeping".
  • Helps to restore eyelashes after extension, and awakens the growth of eyebrows after excessive plucking.
  • After a month of use, the first results are noticeable.

In the reviews they write that if you want to get a “puppet look,” this tool is exactly what you need. Concentrated effective gel serum in a month will give you longer cilia. “It is felt that the eyelashes have become stronger and more resilient, and the eyebrows are thicker! At last the look has become wide open! ”- note the customers. When applied, the composition does not spread, there is no sensation of stickiness and fat content. The bottle (3 ml) is enough for a long time.

1 RefectoCil Longlash Gel

The effect of the gel for intensive care of the eyelashes of the brand “RefectoCil” is based on the beneficial properties of the vitamins of groups D and E. Experts note that the product retains moisture for a long time, deeply nourishes and protects hairs. Regular use of the gel prevents fragility of the eyelashes, which has a positive effect on their length.

  • Professional hair care.
  • Strong, healthy and shiny eyelashes.
  • Increased elasticity and prevention of loss.

The reviews mention that the gel belongs to the professional line of products. It can be used to model eyelashes with or without mascara. The result of the application is strengthening and active hair growth. This tool - the choice of those who seek natural makeup, while appreciating expressive bending.

The best eyelash growth stimulants

How to wake up "sleeping cilia"? - Seek help from growth promoters. This means, which include components that improve blood circulation, useful vitamins and minerals. The task of the stimulator is not only to speed up the process of the emergence of new eyelashes, but also to restore the structure of damaged ones. Most of them are representatives of the premium class.

3 Christian Breton Paris Eyelash Builder

The remedy for eyelashes premium class from "Christian Breton" was created to increase the intensity of growth and strengthening. Make eyelashes stronger and more dense formula designed based on the interaction of polymers and wax. In the composition there are Karolinska alga, procapil and other components important for the health of eyelashes. This effective remedy is of value for injured and weak hair, which became so due to extension, depletion of the body after childbirth, etc.

  • Increase the length of the eyelashes.
  • Restoration structure.
  • Nutritional effects.
  • Resilience makeup.

The active composition demonstrates outstanding nutritional and moisturizing properties. During use, the tool does not leak due to the thick enveloping consistency, the eyes do not hurt and do not pinch. In the reviews, it is advised to apply the agent before bedtime as a mask, and in the morning after washing to protect against carcass. Make-up, by the way, with the help of this tool now lasts much longer (the merit of wax and other useful elements). As the blood flow increases, the “sleeping hairs” awaken and restore damaged ones. After a couple of weeks, it is clear that new cilia grow, and the available ones fall less frequently.

2 Alerana Double Formula

Manufacturer "Alerana" has long been known for its means to improve hair growth. And, judging by the reviews, the tool for eyelashes is also very bad. A bottle with two caps contains two different compositions - “Day” and “Night”, 6 ml each.

  • "Day" contains ceramides, which should protect eyelashes from fragility. Herbal extracts of nettle, chestnut and Eleutherococcus improve the microcirculation in the skin of the eyelids, moisturize sodium hyaluronate and panthenol. Taurine accelerates the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows. Interestingly, the “Day” formula can be used as a base for mascara, and many who have tried it in this capacity are very pleased with the result.
  • “Night” is a complex based on oils: almond, castor, burdock and jojoba with vitamin E. They restore the structure of the eyelashes, moisturize them and nourish the roots.

Waiting for thicker eyelashes is not worth it, but with the stated care, moisturizing and strengthening means cope perfectly. Packing is more than enough for a three-month course.


Watch the video: How to Grow Long, Thick, Healthy Lashes (July 2024).