
Wedding hairstyles for long hair


Wedding hairstyle, of course, is the logical conclusion of the full image of the bride. It should fit in concisely and perfectly emphasize the wedding dress. Today, wedding hairstyles are very popular among girls and their variety is very pleasing. It's great when there is plenty to choose from. That is why we have compiled for you an overview of wedding hairstyles for long hair, medium hair and short hair. We will talk about how you can combine different styles in a hairstyle and how modern wedding hairstyles look with a veil and tiara.

A selection of wedding hairstyles, the photos of which you will see below, includes various options on the principle from simple to complex. You can make a beautiful styling with the help of a professional wizard, but luxury curls can be done independently. For all future brides, JamAdvice chose the most interesting wedding hairstyles among the examples of professional stylists and bloggers and we are happy to share them with you. And believe me, no matter how long your hair is, here you will find the perfect hairstyle for a wedding.

Beautiful wedding hairstyles for long, medium and short hair (180 photos)

Traditional wedding hairstyle should be different from the hair for every day. Wedding hairstyles look more solemn and elegant when they are decorated with special accessories, flowers or ribbons. For your convenience, we have combined all the hairstyles in separate groups. And open the list of wedding hairstyles for long hair.

1. Wedding hairstyles for long hair

Long hair attracts the attention of others and, it would seem, allows you to implement any idea of ​​hair. However, in fact it is very difficult to imagine where you can use this amount of hair. Very often we can observe that girls with long hair mostly braid them or make a horse tail. Wedding hairstyles for long hair look luxurious. A bride with such a hairstyle turns into a real ball queen. Options from our collection, you can easily use as a hairstyle for graduation for long hair or as an evening hairstyle. As a rule, light hairstyles for long hair can always be turned into elegant wedding hairstyles, using only a little patience and creativity. Some of these wedding phertse

Hairstyles with collected hair

A stylish wedding bunch is convenient and practical. Fine curls, weaving, waves, and boucles will help to dilute too strict an image. These hairstyles fit different accessories - feminine and elegant.

Greek styling

Laying strands in this style can be varied. Flowing waves, a scattering of small curls, an interesting braid in the upper part of the head or weaving on its side - a corresponding outfit is also necessary for the image. One of the main attributes of many Greek hairstyles - romantic headbands and stylish headbands. Its main advantage is versatility (suitable for all face shapes).

Hairstyles with fresh flowers

Perhaps no styling is complete without colors. The wedding accessory will suit any look and ideally emphasize the fragility and femininity of the bride. And to make this hairstyle look organic, remember a few rules:

  • For girls with rare hair, it is recommended to weave only one big flower,
  • For thick and fluffy strands, take tender buds - modest and small. Only in this case will the image be proportional,
  • If you want to use natural flowers, consult with a florist - he will select such a “bouquet” for your wedding arrangement that can “survive” a rich and long day,
  • Most often, pastel flowers are taken for decoration - white, pink, beige,
  • No less relevant, and various bandages, hairpins or rims, decorated with flowers.

Braid based styling

Elegant bindings and voluminous braids have long won the hearts of modern fashionistas. Braided braid keeps its shape for a long time, and this is a huge plus for a special day. Weaving in any form looks very interesting, whether it is the usual “fish tail” or an openwork braid. If you decorate it with rhinestones, beads or flowers, the image will be royal! You can braid your hair along the entire length, or you can apply only a small element.

Hair styling with curls is chosen very often, because curls or waves look very romantic. Developing in the wind, they allow you to create a lot of interesting photos. The main thing is to curl the strands so that they do not unwind.

In shape and size, the curls can be any - small or large, careless or neat. Most often used for curling iron. Do not forget to apply a means for thermal protection, as well as a special spray for fixing and shine.

Very beautiful hairstyles with a short or long veil are in insane demand. This simple accessory gives the image a mystery. A veil can be attached under a haircut or top, and can be mounted in the center. The length can also be different - it should be chosen for each specific case (dress, styling, height of the bride, as well as the shape of the face). But there are common points to consider:

  • Retro styled hair (shell or babette) is combined with a veil and a short fluffy veil,
  • Tails or bundles, bows or knots look just fine with a multi-tiered veil and a long accessory,
  • The intricate hairstyle should be emphasized by a transparent and simple model,
  • Greek braid on the side - single-tiered veil.

Bangs - one of the most important "decorative elements". Her main task is to draw attention to the eyes, soften all sharp corners and frame the oval of the face. Laying for a wedding with bangs are quite diverse. This is a collected bundle, and all kinds of "malvinki", and a beautiful braid (spikelet and "fish tail"), and loose strands (curly or straight). Fans of retro style will hardly manage without bangs.

Girls with long bangs should avoid too rich decor. To make the image of the bride and groom romantic, comb it on its side and fix it with varnish. It is best to do this a few days before the wedding - the fringe will have time to get used to. By the way, straight bangs go to straight hair more, while oblique shape fits to wavy strands. Decorate this hairstyle with a hoop with a scattering of stones, a diadem, a rim with rhinestones or flowers - you are the best today!

Important! If you have never cut your bangs before, you shouldn’t risk it on such a great day. Your new hairstyle may not suit you, and unfortunately there will not be time to grow strands to the desired length.

With loose hair, you can recreate almost any image. In addition, they have a lot of weighty advantages over heavy hair:

  • Natural appearance,
  • Hair can be laid itself,
  • You do not have to be afraid that natural surprises will spoil the hairstyle.

And to make your hair look more luxuriant, slightly beat the roots with a comb and fix the volume with strong hairspray. Twist the ends curling. You can decorate such styling with hairpins, pearls or flowers. With loose hair harmoniously harness and thin braids laid on the back of the head in intricate patterns.

Remember, wet weather is the main enemy of this installation! Loose hair will quickly lose its shape and lose all volume. Yes, and the wedding in the church, it is unlikely to fit.

If the witness can do without a tiara, then the newlywed - no way! For many years, it is one of the most fashionable jewelry. As a rule, those brides who dream of becoming a princess or queen choose a tiara. The diadem companions are invariably dresses with a very full skirt and curls of any type.

A pile is an ideal choice for thin and rare strands. On the assembled hair, he makes the bride stately, refined, elegant. A loose hair gives lightness and airiness. A pile can be any - smooth or careless. It depends on the style of your wedding hairstyle.

For retro styling, bouffant is also very important. For example, in babette he is a very important element. Real flowers, ribbons, rhinestones, tiaras look very nice with a pile. Duet of bouffant with luxurious curls looks solemnly and elegantly. Curls with a fluffy crown are often chosen by ladies who want to become a little taller and slimmer. Another option - comb on the basis of weaving. It is suitable for rebellious and extravagant lady, combining tenderness, femininity and boldness. In this case, bouffant can be done on the top of the head or continue to the tips of the hair.

The decoration of the hair will serve straziki and ribbons. Without a bang here at all in any way - it should be oblique.

Hairstyles on one shoulder are promoted by models and Hollywood actresses. Weave or curls, braids and a beautiful tail - they open the neck and expose the neckline. These styling is the best way to show your sexuality. The main thing is to choose a dress. Prefer styles with an open shoulder line or a plunging neckline. Long earrings will help to complement the asymmetry. In the very same hairstyle is better to weave a few decorations of any bright shade - it will be more original.

Fashion 2018 dictates its canons to us! This season is fashion tail! For very long hair this is the perfect choice. Place it on top or lower it down, decorate with ribbons, flowers or a scattering of pearls - incredibly beautiful! Do you want to bold and bold? Hang the ponytail and decorate with a white bow!

Be sure to look about popular hairstyles:

Some more tips

When choosing a wedding hairstyle for long hair, listen to these tips from experienced professionals:

  • Brides with small features perfectly fit elastic and large curls,
  • With bright and large features, we advise you to abandon the lush volumetric styling - they only emphasize possible shortcomings. You should choose a strict smooth styling, decorated with various accessories,
  • Long hairstyles are contraindicated for girls with an elongated face,
  • Bangs with long hair - a win-win for girls with a small forehead,
  • Women with a large nose should comb their locks on the forehead and cheeks - this will reduce it visually,

For a hairstyle with a veil, you can weave a wreath of flowers. Flowers can be any, but remember that lilies have a very strong fragrance, from which you can have a headache. For redheads and brown-haired strands, you should choose orchids, and scarlet roses will suit brunettes and blondes.

How to choose the right

Good styling will help emphasize the dignity of a woman’s face and hide some minor flaws. Hairstyles are divided into several main types, each of them fits a certain shape of the head.

  1. For thin miniature facial features should be selected styling with the presence of massive large curls. Such specimens were popular for a long time and are now in demand. Long hair looks great curled in airy curls.
  2. If the bride has coarse features, you will most likely have to change the decision in favor of smoother hairstyles. They, unlike the massive ones, will not focus on visible flaws. Rather, on the contrary, they will give the girl a good looks. A good solution would be the inclusion of additional accessories. Flowers and motley hairpins add elegance to the look. They are best placed at the back, not at the sides, as this can only “enlarge” the face.
  3. Holders of an elongated face should not do bulk styling. They just give a funny and will look ridiculous.
  4. The bride's long nose can be visually hidden by combing her hair in the bangs and cheeks.
  5. To hide the high forehead, you can use bangs. In this case, the main thing is to correctly execute the hairline, so that they do not look too cut.

In addition, wedding hairstyles for long hair with a veil should also look organic. When planning the size and volume one should not forget about the main wedding accessory to avoid incidents in the future.

How to take into account various factors

Modern weddings have little resemblance to the traditional measured festivities. They are rather an active performance for guests. During the whole celebration, the bridegroom with the bride may even be exhausted. Hours of dancing require good sturdy styling. So that the hair is not disheveled, you can choose the type of collected hair. Laying such hair will allow to keep them all day in an acceptable condition. In addition, the collected hair looks no less beautiful and elegantly long loose strands.

For adherence to style and beauty, you can use special decorative weaving. They will give extra fixation to the curls. In addition to the accessory, you should spray hair with lacquer.

Additional decorations

Since ancient times, flowers were the main decoration of solemn events. Even now, the interweaving of artificial flowers in the hair will give the bride a spring fresh look. To harmonize with the rest of the accessories should consider a few nuances.

  • On thin sparse hair, the interweaving of just one flower will do. True, it should be relatively large. In sparse hair, the jewelry will hold well and will not be lost during active entertainment.
  • For thick and lush buds, on the contrary, it is better to choose a lot of small flowers. A big option will add extra volume and will look ridiculous. In this case, hairstyles with bangs will have to be abandoned, it is not in harmony with a large number of jewelry.
  • If you wish to decorate your head with fresh flowers, you need to contact a professional florist for help. He will pick up perfect-shaped buds and take care of their appearance. Flowers should not fade too early at the celebration. Independent selection is fraught with the destruction of the entire structure of hair.

At the request of the bride, you can choose more non-standard accessories. They can serve as massive hair clips of bizarre forms, bandages or pendants. The main thing is that the decoration is in harmony with the other elements of the style of the girl.

What to do with bangs

Often the owners of bangs are lost in a huge variety of types of hairstyles under their requirements. Some believe that you should get rid of bangs in favor of the next fashion trend. And in vain! Hairstyles with bangs can also be interesting and trendy. Even just styled hair without any accessories will look elegant and impressive.

When doing hair, you can comb the bangs to the side or fix it with lacquer. It is worth remembering that she will go only girls with a high forehead. In all other cases, it is better to remove it sideways.

For curly hair

Sometimes women complain about their curly hair, the fact that it is difficult to care for them. Sometimes, even in a professional beauty salon, it is not easy to straighten some particularly curly strands.

Inheriting the classic wedding image options, you can also braid a spectacular braid. Thanks plexus hair will be held tightly and without varnish. The perfect solution for active competitions from toastmaster. Decorate the braid can be multiple small flowers or beads, it will give the feeling of "water flow" in the hair. This hairstyle will suit almost any owner of long hair, except for curly women.

A separate type of braids is a hairstyle in the Greek style. This is a more "easy" execution of plexuses. This braid has a certain shape and fits almost any type of face.

Wedding hairstyles for long hair with a veil

Airy white veil will give the image of the bride charm and lightness.There are several options for how to secure it.

  • Bundle your hair in a tight or loose bun, knot, shell, make babette or use weaving. Fix the veil on the top or the back of the head
  • Make styling and bouffant, at the top of the crown, fasten the veil. Cute in this version will look Malvinka
  • Fata-mantilla will be a great addition to your elegant look - styling with curls or wicker plait is best suited. You will need clamps and studs for fastening. Such a veil should be easy to not deliver discomfort during the holiday

The bang has a lot of useful features - it hides too wide forehead, looks younger, makes the face more tender. During the creation of a festive look, the question of its beautiful styling will arise.

  • If you have an asymmetrical bang, a good option is neat laying on its side. To do this, dry your wet hair, apply mousse and with the help of a hair dryer, make it bulky or, on the contrary, smooth and curl.
  • Owners of straight bangs can give it tenderness, dividing the tips, or vice versa emphasize strict lines, fixing varnish. For straight symmetrical bangs fit neat hair without the effect of careless styling

If you want to hide a bang at all, tell your master about it - it will weave it into a braid, hide it in strands or imperceptibly kill it

On loose hair

Those girls who can boast a thick beautiful head of hair, you need to consider options with flowing hair.

  • Effectively will look completely straightened hair.
  • The pigtail in which the front strands are woven, or the tender Malvinka, which opens the face, is a great option for girls with regular features.

Note: use a variety of jewelry - put on a bezel, pin a strand on its side or tie a ribbon.

The girl on her wedding day reminds herself of a blooming flower, so it will become a symbolic accessory on this holiday. To create a composition with fresh flowers, you need to consider a few rules:

  • Plants should be combined with the color of hair and skin.
  • Flowers should choose the same ones that are in the bouquet of the bride
  • Large flowers are best used in small quantities (except for special wreaths).
  • When choosing plants, consider their lifespan. To keep the shape and appearance of the flowers, leave them in a cool place until the ceremony

Large flowers are perfect for wedding hairstyles on the side. A popular flower decoration this year is a wreath of flowers or herbs. He looks rich and unusual, creating a natural feminine image. Consider that such an ornament is not suitable for every dress.

With tiara

The tiara is an elegant accessory that will help the bride feel like a real celebration queen. It looks expensive, although it can be decorated with jewels as well as artificial stones, beads, and pearls. Long-haired beauties are lucky, because they are most of all is this ornament. Correctly selected tiara stylist will look good in any image.

Wedding hairstyles for long hair with a tail look elegant. Even an ordinary ponytail can be a great decoration in the hands of an experienced hairdresser.

  • The tail, laid or tied on its side, will add to the image of tenderness. Complement it with various elements - braid pigtails, decorate with beads or flowers.
  • Hairstyles with a tail tied at the back, will open your face and neck.

To make it bigger, twist the strands on a curler or curler and make a pile.


If you want to stand out, but did not find anything interesting in the catalog of the master, experiment with extravagant options for long hair. Unusual weaving, complex designs, feathers, animal pastizhi, large beads and strange shapes - everything depends on your imagination.

Retro look is a volumetric babette, a low beam, smooth cold waves. Realizing this style, do not forget about the details: hats, feathers, veil, bows. The bride's dress should also match the image - a straight silhouette or a “fish” is best suited

Wedding hairstyle accessories

Decorate wedding hairstyles for long hair and make them really great help all kinds of accessories. Above we have already considered a veil, flower accessories and a magnificent tiara, but this is not all.

  • Feathers.
  • Hats
  • Various hairpins.
  • Ribbons and headbands.

Stylist tips

A few tips for making your hair look amazing on your wedding day:

  • If you choose for yourself a complex dress with a lot of details - the elements on the hair should match them.
  • Be sure to determine your face shape and consult with a master before choosing a hair.
  • Make a trial version of the hairstyle with the master. Walk with her all day. This is necessary so that on the wedding day you should not think about a disturbing falling strand or a tight hairpin.
  • Lacquer-shiny hair is terrible. The more natural they look, the better. One month before the wedding, arrange them express recovery

Surely you can already imagine what your image should be like - careless curls with a colorful wreath, a neat hairpin on a smooth shell, a fervent horse tail tied with a ribbon, or a gentle bun and sparkling tiara. The main thing is that it reflects your individuality and makes the holiday more beautiful.

Hairstyles with a veil

Veil fits perfectly with light curls laid on one side, or simply loose on the shoulders. With a veil it is very easy to complete any wedding hairstyle for long hair. Naturalness and minimalism are now in fashion, which means loose hair is a great option for brunettes with bright features. Such wedding hairstyles will especially successfully be paired with a dress without elaborate details and expensive jewelry in a classic style.

Wedding hairstyles with curls topped with a veil have always been and will be at the peak of popularity. For a more romantic look, you can fix a piece of hair on the back of your head. Then using curling curl wavy curls. In this case, a lush veil is better mounted on the back of your head.

If you want to complete the wedding image with a lush veil, then the hairstyle should be simple but elegant. Put the hair in a bun and fasten the veil. This styling is suitable for sophisticated lady with an oval face and elegant neck. By the way, you can do it yourself without much effort.

Most often, girls choose wedding hairstyles for long hair with a veil and curvy curls. But it is important to remember that the overall image should be harmonious. You should not do a bright make-up, and choose a dress without excessive pomp, otherwise you risk to look like a theatrical diva, and not a gentle bride.

We offer you a video series where experienced masters show how to create several types of wedding hairstyles for long hair. Some of them you can do yourself.

Video instruction wedding hairstyle with bangs and slightly curled strands.

In the next video file you will learn how to make a high hairstyle with a diadem.

Greek style will not go out of fashion for a long time; you can see the creation of an incredibly beautiful styling in the next video material.

Video: how to make Hollywood curls. Having mastered this technique, you will be able to create volumetric curls for any events with your own hands.

Wedding hairstyles with bangs and long hair

Wedding hairstyles for long hair with bangs are no less interesting than without it. They can be with straight bangs to the eyebrows, and laid back on one or both sides. That the bang was not disheveled, fix it well. Stylists offer to select a minimum of accessories (tiaras, headbands), so as not to overload the image.

With a bang, you can realize absolutely any styling. But the decision to cut the bangs for the wedding hairstyle is quite risky. Do not set up experiments before such an important event.

Straight bangs best suited to owners of an oval face. It looks good with both loose wavy hair, and with those put in a shell or bun.

It is important that the bangs do not become disheveled during the whole day, so you will have to fix it with lacquer or foam.

Wedding hairstyle with oblique bangs due to asymmetry looks very attractive. Hair in this case is better to lay on one side or put up.

Those who are lucky enough to have a long bang can choose which hairstyle they should do, with or without a bang. Since it is very easy to clean in the installation if desired.

Wedding hairstyles for long hair with a diadem

Fluffy dress, long curls and tiara is a real image of a princess. Not surprisingly, the fact that the story of the diadem has its beginnings in Greece. In ancient times, a diadem was placed on its head as a sign of chosenness and grandeur.

More recently, brides have begun to decorate their wedding hairstyles with a tiara. To create a truly royal image, you need to divide the hair into two equal parts, fasten it from behind and put it on one side. Place the tiara and curl the ends in curls. For such styling, pick up a dress in the Greek style.

Always successful is the version with loose wavy curls, parted in the middle and tiara. You can also comb the front strands back and curl the ends or braid into the braids.

Wedding hairstyles with braids for long hair

The hair weave adorned the girl at all times, so if nature has rewarded you with thick hair, be sure to make a wedding hairstyle with braids or elements of weaving. Scythe is not only beautiful, but also fashionable.

Not everyone likes the usual braid, but fortunately, the stylists have come up with a huge number of hairstyles for a wedding with weaving. You just have to choose the one you like.

What you need for this hairstyle

From the tools you will need:

  • comb - round and with a sharp tip,
  • hair styling products: varnish, mousse or foam,
  • gum, studs, hairpins, invisible,
  • curling iron, curlers or iron,
  • accessories: crown, diadem, brooch, flower or hoop.

Wedding babette with diadem, crown or flower


  • Apply to the clean and dry hair with foam or mousse, add strands and make a high tail on the back of the head. Tie the tail elastic bands in two places, and then throw it on the face.
  • Put a special roller on the tail and fix it with stealth.

  • Throw the tail back, spreading the strands so that the roller is not noticeable.
  • The tail, which remained, divided into two identical parts, fixing each of them invisible.

  • Form a bow by folding the tail parts in the center and securing them with stealth.
  • Lacquer your hair.

  • Decorate babette with a diadem or crown.

French wedding bun


  • Prepare the hair. To do this, you need to wash them and blow-dry, if they curl - align with a flat iron. After that, apply mousse, foam or gel on hair and distribute the product over the entire length of the curls. Hairstyle will seem more voluminous, if on the strands that are on the back of your head, make a little bouffant.
  • Smooth hair with a comb and make a tail on the back of your head. Then make a tight harness from the tail.

  • Make a loop from the harness.
  • Put the tail inside the bundle.

  • Secure the French bundle with studs and lacquer. This wedding hairstyle with a veil looks gorgeous, but it looks good without it.

Side wedding greek hairstyle


  • Curl your curls with curlers or curling.

  • Highlight a fairly wide strand of curls at the crown of the head, mix it well and varnish it.

  • Take a combed strand, lift it up a little and fasten it with several invisible ones.

  • Remove all curls on the side and fix with varnish. At this stage, you can stop, but so that the hairstyle seems more lush and luxurious, you can fix the hair with an elastic band, in the next paragraph.

  • On each side, take small strands of hair, bring them back and fix the elastic in the tail. Turn the tail into one of the sides, then release some strands, thus making additional volume. Repeat these steps along the entire length of the hair.

Light, playful curls laid on the side


  • Before creating hair, you need to wash your hair, blow-dry and comb well. It is advisable to apply mousse or other styling on the curls so that the perm keeps the desired look longer. It will be more convenient if you first stab the upper part of the curls with hairpins or pegs.
  • Choose a small strand. But if you want to make a small waviness, you can choose thicker strands.

  • Proceed to winding the curls on the curling. Screwing can be done both from yourself and to yourself. When curling in different directions, you will get a more natural waviness.
  • Warm each strand for about 20 seconds, if you have very long hair - about 30 seconds.
  • Periodically varnish each twisted curl.

  • Very gently comb your hair with a comb with fine teeth.
  • If necessary, twist the tips of the curls in those places where they stick out a bit.
  • Lay curled hair on its side and fix it with varnish over the entire head.
  • If you wish, you can decorate your hair with beautiful accessories: a tiara, a hair brooch, a flower, a hoop or ribbons.

Wedding hairstyle on elongated square


  • Apply mousse or foam to clean and dried hair, comb it well. Then a horizontal parting, going from one ear to the other, divide the hair into two parts.
  • Strands in the area of ​​the temples fasten on the back of the head with invisible.
  • Lower the upper part of the curls and twist the ends with a curling iron, then paint over the hairstyle.



  • Prepare a bandage: it can be a stylish dense tape or an elastic band.
  • Part and smooth the curls, then put a bandage on your head. If you want the hairstyle to be fluffy, do it on curled curling hair.
  • Twist each strand around the dressing. Make sure your hair is distributed evenly.
  • Rear locks can stab stealth so that they do not fall apart. If desired, you can pull out thin ancestors from under the gum in the temples, so that your image seemed more romantic.
  • Fix your hair with strong hold hairspray.

Wedding hairstyle for long hair with a veil

Probably, you thought that a wedding hairstyle for long hair should be done in a beauty salon? But it turns out, you can create beauty on your own hair. How to do this, tell the heroine of this video.

High hair with a veil

Such styling has always looked elegant and elegant. Most often, girls choose the option of hair, in which the hair is collected in a stylish high bun. It can be made neat and smooth, as well as shaggy and curly. The veil fastens under it that it was not noticeable. But there is one important condition - do not make the beam on its side.

It is possible to carry out such option of high styling with combed hair and with a parting. The second option will be a little to forgive the hairstyle, and it fits to a straight or short dress.

Technique perform openwork beam:

  1. Strands wash, process mousse.
  2. Dry with a hair dryer, pull the iron.
  3. Highlight a bang area or a non-thick long strand around the face.
  4. The remaining hair to collect in the tail at the top.
  5. At the base of the tail wear a special foam roller, which is suitable in color to the curls.
  6. The tail is divided into 2 parts. Varnish each and roll in a circle of foam roller.
  7. Secure strands with a pin. The second part of the hair is also varnished and laid out with a pattern on the perimeter of the head. Fix the laying with lacquer.

Technique of braid beam:

  1. Hair collected in high tail and secure it with a rubber band on top.
  2. Bangs secure invisible.
  3. Under the tail on the crown, place the foam pad.
  4. Divide the hair into 4 parts and each braid in a braid.
  5. To make the strands bulky in braids, pull them out.
  6. Put the hair on the face with a curling iron.

Straight bang laying

Such a bang looks great with both fluffed and collected locks. But from the styling with weaving should be abandoned, as the braids will overload the hair. In addition, it is not recommended too thick bangs, as it will weight the face.

If you choose the option with flowing hair, the best fit curls and waves. At the same time the bang itself should be straight. With this hairstyle, you can safely embody the image of a fairy-tale princess. Dress choose a calm and discreet, without frills and lace elements.

If you need to collect hair, then the best option would be a shell hairdo. It will favorably emphasize the tenderness and elegance of the image.

Hair with oblique bangs

This option bangs - universal, as it can beautify any styling. Hairstyles with her look, both playful and romantic. It all depends on which style the bride chooses.

Oblique bangs look great in a tandem with a pile, in which part of the hair is combed back, and the rest is made fluff. This version of the installation will give the appearance of lightness and freshness. Curls can be picked up in a high hair style, decorated with such accessories as:

You can experiment a bit with different weaving techniques. With a slanting bang, it looks interesting to the openwork braid, made on one side.

Long bangs

In this case, the bride herself can decide what wedding hairstyle she wants to see: with bangs or without, as long hair can be hidden under her hair and open her forehead. If this option is not suitable, then you can comb the curls on one side to secure them with a beautifully decorated hair clip so that they do not fall on your eyes.

The next successful option involves the division of bangs into equal parts, which will be advantageous to frame the face, but only if it is oval.

Wedding hairstyles for long flowing hair

This is the most successful version for creating a wedding look. And to let loose hair look harmonious, they need to be properly laid, choosing the best way to style.

Romantic large curls - a classic that never goes out of fashion. Voluminous curls falling on the bride's shoulders will look great in tandem with a wedding dress.

Elegant curls look interesting with and without a veil. If the second option is used, then for decoration use the following elements:

With weaving

And although there are many ways to create a hairstyle with elements of weaving, the fishtail tail is the most common. She is in perfect harmony with the wedding dress, and also exposes the neck and shoulders of the bride. In addition, the shape of the braid will allow to decorate the head with a stylish hat or veil. It is best to make the fishtail asymmetric, then the braid will take on an interesting look.

With straight hair

If a girl does not want to curl curls, then she will be able to look no less attractive and luxurious with long hair. And to give your hair an interesting look will help a variety of jewelry and accessories. On the straightened strands, special rhinestones look great: they are strung on a solid line and fixed to the base of the hair with the help of silicone fasteners. Due to the slight glimmer of stones, the image becomes more mysterious and fabulous.

Long hair braids

Spectacular bindings and voluminous braids have long been in demand not only among brides, but also ordinary girls. Braided braid keeps its shape perfectly, while it looks solemn and charming. Any weaving option will look interesting. You can choose as an openwork braid, and "fish tail". And to give a solemn styling will help the various elements of decor: rhinestones, flowers, beads. In addition, the hair can be braided along the entire length or use only a small element.

It is important that the braids are not simple. You can do the weaving of the curls, the French braid or create an element from the roots. If you use the latter method, then you need to use the veil, which is attached to the back of the head. The volumetric French braid looks stylish and attractive. Its tips can be screwed onto the curling iron. And decorate with threads with rhinestones or flowers. If such accessories are used, then the veil should be a simplified version.


Watch the video: Half Up Half Down Long Hair Wedding Hairstyles (July 2024).