Dandruff treatment

How effective is dandruff shampoo with ketoconazole - keto plus?


Dandruff is an unpleasant symptom of seborrheic dermatitis; Keto Plus shampoo will help to cope with it. This tool is designed specifically to combat flaking scales, due to its anti-fungal properties, the shampoo kills pathogens and creates an unfavorable condition for their further appearance. The tool not only fights dandruff, but also eliminates itching, redness, has a healing effect on small wounds and sores, the skin no longer peels off. There is a beneficial effect on the general condition of the hair, accelerates their growth and reduces hair loss.

Shampoo description

Despite the low cost, in comparison with the advertised means of the same action, Keto Plus is indeed an effective drug, as evidenced by numerous reviews and opinions of dermatologists. Due to the active ingredients, the drug helps to get rid of seborrhea of ​​the scalp and prevent exacerbation. "Keto Plus" allows you to get rid of pityriasis versicolor. The shampoo has a thick, viscous consistency of pink color, easily foams and washes off, and the floral scent gives a little chemical, which is not to be afraid because the substance can not get into the blood and does not carry any danger to the body.

The preparation includes:

  • ketoconazole
  • zinc pyrithione,
  • sodium lauryl sulfate,
  • purified water,
  • magnesium silicate,
  • silica,
  • hypromellose,
  • coconut oil extract.
The result of the application will be noticeable from the first time.

Ketoconazole is the main component and it is thanks to him that shampoo has its own healing properties. This substance acts as a destroyer of pathogenic fungus. It prevents the formation of ergosterol, which contributes to the destruction of fungal cells. After depression of the infection, the self-healing cycle of the upper layer of the dermis returns to normal independently. Zinc pyrithione is an anti-inflammatory element in the shampoo. It helps to reduce the division of skin cells, which relieves inflammation and itching.

How to use?

The tool should be applied to the hair along the entire length rubbing at the roots, then leave to act for a few minutes and wash off with a large amount of running warm water. The frequency of use of Keto Plus shampoo varies depending on the problem. With pityriasis lishee, the course consists of 5-7 procedures once a day, and for prevention it will take from 3 to 5 days. Seborrheic dermatitis requires less use, it is enough to wash your hair with this tool twice a week, and once a week it will be enough for prevention.

Recommendations for the use of shampoo "Keto Plus" dandruff

Before using, you should consult a specialist and check the product for allergic reactions. To do this, apply a little shampoo on the skin behind the ear or on the inside of the elbow and wait until the next day you can feel any unpleasant sensations. In case of accidental contact with mucous membranes, no special measures are required, although the product causes irritation of the mucous membranes. It is possible to arrest the symptoms by flushing the eyes with plenty of water. Use "Keto Plus" can be during pregnancy and lactation. It is not forbidden to use the tool for the treatment of dermatitis of the scalp in children.

Side effects

Treatment of dandruff with Keto Plus shampoo can cause dermatitis, itching, accelerated salinization of hair, loss, for curls that have previously been subjected to chemical perm and / or dyeing, color change is possible. In men, it can cause a decrease in libido, due to ketoconazole contained in it. With such symptoms, it is important to contact a specialist to re-consult and determine the root cause of the disease, because it is not always that scalp diseases are treated only by external means.

Price and analogues

The cost of Keto Plus shampoo is relatively small, about $ 8 per bottle with a capacity of 60 ml, and $ 13 for 150 ml. You can buy it in pharmacies or specialized stores, sold without a prescription.

This tool is not the only one whose composition contains ketoconazole, which is the main active ingredient. Such drugs as Nizoral, Mikozoral, Sebozol, Mikanisal, Sulsena are offered. But each is endowed with some flaws. For example, Nizoral and Mycozoral are not allowed to be used by pregnant and lactating women.

Pros and cons of use

The first aid in the treatment of dandruff are shampoos with antifungal effect. Ketoconazole has this property. It is prescribed in the presence of dermatological diseases caused by the spread of harmful microorganisms.

Among the disadvantages are the probability of side effects:

  • itch
  • allergy,
  • side effects caused by individual intolerance.

List of popular antifungal agents

  • Keto plus In addition to ketoconazole contains zinc pyrithione, which normalizes the sebaceous glands. These two active components perfectly cope with dermatological diseases of the scalp.

It is necessary to apply within a month twice a week. Quickly copes with the problem with regular use. Microsal. At a relatively inexpensive cost, this drug shows no less effective results in comparison with analogues. Active substances fight against microorganisms, eliminate itching, irritation and flaking.

The downsides that customers notice are the peculiar smell. It is necessary to use 2-3 times a week for 1-2 months. Safe for pregnant and lactating women. Nizoral The main component is ketoconazole. It has a not very pleasant smell, but it quickly gives a positive result. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Apply to hair at least 2 times a week. The main difference of the drug in its complete safety - treatment is prescribed even for children from infancy. Sebosoldiffers from analogues by the possibility of use by pregnant women, since the concentration of the active antifungal substance in it is only 1%. Buyers note not only efficiency, but also benefit.

Unlike analogs, “Sebozol” is produced in a much larger volume at the same price as other means. Apply on the affected areas 2 times a week. Destroys both the symptoms and the source of the disease. Horsepower.The manufacturer manufactures products not only for strengthening, but also hair treatment.

The active ingredient is citric acid and antifungal agent. The drug is suitable for treatment and prevention.

It has a relatively high cost. Sulsena. Carefully cares for the scalp and heals and prevents dandruff.

This drug is a prolonged action.

In addition to combating the source of the problem, it effectively cleanses the skin and hair, exfoliates the scales of dead cells and prevents the formation of crusts. It is recommended to use 2-3 times a week for 30 days. DandruffIt is used in the treatment of dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, depriving.

Provides long-lasting therapeutic effect. It is also recommended for the use of other seborrhea-affected areas of the skin - forehead and nose.

At the advanced stage of the disease, 2% Perhohot is used 3 times a week for a month. With a more moderate course of the disease, use 1% of the composition once a week for a month. Ketoconazole NPA Elf.This is a dual action drug.

First, the components fight the source of infection, completely destroying the fungus.

Then clean the epidermis from the effects of reproduction of microorganisms.

It is recommended for sensitive scalp, for all skin and hair types, and for those prone to allergic reactions.

The active substances help restore the balance of the epidermal fluid and the protective layer of the skin. The tool does well with dermatitis on the head.

The active element is ketoconazole, its amount in the composition, as a rule, does not exceed 21 mg / g. The action is aimed at the destruction of fungal infections. Active against dermatophytes, molds, candida and mycosis pathogens.

Excipients: Collagen, sodium hydroxide, sodium chloride, imido-urea, cocoyl diethanolamide, macrogol dioleate, flavors, etc.

In addition to these substances in the composition can also be natural ingredients: tar, plant extracts and oils.
In some shampoos are also used such substances:

  • zinc - creates an environment that is impossible for the development and reproduction of microorganisms, reduces inflammation, redness, burning and itching,
  • thyme strengthens the action of all active elements and improves the blood circulation of the epidermis of the head, strengthens the curls and restores weakened roots.

How to apply?

The first thing you need to do before you open the tube and put liquid on your head is to read the instructions. Following the rules of use will help not only to achieve a quick positive result, but also to avoid side effects. As a rule, all shampoos with antifungal effects are applied as follows:

  1. Wet your head with warm water and rinse well under running water.
  2. Apply a little to the roots (about a tablespoon).
  3. Carefully spread the liquid over the entire surface of the head. For convenience, you can use a comb.
  4. Massage the affected areas.
  5. Leave the foam on your head for 3-5 minutes, no more.
  6. Wash your head with warm water, rinse the treatment solution thoroughly.

If the foam causes discomfort and discomfort, it is recommended to stop washing. This is probably a manifestation of individual intolerance to the components.

The course is 1-1.5 months. The treatment procedure should be carried out 2 times a week. If necessary, after completing the course, you can continue treatment for prevention. Only the product should be selected with a 1% active ingredient content, and applied 3-4 times per month.

Efficiency, action and result

The first positive result appears for each individual. Much depends on the susceptibility of the organism and the severity of the disease. Nevertheless, many buyers note that the dynamics of recovery is quite fast - after the first procedures, the curls become much cleaner, and the amount of dandruff is less.

Beneficial effect on the condition of the hair along their entire length. Strands become more obedient, softer, the tips cease to split and break. Unlike many expensive foreign analogues, anti-dandruff drugs with ketoconazole are not addictive.

After the course, dandruff will not return, even if you stop using it. But with an increased tendency to fungal diseases and sensitive scalp should be used shampoo for prevention.

Sometimes the recommended course and mode of use (2 days a week) is not enough. With complications and other features of seborrhea, the doctor may prescribe more frequent use of the tool.

Are there any contraindications and side effects?

When used externally, it has no contraindications. The drug is completely safe for lactating and pregnant women. A huge plus is that the composition is not absorbed into the epidermis, and therefore does not enter the blood.

People who are prone to allergies and do not tolerate individual components, should exercise caution. Before trying the composition on the hair, it is recommended to put it on the skin of the hand to identify an allergic reaction. If the liquid does not cause irritation and itching, then it is safe for you.

The only thing to be afraid of is getting into the skin of the skin.

Shampoo with antifungal action - a reliable tool in the fight against seborrhea and dandruff on the head. Absolutely safe, inexpensive and effective drug will help to quickly deal with the problem at any stage of the disease.

The strength of the shampoo

Dandruff is nothing but the waste products of a yeast fungus that lives on the scalp.. She brings discomfort to her master, as well as:

  • makes you wear lighter clothes all the time so that loose flakes are not as noticeable
  • makes hair untidy and untidy,
  • provokes a weakening of the curls, because it becomes a kind of barrier that prevents the penetration of oxygen to the follicles,
  • leads to the emergence of the frequent desire to scratch the hair, which, you see, causes not very pleasant impressions.

Although the problem of dandruff lies in the medical plane, it is eliminated with the help of cosmetics that are applied to the dermis of the head. Exactly Keto shampoo Plus for dandruff is able to quickly and easily eliminate the manifestations of seborrheic dermatitis, as well as to establish the work of sebaceous glands.

According to users and the opinion of trichologists, a therapeutic drug is an effective tool that can get rid of peeling in a month. It is indicated for seborrheic dermatitis because:

  • relieves itching and redness of the scalp,
  • promotes better regeneration of the skin,
  • improves the sebaceous glands,
  • is a good absorbent that absorbs sebum and various impurities,
  • eliminates colonies of microorganisms.

Attention! The color of this remedy may seem a little strange to you, - the viscous suspension has a pink tint. But you shouldn’t get very upset, because during use the suspension foams well and doesn’t stain the curls.

Composition and useful properties

The main component of Keta plus is ketoconazole. - an active fungus killer that prevents ergosterol from forming, which promotes the reproduction of mycotic cells. As soon as the infection leaves its usual habitat, the dermis of the head will recover on its own.

Special attention deserves zinc prition, designed to eliminate inflammatory processes. This substance interferes with active cell division, so it relieves redness and itching.

Other components:

  • magnesium silicate,
  • lauryl sulfate,
  • filtered water
  • silica,
  • Coconut oil,
  • giprommezola.

The product is made in India.

Shampoo has the following effect:

  • hydrating effect
  • kills bacteria and microorganisms that live on the scalp,
  • improves the nutrition of dermal cells
  • has a fungistatic effect.

This The drug perfectly eliminates the fungus Pitirosporum orbiculare and ovale. He can even overcome chinexia due to potent components.

Is the composition of dandruff shampoos important?

Most therapeutic dandruff shampoos contain only one active ingredient: often, either an antifungal component — for example, ketoconazole, or kerato-regulating — for example, zinc pyrithione.

To date, Keto Plus is the only shampoo on the pharmaceutical market of the Russian Federation 1, which simultaneously contains two active ingredients: ketoconazole and zinc pyrithione.

Ketoconazole is a broad-spectrum antifungal agent, i.e. acts directly on the underlying cause of dandruff - the fungus.

Zinc pyrithione, being a keratoregulatory drug (normalizes the growth of scalp cells) and cytostatics, ensures the removal of scales from the skin and prevents their excessive formation. In other words, eliminates the visible manifestations of dandruff. In addition, zinc pyrithione provides a prolonged effect of the drug, has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, reduces itchy scalp.

So complex Keto Plus Shampoo provides a double action: affects the very cause of dandruff - a fungus and helps to normalize the condition of the scalp, thereby reducing the symptoms of dandruff - peeling and itching. In addition, you need to use it only 2 times a week (daily use is not required).

As popular wisdom says, one head is good, but two is better.

1. According to GRLS for July 2017
2. Nevozinskaya Z. Korsunskaya I.M. The comparative efficacy of treatment of seborrheic dermatitis with Keto Plus shampoo (ketoconazole 2% + zinc pyrithione 1%) with ketoconazole monotherapy 2% and zinc pyrithione monotherapy 1%. Russian Medical Journal 2008.-N 23.-С.1551-1555.
The information is based on the data contained in the listed literature.

  • Sergeev Yu.V., Kudryavtseva E.V., Sergeeva E.L. Keto Plus shampoo: a new approach to the treatment of dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. Immunopathology. 2002, 4: 16–19.
  • Nevozinskaya Z., Pankova S.V., Bragina E.V., Zarezaeva N.N., Korsunskaya I.M. Comparative efficacy of treatment of seborrheic dermatitis with Keto Plus combination shampoo (ketoconazole 2% + zinc pyrithione 1%) with ketoconazole 2% monotherapy and zinc pyrithione monotherapy 1%. Russian Medical Journal, 2008 N 23.-С.1551-1555.
  • Suvorova K.N., Sysoeva T.A. Desquamative lesions of the scalp. Tutorial. M., 2005.
  • Gajigoroeva A.G. New opportunities in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp. Wedge. dermatol. and venerol. 2005, 2: 70–2.
  • Gupta AK, Bluhm R, Cooper EA et al. Seborrheic dermatitis. (Seborrheic dermatitis) Dermatol Clin 2003, 21: 401–12.
  • Gajigoroeva A.G. Dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. Consilium medicum. Dermatology, 2007.-N 1.-С.9-14.
  • http://medportal.ru/enc/krasota/hair/, as of 07/13/17

Material Number: 05-17-RUS-008/1-KTP

Scalp problems

The disease, which by its nature is not dangerous to health and life, but brings considerable inconvenience is seborrheic dermatitis. Dermatologists rank as inflammatory skin diseases caused by fungal organisms. It is necessary to treat it, otherwise the situation is greatly aggravated.

Bacteria are always present on the human body, but are activated when factors favorable for their development, for example, a decrease in immunity. The disease always occurs in areas with a large number of sebaceous glands, the product of which is a nutrient medium for fungal organisms.

Pityriasis versicolor is a fungal disease affecting the outer layer of the skin (epidermis), in contact with the external environment. May occur due to prolonged exposure to the sun, reduced immunity, frequent stress, diseases of the endocrine system. Also lichen is called multicolored, and Malassezia fungi cause it.

Is dandruff a nuisance or a danger?

Dandruff is a problem in almost every 2–3 people. For a patient, there is a significant detachment of skin scales over a long period. Most often, the scalp suffers, but sometimes the arms, legs, back.

The disease is not dangerous, but people suffering from it are forced to wear lighter things and constantly shake off the scales from their shoulders. Also, itching of the affected scalp occurs.

Dandruff is not only a cosmetic defect, but also adversely affects the condition of the hair. It severely limits the penetration of air to their roots. Because of this, hair weakens and may fall out. And if left untreated, dandruff causes dermatitis or baldness. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of it on a mandatory basis.

To combat the disease, there are various products, including products of well-known brands that are sold in supermarkets, and funds from pharmacies. Dandruff shampoo "Keto Plus", being a medicine, struggles with skin problems.

Shampoo reviews

Often dandruff signals the occurrence of any health problems. Seborrhea and other diseases of integumentary tissues, unfortunately, are not uncommon. As a result, many people are forced to use remedies to relieve irritating symptoms.

You can find a variety of discussion of the pharmaceutical product "Keto Plus" (shampoo). Reviews are the basis for the conclusion that a positive result is predominantly noted among consumers after using the funds. In some people, the scalp calmed down significantly after the first use, or the amount of dandruff was reduced by half. And there are people who, thanks to this shampoo, have completely forgotten about the problems of the scalp that concern them.

Also, many reviews confirm that itching may disappear after the first use. But this does not mean that dandruff also disappears. In two weeks, its amount in any case decreases.

In addition, when washing the head with this tool, the active ingredients do not enter the bloodstream, therefore, the possibility of overdose is excluded when using Keto Plus. Reviews also indicate that complaints about adverse reactions after prolonged use of the drug do not occur.

Side effects

After using the product, undesirable effects such as itching, dermatitis, irritation may occur. There is a change in the color of gray hair, as well as susceptible to dyeing or chemical perm. It happens that the use of shampoo increases their loss.

Also, consumers sometimes talked about side effects, in particular, about the increased oily hair after using Keto Plus (shampoo). Responses of people to whom the drug did not help at all, are also found. But here it is necessary to take into account that with irritation, dandruff and dermatitis, the use of drugs of local influence does not always solve the problem.

If you want to cure any ailment, it is always necessary initially to identify its main cause, since the sources usually lie in disturbances of metabolic processes. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo an examination of the digestive and hormonal systems, and then proceed to action. Also very important diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Recommendations from the instructions

As mentioned earlier, Keto Plus shampoo is used to heal the fungal lesions of the scalp caused by microorganisms that are sensitive to the component. The instruction calls such diseases against which the action of the drug is directed: pityriasis versicolor, dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis.

It is allowed to use the product for pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding, because pyrithione, zinc and ketoconazole, if used properly, do not enter the systemic circulation, as a result, any adverse effect on the fetus is excluded.

Depending on the task, “Keto Plus” can be used every day or according to a certain schedule for some time. The manual provides a list of methods of treatment and prevention of trouble with the scalp. After fixing the problem, it is advisable to use this remedy for prophylactic purposes To use this medicated dandruff shampoo is contraindicated only in case of allergy to one of the components of the product.

How to use shampoo

An important advantage of this antifungal drug is the manifestation of its medicinal properties during ordinary shampooing. Apply it with neat massaging movements, wait for 3-5 minutes and wash off with warm water. The treatment of pityriasis versicolor should last 5–7 days, the time of prophylaxis is 3-5 days. Seborrheic dermatitis is treated with two times a week for a month. And prevention is 1 time per week for about 30 days.

In case of accidental swallowing of the shampoo, it is also not necessary to take any measures. You should also try to avoid getting the shampoo in the eyes, and rinse them thoroughly with water if this happens.

Some more important questions: storage, analogs and price

The manufacturer of the product is the representative office of the Glenmark pharmaceutical company in India. In pharmacies, medical dandruff shampoo is sold without a prescription, is stored for 2 years in a dry, cool and protected from direct sunlight place. Implemented the drug in 60 and 150 ml vial.

Consumers often have a desire to find a product similar to Keto Plus. Analogs of this drug (especially single-component) are not implemented today. But commercially available shampoos, which include ketoconazole, so they can be counted among similar products.

The cost of shampoos in different places varies somewhat, including the drug "Keto Plus". The price for a 60 ml bottle is approximately 390 rubles, and for 150 ml it is 843 rubles. Sebozol is the most affordable, followed by Mykozoral, Keto Plus, Perhoral and the most expensive is Nizoral.

That is the most expensive remedy in the list of identical drugs - not “Keto Plus” (shampoo). Reviews at the same time indicate that the medicinal product really helps to gain beautiful hair and get rid of unpleasant sensations to many consumers.

Instructions for use

Keto plus is a drug, even in the form of a shampoo. It should be used for its intended purpose: to suppress the fungal infection and for prevention.

Shampoo is sold in pharmacies, sold without a prescription. The only contraindication is only individual intolerance to any components.

Keto plus is traditionally used: the suspension is applied to the skin and strands of hair, left for 3-5 minutes and washed off with the required amount of water. The agent does not create a large volume of foam.

Apply the composition of courses depending on the form of the disease:

  • with pityriasis lichen, you must wash Keto's head daily for 5–7 days,
  • for prevention of depriving it is enough to wash the hair with a composition of 3-5 days,
  • for healing from seborrheic dermatitis, it will take at least a month, during which the shampoo should be used 2 times a week,
  • for seborrhea prophylaxis - in fact, for dandruff, the head is washed once a week for a month.

    Overdosing is impossible: it is a composition of external influence and practically does not enter the circulatory system.

    If inadvertent ingestion of dangerous effects were observed. Flush the stomach or provoke vomiting is impossible.

    What a good dandruff shampoo in the pharmacy exists at the present time, it is detailed in this article.

    What constitutes a Vichy shampoo for hair growth, described in detail in this article.

    For those who want to learn more about shampoo without sulfates and parabens, it is worth reading the content of the article.

    To see how the work of Loreal shampoo looks like before and after in the photo, you can see here in the article.

    Keto shampoo plus is available in 60 ml and 150 ml containers.

  • The cost of less packaging varies from 485 to 660 p.
  • A large bottle costs 697–920 p.

    Cheaper analogues

    Keto plus is not the only shampoo that contains ketoconazole.

  • Famous Nizoral also bases its antimycotic effect on ketoconazole. Its cost is not much different from Keto Plus - 555–670 p. per bottle, 60 ml volume. Unlike Keto plus Nizoral, it is not allowed to use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  • Lower cost different Mycozoral - The price of a 60 ml bottle varies from 364 to 412 r. The effect is the same because it is caused by the same active substance.
  • Sebosol - Another great option for ketoconazole dandruff. The cost is more democratic: a bottle with a volume of 100 ml costs 290–335 p. and a 200 ml bottle - 437–558 r.
  • Mikanisal - product of the Tallinn Pharmaceutical Plant. A 60 ml bottle costs 99–128 r. True, zinc pyrithione is not included.
    • Ekaterina, 32, Moscow: “Great shampoo. In fact, removes dandruff, and does not wash it away, like cosmetic preparations. Already after two applications, itching disappeared. ”
    • Vlada, 23, Perm: “I Keto plus treated pityriasis versicolor - very nasty muck. Helped quickly. The only thing is that during the treatment the hair became dry and there was no way to style it. But after the course they quickly recovered. ”
    • Elena, 35 years old, Arkhangelsk: “Keto plus I was advised from seborrhea. And the doctor said to use 3 months, not a month, as in the instructions. Seborrhea is oily, there was no improvement for a long time, but in the end, I got rid of this misfortune. ”
    • Svetlana, 28 years old: “Dandruff at one time was terrifying: it fell off from hair, on clothes, it remained on the table. Keto plus has been used for more than a month. The result is, you will not say anything, although the shampoo has dried my hair. ”

    Keto Plus is an effective shampoo with an antimycotic effect. The tool really removes dandruff, because it affects the cause - the fungus is the pathogen. In addition, Keto Plus has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces itching and irritation.

    Keto shampoo plus dandruff has established itself as an effective drug in combating skin and hair diseases. Dandruff - the main problem of hair, relevant at all times.

    Keto shampoo plus from the purpose

    In practice, this exfoliation of particles of the stratum corneum of the skin, the cause of which can be:

  • fungal diseases (zoster),
  • seborrhea (seborrheic dermatitis),
  • heredity,
  • diseases of internal organs (intestines, stomach, lungs),
  • nervous system disorders
  • hormonal disbalance,
  • low-quality shampoo,
  • overheating of the scalp during hair drying with a hair dryer or curling iron,
  • violation of the elementary rules of hygiene, etc.

    Keto shampoo plus copes with dandruff, it consists of: Ketoconazole (20 mg), zinc (15 mg), water, flavors, oils, acids. If the patient has contraindications for the use of ketoconazole and other components, then the use of this tool is better to refuse.

    Keto plus method of application

    Keto shampoo plus has a pink color and a pleasant smell

  • Before you wet your hair, you need to carefully comb your hair, so the shampoo will fall on all areas of skin and hair.
  • Carefully wet hair with water. Its temperature should be in the range of 45-50 ° C.
  • Apply the amount of shampoo according to the instructions and the type of hair.
  • My head is strictly along conventional lines: first from ear to ear, then the top of the head and the back of the head.
  • We carry out the massaging movements with fingertips, while not scratching the skin with nails.
  • We are waiting for five minutes until the shampoo will affect the skin and hair.
  • Rinse off residues should be cool water (20-25 ° C). Cold water activates blood supply to the scalp, thereby making hair softer.

    Keto shampoo plus from depriving

    Pityriasis versicolor occurs on the head in the form of spots of different shapes and diameters, but the structure of the hair is not disturbed. Spots can merge into one large hearth of pink, pale, and yellow. As a rule, this fungus affects adolescents aged 10-15 years.

    Cure keto shampoo on the head is capable of Keto shampoo plus produced by Glenmark Pharma, India. Ketoconazole eliminates fungus, dandruff, reduces peeling of the skin, reduces itching and discomfort.

    Shampoo from seborrheic dermatitis keto plus

    Seborrheic dermatitis on the head photo of the girl

  • dying off of the stratum corneum,
  • peeling of its small particles,
  • irritation and redness of the skin,
  • the formation of small, pink-red plaques,
  • allergic rash.

    Seborrhea (seborrheic dermatitis) on the scalp often affects men 12-14% and adolescents 10-15 years.

    Wash your hair every three days until full recovery. After a course of treatment for prevention, we wash our heads once a week for 30-40 days, one bottle is enough.

    Keto plus hair loss

    Partial hair loss for a man on the head

    It is important to know that seborrhea provokes active hair loss in a patient. You can try to stop the process by treating the affected places with tincture of burdock root, calendula and chamomile.

    If traditional medicine does not help, then try Keto shampoo plus for hair loss. We also apply it on the hair, wait 4-5 minutes and rinse with cool water. Perform manipulations once every five days for 40-50 days.

    Doctors do not prohibit the use of Keto shampoo plus during pregnancy

    During pregnancy and breastfeeding, shampooing is allowed, as its components are not absorbed. To check for sure contact your doctor. Cases of negative effects of antifungal agents during pregnancy were not recorded. We advise before using shampoos, tablets, creams or any other drugs, first consult with your doctor.

    Nizoral Dandruff Shampoo

    The cost on the territory of the Russian Federation varies from 500 to 630 rubles. The average cost of the drug in Ukrainian pharmacies is 150-160 hryvnia. It is released without a prescription.

    Among the available and effective analogues, we note the following drugs:

  • Nizoral sh-n 2% 60 g, average price - 600 rubles,
  • Sebozol sh-n bottle 100 ml, the average price - 350 rubles,
  • Mycozoral sh-n 2% bottle 60 g, the average price - 300 rubles.

    Keto shampoo plus reviews

    I go to the gym. Hike in the locker room picked up the fungus. There was a spot the size of a coin right behind the ear. My skin was itchy and scaly, at first I was very scared, because I thought it was psoriasis. Immediately I went to the doctor, who immediately calmed me down, they say, this is not psoriasis, but a common pityriasis versicolor, which at such a late age (23 years) is rare. They gave me clotrimazole cream for fungus and keto shampoo miracle plus.

    Smeared and washed his hair according to the instructions. Everything went exactly 4 weeks. Relapse, pah-pah, so as not to jinx it until it was :-). After training, I try to immediately take a shower. Chlorhexidine necessarily treat the hands, legs, between the fingers. All health)

    Keto Plus - dandruff shampoo

    Keto Plus - a shampoo that effectively fights against itching and dandruff, relieves irritation, heals crusts and pustules on the scalp. The drug is so strong that it can save from pityriasis versicolor. The main thing is to use it correctly, read the instructions, follow the dosage. How to apply shampoo at home and are there inexpensive analogues of drugs?

    Keto Plus Shampoo, which is used for dandruff, is an antimycotic agent of Indian production, which suppresses the action of pathogens. It is a thick suspension of bright red color with the “Swiss Bouquet” aroma.

    Pleasant in texture, economical to use, it is easy to apply, it foams well, it is quickly washed off the scalp. In this case, the drug not only eliminates the disease, but also has a concomitant effect: stops hair loss. The drug has good reviews and is in the top 10 best anti-dandruff remedies. What are the components of Keto Plus and how do they help?

    The active ingredients of the drug are able to resist fungal epithelium lesions of the scalp, which provoke yeast-like microorganisms Malasseziya Furfur (Malessezia Furfur). Doctors found out that they become the cause of oily and dry seborrhea, atopic dermatitis and some other skin diseases.

    In a healthy body, the fungus "sleeps", but it is worth getting sick, as it activates and causes skin diseases. At the same time, the pathogens become active and due to metabolic disorders, constant stress, chronic fatigue and even due to an unexpected change in the usual diet, when a person severely limits himself, for example, to lose weight.

    Learn how to treat dandruff in a child: food, ointment and cream, traditional medicine.

    Read how to use anti-dandruff soda: mask recipes.

    The instructions for use of shampoo Keto Plus clearly spelled out a list of diseases with which it effectively copes.

    These include:

  • Dandruff (oily, dry).
  • Seborrheic dermatitis.
  • Pityriasis versicolor.

    Sometimes dermatologists prescribe Keto Plus not only for dandruff, but to remove the inflammatory processes on the scalp, to adjust the work of the sebaceous glands. This helps the hair not to get greasy too quickly, and the strands do not stick together. The drug is a good tool for the prevention of dandruff, although the number of procedures, dosage, it is better to check with your doctor.

    Active ingredient list

    What active ingredients are included in Keto Plus? In addition to an extensive list of components of chemical origin, the ingredients of the medicine are dyes, purified water and flavoring. But the main active ingredients are only two:

    Ketoconazole deliberately fights against the yeast-like fungi of Malessezia Furfur:

  • inhibits activity
  • slows down development at the cellular level,
  • kills entire colonies of harmful microorganisms.

    Zinc pyrithione does not allow fungi to function, because of which the skin is peeling off, and dandruff appears: the epithelium cells cease to reproduce at an abnormal rate, and the disease gradually passes.

    Acting in the complex, the active substances stop itching, desquamation, and in parallel eliminate the causes of the appearance of head diseases.

    Systemic effects

    According to medical research, the drug is absorbed into the blood slightly, even if a person uses it for a long time. This allows doctors to talk about the absence of a systemic effect of the drug on the human body.

    For the consumer, this means that:

  • shampoo can be safely treated for adolescent dandruff,
  • can be used during pregnancy and feeding.

    The only contraindication is individual intolerance to individual components. Checking the absence of allergies is easy if you put a little shampoo behind your ear. If itching, burning, redness and other unpleasant sensations are not identified, you can begin treatment.

    Terms of use

    Each package of Keto shampoo plus contains instructions for use, which must be carefully studied before starting the course of procedures:

  • Wash your head.
  • Apply a little on your head.
  • Spread, paying special attention to the root area of ​​the head.
  • Leave the drug for 3-5 minutes.
  • Rinse thoroughly with running water.

    Be careful! Avoid getting shampoo in the eyes: chemicals can cause a light corneal burn. If the trouble still happened, it is important to immediately wash the eyes with plenty of water.

    Be sure to find and study in the instructions for use of the drug Keto Plus information about how long the standard course of treatment should last:

  • To eliminate dandruff, it is sometimes enough to wash your hair 1–3 times and the problem will recede. But an important condition is timely prevention and competent hair care.
  • It is easy to cure seborrheic dermatitis in a month, if you wash your hair with the preparation 2 times a week.
  • It is quite possible to get rid of pityriasis if you wash Keto Plus head every day until the painful symptoms go away.

    Attention! Do not forget that self-medication is not recommended. Establish an accurate diagnosis, assign a number of procedures, the doctor should choose the drug.

    Undesirable consequences

    Does Keto Plus have side effects? I must say that in private practice, they are recorded extremely rarely. But manufacturers honestly warn that there is a chance to experience some discomfort.

    Among the likely consequences are:

  • Short itching (especially if there are “crusts” on the head).
  • Irritation, redness of areas treated with shampoo.
  • The change in hair shade (blondes may darken slightly after drug treatment).

    But more often, the above troubles occur if a person is allergic to certain components of the drug.

    Learn how to use dandruff apple cider vinegar: hair rinse recipes.

    What vitamins for dandruff will help get rid of the problem.

    Keto Shampoo Plus can not be called affordable drug. In some pharmacies the cost of one bottle (120 ml) is 800 r. That is why many people wonder if there are cheap counterparts to drugs.

    Among the best "deputies" of shampoo, dermatologists name the following:

    1. Perhotal (made in India). The composition contains ketoconazole.
    2. Mikanisal (pr-in Latvia): effectively destroys yeast-like fungi.
    3. Sibazol and Mykozoral (made in Russia). The main component of drugs is ketoconazole, but according to some reviews, the products dry the epithelium and make the hair stiff.
    4. Nizoral (pr-in Belgium). His main trump card is a strong formula that includes ketoconazole. That is why, to the question: “Is it better - Keto plus or Nizoral?”, Consumers choose a drug of Indian origin.
    5. Skin cap (made in Russia) contains zinc pyrithione, but acts more as an antibacterial than an antimycotic agent.

    It makes sense to make a decision on the choice of a drug in conjunction with your doctor (see which doctor you should contact). So you get rid of the disease faster, without spending money on finding the best medicine. Remember that to use Keto Plus you need only quality, with the correct shelf life. Keep the tool is recommended away from children in a dark cool place.

    Keto Shampoo Plus for the prevention and treatment of dandruff

    Dandruff is a problem that patients visit a dermatologist quite often. Usually, the cause of its occurrence is an increase in the acidity of the scalp as a result of its imbalance. As well as the pathology of body functions or the consequence of taking drugs. Under such circumstances, activation of microorganisms causing skin diseases can occur. Keto Shampoo Plus is a prophylactic and therapeutic agent used for the local treatment of such lesions.

    Damage to the scalp caused by yeast, can reduce its manifestations, if you apply Keto Plus shampoo. During the research it was found out: this tool effectively treats seborrheic dermatitis. Remission (improvement) lasts a longer time than from analogs. Shampoo is produced in the form of a suspension, having a pink color. The fragrance comes from the addition of the “Swiss Bouquet”. The action is complex, as it is a combined drug.

    Keto Plus shampoo has the following properties:

  • Antifungal effect, in a short time coping with itching, desquamation. The growth of the pathological flora (fungus) stops, after which the amount of dandruff decreases. At the same time, the itching passes, the sebaceous gland function is restored,
  • Keratoregulatory,
  • Anti-inflammatory,
  • The drug has a complex effect against the fungus (fungicidal) and irritation, contributing to the healing of microscopic damage. Dandruff as an external manifestation of various disorders it eliminates.

    The main component? fighting the fungus on the scalp, this is ketoconazole. Zinc pyrithione is the second active ingredient. Ketoconazole stops the production of substances that the fungus needs for membrane development. After the synthesis of such elements is broken, the development of cells of pathogenic organisms, which are destroyed, is also suspended. The structure of the hair is improved by the influence of ketoconazole, because the main processes are restored.

    Zinc pyrithione in the composition is a brake on the development of bacteria, from which dermatitis, psoriasis and similar fungal infections appear. Its effect on the structure of the hair, its restoration is also favorable. Because of these properties, Keto Plus shampoo is prescribed for baldness, at its initial stage. As well as zinc pyrithione fights against dandruff-causing fungi.

    The remaining components of this medicinal product:

    • Water,
    • Flavoring,
    • Dye,
    • Emulsifiers and stabilizers,
    • Emollients: coconut oil (extract),
    • Other chemical ingredients.

    Indications for use

    Shampoo is recommended for use with the following indications:

  • Various types of dandruff
  • Lichen,
  • Seborrheic dermatitis,
  • Damage to the scalp by fungi (read more here).

    Seborrheic dermatitis Scalp infection

    Symptomatic seborrheic dermatitis is considered dandruff. The presence of ketoconazole in shampoo is indicated for this case. For the course of recovery is best to buy a bottle of 150 ml at an affordable price. When pregnancy means you can apply. It is shown that its constituents do not affect breast milk and are not absorbed from entering the blood.

    Dandruff is caused by a fungus, being an external sign of this lesion. Sometimes it appears due to a metabolic disorder. Dead skin is exfoliated with scales. This disease does not pose a threat to life and a great danger to the body in itself, but from a cosmetic point of view, the scalp loses its attractiveness. When dandruff is also formed, the function of the sebaceous glands is also upset. When it is suppressed, dry seborrhea occurs, and with increased activity - oily. The normal period of exfoliation - the month is replaced by a weekly cycle.

    The fungus develops and increases its activity under various loads, disorders of metabolism and immunity, from malnutrition. Keto Plus is an antimycotic agent (mycosis is a fungal infection), so it is recommended for treatment if you have such ailments.

    How to apply shampoo

  • In the treatment of pityriasis lichen (sun fungus) is used for a period up to a week every day,
  • Seborrheic dermatitis is treated within a month 2 times a week,
  • Prevention of depriving up to 5 days daily,
  • For the prevention of seborrhea - weekly with a course of 1 month.

    Active substances may lead to an increase in the intensity of the process of hair loss for the first time. But they also contribute to the growth of new ones, so do not panic to such an impact. Although this is a drug, but created in the form of a shampoo. When resorting to its use, it will not be superfluous to bear in mind the indications established by the doctor, including in case of prevention.

    The danger of overdose when consumed is excluded, except for allergies. It is also not scary if a small amount accidentally gets inside the body. According to the instructions for use, you should be careful not to get the shampoo in your eyes, and if this happens, wash them with water.

    Cost of funds, analogues

    The price of Keto Plus shampoo varies from 300 to 580 rubles for a capacity of 60 ml. This is not so cheap even for short hair, if we bear in mind the course of treatment. In order not to make a mistake in your choice, it is recommended to study the reviews, concluding: is the shampoo suitable for use in this case. Many are interested in counterparts means due to its high prices. These are Sebosol, Nizoral, Friederm and some others with similar effects.

    Men and women express the observed tendency to improve on the 10th day of treatment. However, other means were not used. Severe forms of seborrhea begin to heal one month after the start of the shampoo. A total cousin of treatment, leading to lasting results, should last up to 2.5 months.

    Some indicate that hair is getting greasy. Of the negative results noted addiction to the tool. When applying the shampoo dandruff disappears, and with the abolition of it appears again. Others complain of hair loss, which is rare, but if the phenomenon is detected, you need to stop washing your hair with this shampoo.

    Dandruff appears, so you have to find a means to remove it.The pharmacy offered Keto Plus, which I had to buy for the sample. The instructions say that you need to constantly wash your hair for the effect. I need it twice a week. However, dandruff gradually disappeared from daily washing. But it appears again if you stop using shampoo. In addition, because of the screw cap, it can sometimes spill over than over, which is inconvenient.

    Keto Plus helps dandruff, but does not completely eliminate it. Especially from the point of view that it is not so cheap. It is written that shampoo also helps with psoriasis and other troubles with the scalp. When you stop using it, dandruff reappears. The consistency is thick, our whole family lasted almost 3 months. And the smell is pleasant compared to other therapeutic agents. So hopes are justified, but not quite.

    Husband complains of a large amount of dandruff. This is especially worried in the winter when you need to wear a hat. We tried to use other tools that are not so cheap. Therefore, seeing Keto Plus, the price was considered acceptable. Most importantly, the sores associated with dandruff began to disappear.

    There are many shampoos for the destruction of dandruff, but not all have proven to be effective. Applying analogues of Keto Plus, you need to pay attention to whether zinc pyrithione and ketoconazole are present at the same time. Indeed, in some similar preparations, these components are present separately. Consequently, this effect may not be. Even with an acceptable price of these complex treatment will not work. Moreover, you should not replace this drug with cheaper ones and wait for the problems to disappear.

    What is the secret of the effectiveness of Keto dandruff shampoo plus

    The occurrence of dandruff is the first bell signaling a malfunction in the body. White flakes appear due to a lack of vitamins, nervous breakdowns and an imbalance of hormones. Sometimes the problem is cosmetic in nature, because the peeling on the scalp is associated with the frequent use of dyes and clarifiers, as well as improperly chosen headwash.

    Dandruff shampoo "Keto plus" is taken to eliminate dandruff in a cosmetic way. In addition, it removes remnants of sebum and improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which minimizes the risks of dandruff reappearance.

    Impact Effect

    Exactly Keta plus Indian-made is in the top 10 of cosmetics that can fight dandruff. Shampoo really suppresses fungus and other microorganisms, but if you do not exclude factors for the appearance of dandruff, you risk simply not removing it - it will appear again and again, so you might think that the therapeutic suspension does not work.

    Pay attention to the timing! If within two weeks the number of white flakes does not decrease by half, then look for a problem inside the body.

    Thus, Keta Plus Shampoo, as a remedy, shows excellent results in the fight against dandruff. It eliminates the fungus, disinfects the skin and reduces inflammation. It is suitable for almost everyone, except for people who have an individual intolerance to the components that make up the composition. Released in pharmacies without a prescription.

    Dandruff from stress? Perfectly familiar, for a long time I know how and practice. Keto Plus Anti-Dandruff Treatment Shampoo can stop this process in 2 uses.

    In ordinary life, I do not have dandruff. And until the age of 23, I never knew about such a problem, until, against the background of severe stress, there was a terrible head itch. Well, it itches, and it itches - at that moment it really didn’t bother me so much, although it was noticeably distracting. And sometimes itching so that I could not sleep. And then precipitation in the form of large flakes fell from the head.

    I didn’t buy anything concrete at that time from seborrheic dermatitis - the only thing I took was dandruff shampoos, but they didn’t really help. After the normalization of the nervous condition, the itch somehow passed by itself, and after some time, dandruff also passed. The whole process lasted a couple of months, but due to circumstances, I did not focus attention on him and he somehow passed me by.

    And at the end of last year, the situation repeated itself - after stress, the head began to itch. In general, I often scratch the whole of nervous tension, but this itch is hard to confuse with something. I have this itch very strong, intrusive, making it difficult to fall asleep at night. And in the morning there is a snowball on the head. And what is remarkable is that it doesn’t bother me much at such moments as this intrusive itch.

    And this time I did not wait for the seborrheic dermatitis to pass on its own, but I bought Keto Plus dandruff shampoo, which in 2 applications helped to forget about this problem. other problems would be so easily solved.

    And this summer the situation repeated. At the very first symptoms, I, having learned from bitter experience and sleepless nights, first of all bought Keto Plus dandruff shampoo, cut my hair (I wanted it for a long time, and then I came to the occasion) and very quickly got rid of the misfortune.

    Product Information

    • Manufacturer - Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd (India)
    • Buy dandruff shampoo Keto Plus can be a pharmacy.
    • Price Keto Plus - from 500 to 550 r, depending on the pharmacy (60 ml)
    • Volume - 60 ml, rather uneconomical volume, was enough for me for 4 baths (considering that before treatment I cut the hair down to the shoulders)
    • The purpose of the shampoo is dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp.

    Packaging and design

    Shampoo is packed in a box, all information is duplicated on the bottle.

    The bottle is miniature, an ordinary plastic bottle. No dispenser, but it does not create inconvenience. The consistency of the shampoo is viscous, not very liquid, but also not very dense - as if weak jelly, it easily pours out of a rather narrow neck.

    You can unscrew the cover, and you can fold it up - it is more convenient for me to unscrew. The shampoo itself is bright pink in color, it foams easily:

    The smell is non-specific, a little harsh, but not unpleasant, you can hear it only at the time of application to the hair .. After using the shampoo on the hair does not remain.

    The composition of shampoo dandruff Keto Plus

    Keto Luce contains 2 medicinal components:

    These are antifungal and anti-inflammatory components. In addition to them, there are also excipients:

    the basis of the shampoo Swiss bouquet, purified water.

    The main therapeutic role in Keto Shampoo belongs to ketoconazole. It is he who fights against the cause of dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis - a fungus:

    It is a genus of yeast-like fungi, whose name is Pitysporum. Normally, a healthy body regulates the concentration of these fungi on the skin. The concentration of the oval-shaped fungus on the scalp ranges from 30 to 50 percent. However, under the influence of stress, failure in the immune system and other provoking factors, the body ceases to control the reproduction of this flora. The fungus begins to multiply rapidly. So, in patients with seborrheic dermatitis P.ovale concentration reaches 90 - 95 percent.

    That is, in all healthy people, the fungus causing dandruff is normal, it lives on the scalp and does not manifest itself until the factors that are prosperous for its development appear:

    • hormonal disorders or endocrinopathy,
    • pathologies of the central and vegetative nervous system,
    • immunodeficiency states
    • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract,
    • stresses
    • taking some medication.

    My reason for seborrheic dermatitis is always stress. Moreover, one-stage severe stress, which leads to the fact that in just a few days, dermatitis manifests itself in all its glory. And, in principle, as experience has shown, it is not necessary for me to use any special anti-dandruff products. It self-passes after some time after the normalization of the state. But to be honest, I don’t want to wait a month or two to get rid of the misfortune, when there are such wonderful tools that can solve my problem in a couple of days.

    Perhaps if the cause of dandruff lies in deeper problems (hormonal disorders, gastrointestinal diseases, low immunity), this shampoo will have only a short-term effect. Until you completely solve the problem in the body, dandruff is not so easy to cope with.

    Dosage and effect

    A drug (And this shampoo is a full drug) should be watered on the scalp 2 times a week for a month. I have enough bottle for 4 washings, that is, for 2 weeks. Immediately make a reservation - I do not save money during treatment, use as much shampoo as it is easy to apply to the entire volume of hair. And after a week of use (2 applications) the whole dandruff problem disappears, so I use one bottle of Keto Plus 60 ml shampoo for a whole course of treatment.

    But in the instructions it is recommended to carry out also prevention. wash your hair after a course of treatment for one month once a week to prevent recurrence of seborrheic dermatitis.but i don't

    I apply the shampoo mainly on the scalp, rubbing it thoroughly. It foams well, so a single quantity is enough to distribute the agent along the length, but I still try to focus on the treatment of the scalp. I keep after applying 5 minutes. During the application I feel a slight tingling, which disappears completely after rinsing.

    Hair after use of this shampoo is far from perfect - they are very confused, puschaetsya, stick together. Therefore, during the treatment of all hairstyles only possible - pigtail. But for the sake of good effect, you can suffer. By the way, after shampoo, it is better not to use balms - they can reduce the effect of the treatment, although the condition (not even the state, but the appearance) of the hair will not suffer.

    The effect of the use of dandruff shampoo Keto Plus is just wonderful - after the 1st use the unbearable itching subsides, the head ceases to itch. Dandruff becomes much smaller, and after a couple of uses it disappears altogether.

    Shampoo Keto Plus helps me to solve the problem of seborrheic dermatitis in a week. But for me, it already has a temporary character and rather creates temporary inconveniences that I do not want to endure. and yet the tool works by performing all of its therapeutic functions. Yes, the condition of the hair after it is not very, to put it mildly, but I will not lower the grade for it - after all, it is first and foremost a medicine.

    My oily hair care:

    ✔️ And the best way to improve hair condition is regular intake of fish oil and these vitamins.


    Since thisthe drug has almost no natural components, you need to carefully monitor the reaction of the body. Dermatologists recommend testing a drop of product on the elbow (apply for 15 minutes). If itching, swelling, rash appear, then it is worth refusing such therapy.

    The following are possible side effects:

    • dermatitis,
    • too fast salinization of your curls,
    • unpleasant burning sensation in places of application,
    • hair loss, especially often such a negative effect is observed on recently painted or chemically curled hair,
    • change your color order,
    • decrease in male libido, because ketoconazole is part of it.

    In case of contact with eyes, rinse with plenty of water to avoid mucosal exposure to chemicals. The drug is not contraindicated in pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    How to use

    Before using the tool, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist or trichologist. If you are a very busy person, and trips to medical institutions fall out of your schedule, then just read the instructions carefully before purchasing.

    Guide to action:

    1. Moisten your hair with warm water.
    2. Put a few drops on one palm and lather the agent.
    3. First distribute it on the scalp. Try to prevent the foam from accidentally getting into your eyes.
    4. Perform active actions on rubbing the suspension into the scalp (approximately 2-3 minutes).
    5. Now you can hold as much shampoo on the skin.
    6. After that, distribute it to all the locks.
    7. Rinse off with warm running water.

    The course of therapy depends on the purpose for which you buy Keta Plus:

    • for the prevention of dandruff it will be enough 3-5 times to wash the head with an intensity of 1 time per week,
    • to get rid of seborrheic dermatitis, wash your head every 3 days for a month,
    • bruising lichen removal will take an average week, but in this case you will need to wash your hair every day.

    There are also many medical shampoos on the market with a similar composition. For example, as an analogue, you can purchase Nizoral, Mikanisal, Sulsena, Sebasol. Be careful, because “Nizoral” and “Mykozoral” are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating mothers.

    The main active ingredients of the drug

    Shampoo affects the fungus, thereby eliminating itching and skin peeling, irritation, dandruff, pityriasis versicolor and seborrheic dermatitis. Ketoconazole and zinc pyrithione act as the main active ingredients of Keto Plus. Consumer reviews largely confirm the effectiveness of the drug.

    Ketoconazole slows down the formation of ergosterol and lipid membranes of fungal cells. After that, the mushrooms lose their ability to create filaments and colonies, as a result of which they die. Ketoconazole is effective against fungi and dermatophytes.

    Zinc pyrithione is also an active substance designed to get rid of scalp diseases. Stops the proliferation (pathological proliferation) of epithelial tissues, which occurs during inflammation or irritation of the skin.

    Often dandruff signals the occurrence of any health problems. Seborrhea and other diseases of integumentary tissues, unfortunately, are not uncommon. As a result, many people are forced to use remedies to relieve irritating symptoms.

    You can find a variety of discussions of the pharmaceutical product "Keto Plus" (shampoo). Reviews are the basis for the conclusion that a positive result is predominantly noted among consumers after using the funds. In some people, the scalp calmed down significantly after the first use, or the amount of dandruff was reduced by half. And there are people who, thanks to this shampoo, have completely forgotten about the problems of the scalp that concern them.

    Also, many reviews confirm that itching may disappear after the first use. But this does not mean that dandruff also disappears. In two weeks, its amount in any case decreases.

    In addition, when washing the head with this tool, the active components do not enter the bloodstream, therefore, the possibility of overdose is excluded when using Keto Plus. Reviews also indicate that complaints about adverse reactions after prolonged use of the drug do not occur.

    After using the product, undesirable effects such as itching, dermatitis, irritation may occur. There is a change in the color of gray hair, as well as susceptible to dyeing or chemical perm. It happens that the use of shampoo increases their loss.

    Also, consumers sometimes talked about side effects, in particular, about the increased oily hair after using Keto Plus (shampoo). Responses of people to whom the drug did not help at all, are also found.But here it is necessary to take into account that with irritation, dandruff and dermatitis, the use of drugs of local influence does not always solve the problem.

    If you want to cure any ailment, it is always necessary initially to identify its main cause, since the sources usually lie in disturbances of metabolic processes. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo an examination of the digestive and hormonal systems, and then proceed to action. Also very important diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


    Watch the video: Instructions to use Ketoconazole shampoo - Dr. Rasya Dixit (July 2024).