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Sage for beauty hair


In ancient Greece, salvia was considered a plant of life, and in ancient Egypt, magical properties were attributed to return strength and health. A small shrub envelops the enchanting scent of anyone who approaches it. Sage hair for millennia used for the radiance and growth of curls. Salvia, as it is also called, colors the hair in deep, dark tones.

Useful properties of sage

Sage - a plant with a very ancient history. The Romans revered him as a sacred plant, the Egyptians treated them for infertility and believed that it prolongs human life. We will try to find out how sage is useful for hair. To do this, consider its composition and therapeutic properties.

The chemical composition of sage is striking in its richness and diversity. It contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, phytoncides and other biologically active substances.

  • vitamins - C, A, K, E, PP, B1A b2A b3A b6A b9,
  • macronutrients - calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium,
  • trace elements - manganese, copper, iron, selenium, zinc,
  • flavonoids,
  • tannins,
  • phytoncides,
  • organic acids
  • alkaloids
  • phytohormones,
  • essential oils.

Depending on the season, the composition may vary slightly. So, for example, sage will have the highest concentration of essential oils during its flowering period. Tannins multiply by autumn.

Interesting fact! In the 15th century, sage was so valued in China that 2 boxes of leaf tea were given for a box of crushed dry plant.

Plant benefits

The composition of sage includes many useful substances that are necessary for hair, it contains:

  • vitamins - A, E, K, PP, beta-carotene,
  • micro or macronutrients - calcium and potassium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, sodium,
  • oleic and linoleic acids of the Omega-6 group,
  • tannins,
  • flavonoids responsible for the coloring effect
  • salvin is a natural antibiotic.

Sage leaves are used for dry and oily hair, they have:

  • anti-inflammatory effect
  • anti-fungal action - the plant effectively treats dandruff,
  • nourishing and stimulating effect - the plant is used for hair growth,
  • cleansing properties - an infusion of sage herbs copes with the remnants of hair cosmetics,
  • hydration and nutrition,
  • coloring effect - helps to restore shine and improve the color of dark hair.

Hair application

Means with sage help to improve the condition of hair and solve a number of problems:

  • different types of seborrhea, or dandruff,
  • hair loss and growth - rinsing with sage decoction strengthens the roots,
  • brittle and dull color, dry hair - the infusion improves blood circulation in the scalp, providing nutrients and moisture, thereby restoring the structure of the hair,
  • itching, irritation and inflammation on the skin - antibacterial and soothing effect heals the skin and normalizes the sebaceous glands.

Sage is also used for hair coloring. For rinse-off owners of brown or dark blond hair will help to maintain the shine and saturation of the shade.

Infusions and masks with sage have a good effect on dry hair that needs strong nourishment and hydration. It normalizes the water-fat balance, so it is well suited for oily hair.

When using the product externally, the only thing to worry about is an allergy. Apply a drop of essential oil or herbal infusion to your wrist and wait half an hour. If there is no redness and rash, then you can safely use it.

Homemade Sage Recipes

Sage is used for hair in different forms: infusion, decoction, essential oil and an ingredient in masks. The infusion is stored no more than a day, and the decoction is up to four days in the refrigerator.

With regular use, hair acquires a persistent smell of sage, to get rid of which use lavender oil.

Essential oil

Sage essential oil has the properties of the plant itself and is widely used, from minor itching to severe dandruff and excessive hair loss. Adding additional components can enhance one of the properties of the oil.

The oil is used in the amount of 3-4 drops. It is added to 2-4 spoons of base oil - olive, jojoba, etc. You can apply the oil over the entire length of the hair or on problem areas: the tips, roots or scalp.

Greater effect can be achieved if you wrap the head with a plastic cap and a towel. Do not hold the mask with sage on the hair for more than 40-45 minutes, rinse with shampoo.

Infusion and decoction

Regular rinsing with a decoction of sage will strengthen, improve the condition of the hair and give it shine.

Most often, the decoction is used to dye and give dark hair an even rich shade and shine.

To prepare the broth, you will need 1 cup of dry sage leaves and a liter of water. Put the herb in boiling water for 30-60 minutes.

To strengthen and nourish hair, you can make an infusion.

Pour 5-6 tablespoons of dry grass with two cups of boiling water and let it brew for 1 hour. Strain the prepared infusion and rinse the hair after washing.

Sage is a natural dye, but it will take an effort to paint gray hair. Dip a cotton swab into the broth prepared according to the recipe and thoroughly soak the hair. Process roots as necessary. To achieve a noticeable result, the procedure must be repeated every day for 1-2 weeks.

For light blond hair

The combination with chamomile neutralizes the coloring properties and heals the skin of the head. Chamomile does not allow hair to darken, and also heals inflammation and improves fat metabolism.

For short hair, it is enough to take 1 tablespoon of dry herbs and pour 3 spoons of boiling water. It is most convenient to filter the infusion so that the dry mass remains not entangled in the strands. Having added 1 liter of water to the infusion, rinse the hair over the wash 20-30 times, carefully washing the hair. Instead of water, you can take diluted apple cider vinegar, it helps to clean the hair and scalp. Vinegar must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 6.

Hair masks

With oily dandruff and intense hair loss

Take 3-4 tablespoons of grape seed oil, add 3 drops of sage essential oil and a teaspoon of liquid honey. Stir to a uniform consistency and apply and rub the mask into the hair roots. Hold the mask for 40 minutes and then wash it off thoroughly.

The use of sage to stimulate hair growth

For the preparation of the mask will need base oil, almond or olive is well suited. Take about 2-3 spoons of any of them, depending on the length and thickness of the hair, and add 5-6 drops of nutmeg oil. Apply the mixture to your hair and wrap with a towel, wash off the mask after half an hour.

For regular massage of the head, a mask with sage oil (3-4 drops) and rosemary (3-4 drops) added to olive oil is effective against hair loss.

How to collect and harvest grass

On the territory of our country you can find sage of 2 species - domestic or wild. If you are going to grow it yourself, then in the first two years after sowing, you can only collect lower leaves 20 mm in length, and then use the entire plant as a whole. The collection takes place in two stages. The first time is when the buds appear, in the first half of summer, and the second when the fruits appear, in September.

Collect the grass in small bouquets and dry in a dark, dry room, under a canopy or in a dryer. After drying, it is better to chop the leaves and put them in glass jars, linen bags or cardboard boxes.

You can buy a finished product in the pharmacy and cosmetic departments. Dry grass costs about 70 p. for 50 gr., and oil — 200 r. for 10 ml.

Sage is widely known for its properties and has found wide application in cosmetology. By preparing the plant yourself, you can be sure of its quality, environmental friendliness and feel free to use it for its intended purpose.

The use of sage herbs in the care of female hair

Before the use of sage oil, a woman checks to see if she is allergic to such a remedy.

In this situation, the girl puts 1 drop of essential oil on the temple or on the elbow and waits for a certain time. If after a while the woman did not feel a burning sensation and itching on the skin, then she can safely use sage oil.

With a different hair condition, a woman mixes sage oil with other oily agents:

Cooking decoction with chamomile, nettle, rosemary: effective rinsing

When applied to the head of sage broth, the girl restores shattered hair and activates hair growth. In its application, the woman uses sage leaves and branches. In addition, the girl mixes a decoction of sage for hair with apple cider vinegar and quickly removes the rest of styling products from the order.

Women are more likely to use such a decoction when rinsing their hair. When preparing it, the girl performs the following actions:

In this situation, the girls rinse their hair with sage for 3 weeks.

A woman makes sage leaves separately or in combination with other herbs - nettle leaves, pharmacy daisies, etc.

Sage decoction paints a woman's brown hair - as a result, fair-haired girls should not use such a composition. In this situation, blondes use chamomile.

Natural coloring of female hair

Painting female hair with herbal preparations is a good alternative to chemical coloring. When dyeing hair with sage, the girl does not harm the hair structure, does not dry the hair and does not make them brittle.

In the manufacture of sage hair dye woman performs the following actions:

In order to get rid of the saturated smell of grass, she puts lavender oil on the locks.

In order for the color of the hair to be persistent, the woman dyes her hair with sage decoction for 3 weeks.

With a similar gentle method of painting, the girl makes her hair shiny hair, preserves its appearance and health.

Sage Leaves Against Gray Hair

When applying sage from gray hair a woman performs the following actions:

The girl applies this composition to the hair, for 6 days - as a result, a decoction of sage gives hair bulkiness, makes it stronger and more elastic.

A woman keeps the rest of the decoction in the refrigerator - in some cases, the girl uses sage composition to tint the hair roots.

Nourishing and moisturizing hair mask with oil and sage extract

When using a nourishing sage mask, a woman performs the following actions:

To achieve the maximum effect, the girl applies 15 such masks on her head and takes a break for 2 weeks. In this situation, women are well moisturized and nourished dry and damaged hair.

Infusion for growth and against hair loss: instructions for use

When hair growth is accelerated, a woman applies the following sage mask on her head:

Often sage extract for hair - a healing extract from nettle leaves, vodka and apple cider vinegar burns the scalp. To prevent this situation, the girl crushes nettle leaves.

Similar sage composition of a woman is applied to thinning hairs - only on problem areas. Girls perform such a procedure only on wet hair - as a result, the therapeutic properties of such a mask are fully manifested.

Sage oil will make hair healthy and beautiful

As a result, sage masks heal women's hair - remove dandruff, make it radiant, and successfully fights with early graying.

However, to get a positive and long-lasting effect, a girl should use such masks regularly. In such a situation, a woman needs patience - and the result will not take long!

The benefits of sage hair

Sage contains a large number of vitamins and minerals, due to which the hair roots provide valuable nourishment. If you regularly use the mood or sage oil for hair, then soon you will notice that they have become thicker, more elastic and healthier. In addition, sage promotes accelerated hair growth, so it will be appropriate in cases where there is a desire to grow curls. The benefits of sage do not end there. This product of natural origin has the following properties:

  • antiallergic,
  • antifungal,
  • antibacterial.

Healing properties of sage allow you to use it for diseases of the scalp. The remedy is effective against itching and irritation.


Sage - a plant that gives shine shine and strength. It is important to note that not everyone can use it. It is forbidden to fight for the beauty of your hair with the help of sage for people who have thyroid disease. From its use should refrain from inflammation of the kidneys. It is undesirable to conduct a course of hair restoration in this way under reduced pressure. As for pregnant women, the use of sage for hair is not prohibited, but before you begin to carry out such procedures, it is necessary to discuss this issue with your doctor. For nursing mothers, the use of sage is a taboo, because it helps to reduce lactation.

Sage decoction for hair

On the basis of sage, you can prepare medicinal decoctions and infusions that will accelerate hair growth and make them stronger. If the hair grows slowly, you can use the following method. It is necessary to take 30 grams of sage in dry form and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over them. Mixture should be brewed for about half an hour. After that, the resulting infusion can be used to rinse hair. In a decoction of sage for hair, you can add apple vinegar. This tool is most appropriate for quickly soiled curls. Rinsing hair extract sage allows you to adjust the work of the sebaceous glands and cleans each hair from dirt.

Sage hair coloring

It's no secret that the composition of hair dyes are aggressive chemicals that harm curls. An excellent alternative to staining can be sage.

To prepare a natural coloring composition you need to take 1 liter of water and 1 tbsp. sage The plant should be placed in a saucepan, add water and boil for half an hour. If you extend the time, the decoction will turn out to be more saturated, which will give the hair a shade darker.

As soon as the mixture has cooled, it should be filtered, applied to the hair and left for 30 minutes, then rinsed with water. If the smell of sage is unpleasant, it can be easily neutralized. To do this, rinse your hair with water, to which a few drops of lavender essential oil are added. This rinse will also add shine to the curls and strengthen them.

To shade kept on the hair longer, paint them with sage need several times a month. This non-aggressive method of coloring will help to improve the hair, make them more docile and shiny.

Nourishing sage oil mask

Due to the healing properties of sage, based on it, various masks are prepared for hair restoration and growth. Such tools will help only with regular use.

To prepare a moisturizing and nourishing mask, you must take the following components:

  • 2 tbsp. l burdock and castor oil,
  • 2 drops of lavender oil and sage.

Vegetable oils need to be heated in a water bath, add to them the esters of lavender and sage. The mixture should be rubbed into the roots and spread over all the hair. To enhance the effect of the procedure, it is desirable to wrap the head with a film. After 30-40 minutes you can wash off the mask.The course of hair restoration with this mask involves 15 procedures.

Mask for hair growth based on sage

Masks with sage for hair growth are effective with regular use. With this tool you can not only awaken hair follicles, but also eliminate the problem of oily roots.

For natural remedies you need to prepare:

  • apple cider vinegar and vodka (0.5 l each)
  • leaves of sage and rosemary (150 g each)
  • nettle leaves (200 g).

All components of the mask should be placed in a glass pot and put in a cold dark place for 14 days. Before applying the composition to the hair, it should be drained. The mixture should be rubbed into the roots and rinsed off after 12 hours. It is best to conduct a similar procedure at night.

Sage from gray hair

If a woman finds in her gray hairs, then, as a rule, she tries to disguise this problem immediately by coloring. With the help of sage, you can stop the early graying, but for this you need to properly use it.

For the preparation of anti-graying agents need to take 5 tbsp. l sage and pour boiling water over them. It is advisable to insist the mixture in a thermos for several hours.

In the resulting infusion you need to add 1 drop of vitamin A and E. In order for the product not to dry the hair, it must be combined with 3 tbsp. l glycerol. Carefully mixed composition needs to be rubbed into the hair roots and distributed throughout the length. It is possible to wash off such a mask with an anti-age effect in half an hour.

How to collect and store sage?

For medicinal purposes, the flowering tops of this plant and its leaves are suitable. The first harvest of sage is carried out in early September in the year of sowing. Further, its preparation takes place in two stages:

  • at the budding stage (midsummer),
  • during fruit ripening (early fall).

During the first two years from the moment of sowing, only the lower leaves of the plant with petioles, whose length is at least 2 cm, are subject to tearing. Sage hair can be collected in different ways: manually and with the help of a sickle or scissors.

Harvest the plant better on dry, clear days. If sage is covered with dust and dirt, it must be watered before it is collected and wait for it to dry completely. At the time of harvesting, it is important to ensure that the raw materials are not sick and damaged by pests leaves.

Sage should be dried in dark, ventilated areas or under sheds. If possible, the raw materials can be dried in a special dryer.

For storage of dry sage fit glass jars, cardboard boxes, bags of canvas fabric. If the raw material was collected according to all the rules and stored in proper conditions, its shelf life may reach about two years.


If the hair lacks luster and density, this is no reason to go to the store and buy ready-made cosmetic products, which in most cases include chemical components. You can choose for your hair the most suitable folk remedy and undergo a course of hair restoration, in particular using sage for rinsing hair. You can also apply the essential oil of this plant. On its basis, effective strengthening and repairing masks are obtained. To experience all the healing properties of this plant, you need to be patient and complete the course.

Firming decoction

The simplest recipe for strengthening hair is a sage decoction. To do this, you will need: sage leaves (1 tablespoon for short hair and 2-3 for long) and hot water at the rate of 150 ml per 1 spoon of herbs.

In order to make a decoction you need:

  1. Pour the leaves with boiling water.
  2. Insist a decoction for half an hour.
  3. Strain and rinse your head a couple of times a week. Do not rinse broth.

Tincture to improve growth

To prepare the tincture that stimulates hair growth will need:

  • vodka - half a liter,
  • vinegar (apple) - half a liter,
  • Sālvia officinālis leaves (dry) and rosemary leaves (dry) - 6-7 tablespoons,
  • nettle leaves (dried and crushed) - 13-15 tablespoons.


  1. Separately mix dry ingredients and liquid.
  2. Put the dry ingredients in a glass container and pour with vodka and vinegar.
  3. Cover the resulting product and refrigerate for at least 2 weeks (mix the components daily).
  4. After 2 weeks, strain and store in a cool place. Once every two weeks, rub the infusion into the roots of the hair and leave for a couple of hours, and preferably at night, after wrapping your head with a towel. In the morning, rinse with shampoo.

Rinse for light and dark hair

To make a conditioner for blond hair, you will need dry grass of sage and chamomile (in equal quantities - 2 tablespoons) and 2 cups of hot water:

  • Herbs pour boiling water and leave for half an hour.
  • Strain and use as a rinse after washing.

For the manufacture of rinse, which will enhance the natural dark hair color, useful: hot water (2 cups) and 2 tablespoons of dry sage herb. It is prepared and used in the same way as the rinse for blond hair.

Hair coloring

Sage has not only health properties, It is also used as a natural hair dye, which is not only harmless, but also useful. To do this, 4 tablespoons of dry sage pour boiling water and leave to infuse for 30 minutes.

Infusion should be filtered and rinsed with clean hair. The more often such a “paint” will be applied, the darker the shade of the hair will be.

Mask for dry hair

To prepare a magic mask that moisturizes dry hair, you need:

  • lavender essential oil - 1-2 drops,
  • essential oilabout Sālvia officinālis - 3-4 potassium,
  • Castor oil and burdock oil - in equal quantities: 4 teaspoons.


  1. In a water bath, it is necessary to heat castor and burdock oil to a temperature just above body temperature.
  2. Add to a warm mixture of lavender oil and sage.
  3. Massage the moistens of the hair roots and wrap the film for half an hour. Wash off with shampoo.
Use this mask is a couple of times a week for 3-4 months.

Moisturizing and nourishing mask

To moisturize and nourish hair, you must make a mask with the following components:

  • burdock and almond oil in equal quantities - 4 teaspoons,
  • Sālvia officinālis essential oil and chamomile in equal quantities - 3 drops each.


  1. Burdock and almond oil is heated in a water bath to a temperature slightly above body temperature.
  2. Add to a warm mixture of sage oil and chamomile.
  3. Moisten the roots and easily rub in the oily liquid and wrap in a film for half an hour. Wash off.
Use a mask 1-2 times in 10 days for 4 months.

Dandruff and Fallout Mask

To prepare the anti-dandruff mask will need:

  • 4 tablespoons grape seed,
  • 3 drops of sage essential oil,
  • half a tablespoon of liquid honey.


  1. Mix all ingredients until smooth.
  2. Rub into the hair roots for 40 minutes.
  3. Wash off with shampoo.
Use once a week until dandruff disappears.

Recipes for facial skin

Today, on the shelves of shops there are a huge number of different cosmetics, but most of them are quite expensive. But with the help of simple ingredients you can make at least useful masks and infusions at home.

The main component of these funds may be familiar to all sage.

For washing

Washing a decoction of sage will help get rid of dry skin. For it will need:

  • 7 tablespoons Sālvia officinālis (dry)
  • 500 ml of hot water.


  1. Pour sage with hot water and boil the broth for half an hour on low heat.
  2. The resulting decoction must be filtered.
  3. Wipe the skin in the morning and before bedtime with a sponge or cotton pad moistened with a solution ..

Acne and Acne

For acne and acne, you should use sage, chamomile and celandine (mix 2 tablespoons of herbs in equal amounts) and pour half a liter of water, let it brew for 20-30 minutes, strain. Apply to problem areas for 5-10 minutes. Skin problems will noticeably disappear.

From puffiness under eyes

Edema under the eyes will help contrasting procedures, which consist in alternately applying a warm solution with a cold solution for 5-6 times.

To prepare the solution, 2 tablespoons of sage should be poured with a glass of boiling water, divided into equal parts. Leave 1 part of the solution in a cold place until it cools, and cool the other part to body temperature. Apply warm cotton pads with a solution to the eyelids for a minute, then change to cold.

Ice cubes for rejuvenation

Preparing ice cubes for rejuvenation or to preserve youth is very simple:

  • Make a decoction of Sālvia officinālis (4 tablespoons per half liter of water, insist half an hour).
  • The cooled broth is poured into a form for ice and freeze.
  • Wipe face skin in the morning and in the evening until the ice pieces are completely melted.

Steam bath for skin cleansing

Steam baths can be used for cleaning and toning:

  • In equal proportions (1 tablespoon) are mixed sage, lime and chamomile, birch leaves and oak bark.
  • The resulting mixture of dried herbs and leaves, pour 1.5 liters of warm water and bring the broth to a boil.
  • While the broth is cooked on low heat, you must keep your face above the steam (not too low).
  • After steaming it is necessary to wipe the skin with a tonic and apply a nourishing mask.

Rejuvenating mask

For a rejuvenating face mask you will need: 3-4 tablespoons of sage, a glass of hot water, powdered milk.

  • From sage and water to make a decoction.
  • Add powdered milk to the decoction and mix to a state of sour cream.
  • Apply to face skin for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Whitening mask

To whiten the skin you need:

  • Mix the unsaturated broth out Sālvia officinālis (a glass of boiled water for a tablespoon of herbs) and 2 tablespoons of starch (potato).
  • Apply to skin and keep for 15 minutes.
  • Wash off with warm water.
Having studied all the beneficial properties of this plant, it becomes obvious that this grass is a godsend for women, because with its help you can make useful face masks and hair. And the effect of them will be so stunning that people around you will think that you visited an expensive SPA salon or drank a rejuvenating potion.

Reviews from the Internet

Some women do hair wraps with this remedy. Often it should not be used, it is enough twice a week to achieve the desired effect. Sage well strengthens hair. Oil can be added to shampoos, hair conditioners. Some manufacturers produce shampoos with ready-made sage extract.

But do not forget, if you have blond hair, then this herb can give a darkish shade with frequent use. But the hair follicles are strengthened and hair growth is more intense. And the hair, especially when using sage oil is not split.

There is a good recipe for strengthening hair.

Basis take burdock oil, add four drops of essential oil of sage and lavender. apply on hair roots, cover with film for thirty minutes, then rinse with shampoo. Do this procedure twice a week, the number of recommended procedures per course is at least ten. Albeit long, but it is safe that your hair will be strengthened. After two months I noticed that the hair became thicker, faster to grow and more alive.

Fame sage

Traditional medicine sage is known from time immemorial. The name of the plant comes from the Latin word "salvere", which literally means "to be healthy." It is an essential oil plant, its species grows in many. What the medicinal sage looks like, the photo below will make it clear.

In ancient times, healers knew about the healing properties of this plant, composed verses about it, and even believed that it was able to defeat death! The doctors of ancient Greece even called it holy grass. For therapeutic purposes, use sage, meadow sage, which is everywhere in our area, is not suitable for this. Sage leaves are most useful, their use is widespread in the treatment of various diseases.

Sage leaves, medical applications

Medicine from time immemorial uses the beneficial properties of this amazing plant. Most often it is used in the treatment of the respiratory tract, in gynecology, in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, and even in the treatment of skin rashes and purulent wounds, it inhibits sweating. Many diseases are subject to the plant. This article describes in more detail the beneficial properties of sage, which has found application in cosmetology, in hair care.

Sage decoction for hair is an excellent remedy for baldness, which is very valuable for men suffering from hair loss more often than women. The plant slows down this unpleasant process, and sometimes it can stop it. And the fact that sage extract for hair is widely used in cosmetic products, you can make sure by carefully reading the contents of the contents of the jars with shampoo, balms and masks. Sage is often included in their composition.

The use of sage in traditional medicine

Sage for hair in traditional medicine is most often used in the form of decoctions, infusions or tea.

To prepare the infusion you need to take one spoonful of dry raw materials, pour into a bowl and pour one glass of boiling water. Let the mixture stand for half an hour. For the preparation of an agent capable of further strengthening and stimulating the growth of hair follicles, it is necessary to mix the prepared infusion with rum in a 1: 1 ratio and rub this mixture into the scalp.

Want to get a luxurious, thick hair? This will also help sage for hair. Its application is as follows:

First you need to wash your hair with any shampoo that suits your hair type. Rinse the head with sage decoction, squeeze out hair a bit, cover it with cellophane, and then wrap it with a terry towel on top. Hold for at least ten minutes. After the time, the towel with cellophane should be removed and the hair should be dried in a natural way, without using a hair dryer.

Broth can be prepared in the following way:

A tablespoon of leaves pour a glass of boiling water. The resulting slurry is placed in a water bath and heated for 15 minutes, not allowing to boil. Then remove the broth and let it brew for 30 minutes, strain. To increase the volume, add boiled water. Use only fresh broth, it should not be stored.

Sage should be used with caution, as it can dye hair.

What is useful sage for hair

The plant has anti-allergic, anti-bacterial, antiseptic and antifungal properties. It contains magnesium, potassium and zinc, as well as vitamins C and B, which are very useful for hair. Sage has the following effect:

  • will help to cope with the problem of hair loss,
  • stimulates the growth of hair and will normalize the sebaceous glands,
  • soothe irritated scalp, cure skin diseases,
  • will not allow the inflammatory process that has begun to gain momentum,
  • beautifully dyes beginner to turn gray hair, gives the hair a darker, saturated shade.

Broths and infusions for strengthening and hair growth

Traditional medicine has many ways to use infusions and decoctions that promote the growth and strengthening of the hair. As a rule, sage leaves are used for this purpose.

Application and production of infusions:

1. For the growth of hair you need to take 500 grams of vodka, 5-7 tablespoons of dried leaves of sage and rosemary, 10-16 tablespoons of dried leaves of nettle and 500 grams of apple cider vinegar. The leaves of all plants mix.Apple cider vinegar mixed with vodka and the prepared solution pour herb powder. Put in the fridge for a couple of weeks, stir daily. Two weeks later, the resulting infusion filter. The tool must be stored in the refrigerator. Rinse with infusion of hair after each wash.

2. To strengthen the hair, you can make a decoction. For it you need to pour 2 tablespoons of crushed dried sage leaves with 300 ml of hot water. Let the broth stand for about 30 minutes and strain.

Sage oil

Sage oil is no less popular remedy. It has astringent properties, stabilizes the acidity of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, which, in turn, eliminates the problem of fat and brittle hair. Due to its antimicrobial properties, it successfully fights fungal infections that cause dandruff. Antiseptic properties will help in healing wounds and scratches on the scalp, anti-microbial properties of the oil can prevent damage to the hair follicles.

Truly unique and amazing plant sage. The photo during the flowering period shows its modest charm and beauty.

The benefits of sage herb for hair

  1. Strengthens growth and strengthens the bulbs,
  2. Restores stem structure
  3. Solder the cuticle
  4. Stops loss and alopecia,
  5. Eliminates dandruff and irritation.

In cosmetology, it began to be used due to the presence of:

  • essential oil
  • flavonoids,
  • alkaloids,
  • tannins,
  • glycerides of linoleic acid,
  • organic acids.

Hair benefits

Such a rich chemical composition explains why sage is so common in body care products. For hair, the benefit is increased by the fact that the phytohormones present in it stimulate the germination of “sleeping” hair bulbs. Thus, it is possible to achieve greater density of hair and prevent the development of alopecia - baldness.

There are other useful properties of sage, for example:

  • anti-inflammatory
  • antimicrobial
  • wound healing
  • toning
  • firming.

Infusions and tinctures will help get rid of excess fat. Broth from leaves will strengthen hair roots. Balms and masks, of which he is a part, will accelerate their growth, cure dandruff. A regular rinsing of hair with sage will help restore their lost shine, gives silkiness and smoothness.

Tip! To get all the maximum benefit from sage, it is not recommended to subject it to prolonged heating. To obtain the decoctions, simply pour the dry powdered raw material with boiling water and leave to infuse.

Mask for brittle, split ends

To prepare the mask, the essential oil of sage, lavender, castor oil and burdock is used. The last two are taken in equal proportions, about 2 tbsp. spoons. They are heated in a water bath, then mixed with four drops of sage oil and two lavender. The resulting oil mixture is rubbed into the skin while it is still warm.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, the head is wrapped with plastic wrap, covered with a towel on top. Mask hold for about half an hour, then washed off with a mild shampoo. This procedure must be repeated at least 2-3 times in 7 days. The recommended course of treatment is 5-6 weeks.

Mask to enhance hair growth

Sage oil for hair can also be used as a means of stimulating their growth. In this case, a mixture of burdock and almond oil, 2 tbsp. spoons each. Also take sage oil and chamomile in the amount of 4-2 drops, respectively.

The mask is prepared in the same way as in the first case. The mixture is applied to the head, then covered with a plastic cap on top. Keep also about half an hour. Treatment course - 16-17 procedures.

Strengthening Broth

Broth sage hair is prepared as follows. Take dry sage leaves and burdock root in equal quantities of 2 tbsp. spoons. They are crushed, add chamomile flowers and lavender 1 tbsp. spoons. The mixture is poured with hot water, allowed to boil and allowed to infuse. When the broth cools, it is filtered and rinsed with hair after washing.

Since sage decoction has a dark color, it can dye blonde hair. Blondes in this case are advised to take a mixture of sage and chamomile 2 tbsp. spoons to 300 ml of water. If the broth is planned to tint the gray hair, then the amount of sage in it is doubled.

Strengthen hair growth and get rid of seborrhea will help alcohol tincture of sage, rosemary, nettle. For its preparation will require a bottle of vodka, half a liter of apple cider vinegar, 6 tbsp. spoons of sage, rosemary, and 12 tbsp. spoons of nettle leaves.

Herbs are crushed, placed in a bottle of dark glass, then pour the vodo-acetic mixture. Tincture put for 2 weeks in the fridge. Daily it must be mixed. After insisting it is filtered. The mixture is applied to the hair roots. With normal hair mask hold for about an hour. If the hair is greasy, then it can be done at night. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks with breaks of one day.

How to prepare herbal tincture of sage, you will learn from this video:

The unique properties of sage

The cosmetology industry every year creates new products that help restore hair health. But almost all shampoos, masks and special lotions contain natural ingredients, including sage. Proper use of the plant will help solve a lot of problems with the hair and scalp. You do not have to overpay for a cosmetic brand.

Salvia (this is another name for sage) is a plant used to treat skin diseases since ancient times. Initially, women collected wild flowers, then began to grow them in their gardens. Modern beauties ready for the preparation of a medicinal product a plant can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Sage is perfect for external use. This is a real storehouse of vitamins, which is especially needed in early spring, when the hair becomes dull, begin to fall. The medicinal plant has the following beneficial properties:

  • eliminates dandruff
  • normalizes sebum production,
  • accelerates the process of regeneration of damaged skin,
  • strengthens hair follicles
  • accelerates hair growth, fights dryness.

Girls who want a little change can use sage for home coloring. Reviews show that with the help of plants you can even hide gray hair.

Plant use options

Sage is a whole group of plants. Main types:

Field plant in folk medicine is almost never used. Many mistakenly include it in the composition of treatment products and do not get the expected result. For the treatment of skin diseases, as well as the acceleration of hair growth using leaves and herb medicinal sage. With its help, decoctions, tinctures are prepared, the extract is added to shampoos and masks.

To improve the condition of the hair, as well as to restore the health of the scalp, you can use sage essential oil. The product is obtained from the nutmeg subspecies. Some experts recommend adding a few drops of oil to the shampoo during each shampooing.

It should be borne in mind that any essential oil can trigger the development of an allergic reaction. Therefore, before the first use of the product is recommended to put a few drops on the inner side of the wrist and after 10-15 minutes to assess the condition of the skin. If there is no irritation, the essential oil can be used for hair care.

Depending on the problems that need to be solved, the tool can be combined with other oils (base or essential). Owners of oily hair can mix the oil of cypress, sage and lavender to normalize the production of skin secretion. By combining burdock and sage oil, you can take care of damaged hair tips.

Broth to strengthen hair

The drug can be prepared from dry raw materials purchased in a pharmacy. A tablespoon of crushed plants must be poured with a liter of water and cook on low heat for 15 minutes. Then the tool should be drained and cooled. Rinsing the hair with the decoction will strengthen the bulbs, accelerate the growth of hair.

Blondes should pay attention to the fact that this broth makes the hair darker - in this case, sage can be replaced with chamomile.

Sage can also be taken orally. To prepare a drink, you should pour a teaspoon of a dry plant with 200 ml of boiling water and insist under a lid for 10-15 minutes. In the pharmacy you can buy ready-made tea bags and drink it instead of morning coffee.

Especially useful such therapy will be for those who suffer from baldness. With the help of sage alone, the problem cannot be solved. However, daily use of the product will increase the effectiveness of the therapy prescribed by the trichologist. The possibility of using the drug must be discussed with your doctor. The duration of the internal use of the plant is determined by a specialist.

The restoring hair mask

The following ingredients are required to prepare the product:

  • a glass of salt
  • half a glass of grape seed oil,
  • half lime juice
  • 5 drops of lavender essential oil,
  • 5 drops of sage essential oil,
  • 5 drops of orange essential oil.

All components must be thoroughly mixed in a glass container. The mask is applied to the scalp for 20 minutes. From above you can wear a plastic cap. Due to the greenhouse effect, beneficial components can penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis. It is recommended to make such a mask twice a month. With its help it is possible to strengthen the bulbs, accelerate hair growth.

Medical Coffee Rinse

In the autumn and winter, hair especially needs special care. Strengthen the bulbs, make the curls shine succeed with the help of a special conditioner. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 tsp coffee beans,
  • 1 tsp dry sage leaves,
  • water.

Initially, the coffee must be ground, pour hot water and cook for 5 minutes. Separately prepared infusion of sage. Dry raw materials should be poured with a glass of boiling water and insist under the lid closed for 15 minutes. Then strain the coffee tea and combine with the sage extract. The resulting tool is used to rinse hair after shampooing.

This recipe is more suitable for brown-haired women. Blondes after the procedure may change the shade of hair.

Alcohol dandruff tincture

To prepare the anti-dandruff medicine, you need to prepare the following components:

  • 4 tbsp. spoons of dried sage leaves,
  • 250 ml of vodka.

Sage should be poured with vodka and infused in a cool, dark place during the day. For the preparation of tinctures used only glassware. You can use it in the form of lotions. The tool should be moistened with a cotton pad and treat the skin of the head in the evening (before bedtime). In the morning, wash your hair thoroughly with a suitable shampoo.

Such a recipe is most effective if dandruff is a consequence of seborrhea. Alcohol tincture helps to restore sebum production, nourishes hair, accelerates their growth.

Tincture from hair loss

The following ingredients are required for cooking:

  • 500 ml of vodka
  • 500 ml apple cider vinegar,
  • 5 tbsp. spoons of sage leaves,
  • 5 tbsp. spoons of rosemary leaves,
  • 10 art. tablespoons chopped fresh nettle.

All components are thoroughly mixed in a glass container. The mixture must be placed in the refrigerator for two weeks, daily mix. After the specified period, the tool should be drained. The resulting preparation to rub into the hair roots.

For girls with increased sebaceous excretions, the tincture can be washed off after 10–12 hours. Those who suffer from dry scalp and dandruff are recommended to wash off the drug in 1-2 hours. To accelerate hair growth, it is recommended to conduct a course of 10–15 procedures at intervals of 2 days.

Mask against split ends

Split ends - the result of poor nutrition, as well as the lack of proper hair care. Improve the condition of the hair will help mask consisting of the following components:

  • 3 tbsp. spoons of burdock oil
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of castor oil,
  • 4 drops of sage essential oil,
  • 2 drops of lavender essential oil.

Oils should be thoroughly mixed and heated in a water bath. Mask should be rubbed into the roots and evenly distributed through the hair. It is recommended to wear a plastic cap on top to create a greenhouse effect. It is necessary to wash off the mask after 2 hours. It is recommended to carry out the procedure 2 times a week.

Homemade hair coloring

Improve hair and hide gray hair helps mask, consisting of the following ingredients:

  • 150 g of crushed sage leaves (it is better to use a fresh plant, but dry will also work),
  • 200 ml of lemon juice,
  • yolk,
  • 1 tsp white clay.

Vegetable raw materials need to pour lemon juice and cook over low heat for about 5 minutes. Then cool, add yolk and clay. Mask must be applied to all hair and hold for an hour, then wash off in the usual way.

Feedback on use

I used sage weed for hair. In fact, I didn’t buy it; I used it not economically at all - 2 tbsp. l I dabbed herbs with boiling water and let it brew for 2 hours. After washing with shampoo, I simply washed my hair abundantly with this broth. So lasted as many as 10 procedures. But the result was already visible on the 6th procedure. I advise you to use sage for hair. And removes fat and hair tints. Cheap and angry.


In the winter I wanted to make the color of my fair hair, and even burned out over the summer under the sun, a little darker and richer. I came to the aid of grass sage. I remember as a child I often rinsed my hair with herbs: chamomile, string, sage. My hair was much thicker and healthier then. On the hair smell almost does not remain. Hair dried naturally. Hair became smooth, shiny and at the same time light and voluminous. The color has become a bit darker (or it seems to me), so far not particularly noticeable. (By the winter, my natural hair color itself darkens a little, and by the summer it brightens.) I will continue the experiment and see what will happen several times.


As always, everything is not appealing to find a natural tool for painting hair with gray hair. To help, as always, the Internet :-)! And then I found an article about what, sage, almost - not the only plant that can paint gray hair brown. This is strengthening, nutrition, etc. NOTHING WITH THE SEDEEN HAS NOT HAPPENED, as silver and silver. The hair itself darkened a little, shine appeared and that's it.


I got the oil of clary sage not so long ago, but it already firmly and permanently took its place on my shelf. I add it to the hair shampoo, as a result, they stay clean longer and acquire a magical scent.


When essential oils were not so popular in application, we constantly had sage grass in the first-aid kit, used it mainly for ingestion for colds. Then I learned more about the spectrum of the use of grass, and it became almost the first place among the herbs among us. I use essential oil of sage. I enrich cosmetics, I add to shampoo and balm, oil helps to struggle with fat content of hair and fights against loss.


Sage - a truly unique plant that will strengthen the hair, improve the appearance of hair. But we must not forget that there are contraindications. People suffering from chronic illnesses should consult a doctor before using sage.

Application of sage for hair

Miraculous herb salvia was used for the restoration and treatment of hair. Beneficial effect on the scalp, preventing excessive fat and dry roots. Herb, oil and sage extract have a tonic effect on the follicles, strengthening them and enhancing growth. It is easy to enrich the finished cosmetic products with a drug, or to create new ones on its basis.


  • 15 gr. leaves,
  • 80 ml of brandy / alcohol.

Preparation and method of application: put the grass in a jar, pour high-grade liquid, insist for a week periodically shaking, then strain, use courses for treatment and recovery. Apply necessarily mix tincture with oils, you can hold massages or rub into the roots and leave overnight.

Reviews on the use of herbs for hair

After a trip to the sea, hair became very dry and brittle. I am preparing a nourishing hair mask with sage. Began to look more healthy, shiny, easy to comb.

From falling out, I use firming broths of sage leaves and nettle. I rinse instead of a conditioner, if the bed is more grass, I get a tonic for coloring.

Finally I managed my hair problems! Found a means to restore, strengthen and grow hair. I have been using it for 3 weeks already, the result is there, and it's awesome. read more >>>


Watch the video: DIY: Rosemary, Peppermint, & Sage Hair Mist (July 2024).