Long hair

5 ways to weave fashionable braids


The second name of the spikelet - "French braid". Because it was in France that they were the first to use such weaving technique. Over the years, a spike that came into vogue, then unfairly faded into the background, giving way to the caret, then curly styling. But this year, the spit-cone is again in trend.

This hairstyle is perfect for little girls, beautiful girls, business women, and even retired women. With a straight, classic, angular, delicate spikelet, the head will always look elegant and spectacular. This hairstyle fits perfectly into the everyday image, and is ideal for any festive dress. And most importantly - for the whole day this hairstyle does not get loose, the hair behaves obediently. And after unraveling the braid, beautiful waves are produced on the head.

Before unraveling - the spike must be done. "Recipe" simple spikelet:

1) to comb for a long time and with high quality so that the hair goes to the hair.
2) to divide all hair into two equal parts.
3) determine the point of the beginning of the spikelet and take there a small strand of hair, then another strand from the left half, and a third from the right half of the hair.
4) and start to weave like a regular braid: imposing alternately the right strand on the middle one, and then the left strand on the middle one.
5) repeat the application of strands in the main braid 2-3 times, then in the main weaving alternately from the right and left halves we add free strands - that is, we add a free strand to our main right strand and impose them on the middle one, then do the same with the left ones strands.
6) it is important to remember that the strands must be of equal volume, otherwise inaccurate weaving may turn out.
7) continue to weave until all the strands are woven into the braid, then we finish the hair either in the technique of the classic braid or in the fishtail weaving method. And the hairstyle is ready.

Step-by-step instructions for beginners

Spit-cone is the basis for all sorts of hairstyles. At the base of the spikelet you can make a zigzag, a wreath around the head, a double spikelet, and a Russian braid. Yes, even the present macrame of patterned braided strands and braids. But for beginners in a kolotoplepletenii it is best to start with the simplest. For someone, it will be easiest to make a spikelet. For others, it may seem more convenient if weaving on the right or left side.

In fact, the instruction for beginners is no different from the recommendations above. The procedure is similar. Only small additions are possible:

- each strand, before braiding, is best to comb a few times so that the hair lay down neatly, and there were no “scallops”.
- Before starting to weave hair, it would be good to practice on thin ropes to work out the movements of the fingers. Because if you immediately practice on the hair, the strands will be confused and this can cause a lot of unpleasant sensations of the model, and even the one who weaves will make you pretty jittery.
- It would be nice to see a few different lessons, study the article diagrams, and only then, practically, choose the most suitable method for kolotopleteniya.
- it is also possible at the initial stage to actively use elastic bands - it will be easy to separate the strands and manipulate the hair with them.
- it would be nice to put the mirrors in order to be able to evaluate the weaving in the process, and, if necessary, make adjustments immediately so that you do not completely redo everything.

How to weave a spikelet itself

To make a spikelet itself requires a decent portion of patience and time, but when you get comfortable, and all movements will be brought to automatism, the track will take very little time.
At first, crocodile hair clips will be very useful - they will help you not to be confused with the strands. Such fixation is useful if the hair is long. If the hair is thin, then before braiding, they should be washed with a special shampoo, which adds volume. In order for the spit-cone to look beautiful, mousse or foam is also used to add volume.

Strands can be twisted tight or loose. For the first option will need studs, rubber bands, hairpins, varnish for strong or medium fixation. In the second case, you can do without fixing, and then the styling will look slightly careless, but at the same time impart a certain charm. Personally, I had the best weaving from the temple - oblique spike over the entire length of the hair.

For self-braiding, it is best to first master one species - a simple ordinary spikelet, and only then master more complex varieties. In general, it is not recommended to wear the same hairstyle every day - otherwise the hair will break. You can do this: today, for example, weave a beautiful straight braid, tomorrow, we can make an original spikelet of 4 strands on our heads (the type of weaving is similar, only the strands are interlaced under two main ones). The day after tomorrow to make a popular weave of two spikelets. The next time the correct weaving of three braids, or cross, or add tape. The field for experiments with images is the greatest.

Spikelet how to weave video

Creating a new hairstyle every day is pleasant, appropriate and stylish. Only to your own style should be approached very responsibly. If you deal with the image regularly, you can reach certain heights and even move on to the next step: video your own master classes.

Spit- "waterfalls" ("French Falls")

One of the most popular hairstyles today is the spaghetti “waterfall”. She looks equally beautiful with both straight hair and curly locks.
Not all hair is involved in weaving, but only the upper strands. They turn into an elegant bezel. We take a strand at the temple and begin to weave the usual "French braid" ("cone"), weaving into it the strands from above and releasing the lower ones. With a “waterfall” scythe, your hairstyle will become lighter and more voluminous, and the image will be romantic and elegant.


Harness - another simple weave. Many people know it since childhood, but this season it is back in fashion! To braid a pigtail-plait, you need less than a minute.
The easiest way is to collect a high tail on the back of the head, split the hair into two strands, twist each of them in one direction, and then twist them together and fasten the weaving with an elastic band or barrette. So get a strict, neat hairstyle. And if you make a harness without a tail, the image will be easier and more tender. You can also make an unusual bundle of several flagella. In this case, you will need studs or stealth.
Perhaps the harness is not the most durable type of braid, but this does not make it less spectacular!

"The French braid is the opposite"

You probably know the famous "French braid", or "spikelet" - a beautiful weave, similar to a braid, but more intricate and therefore interesting. In this case, it weaves the opposite: thin strands on the right and left, one after another, are woven under each other, and not through the top. The braid itself turns out to be voluminous and looks as if it was woven not from the top of the head, but up from the ends of the hair.
A little trick: to make the braid wider and look more magnificent, you can slightly pull out thin strands from each turn of the weave.

Pigtail "Fishtail"

Despite its strange name, seemingly irrelevant to the world of stylish hairstyles, this weaving is a real find for any girl. "Fishtail" can look very feminine and elegant, and if you want - extravagant and outrageous, like a creative mess.

The scheme is simple: divide the hair into two parts, separate each of the thin strands and cross them. Then, from the very edge of each side, also take a thin strand and cross them again in the center. So gradually you will gather all your hair together, and what you get will resemble a fishtail. You can weave this braid from the top of the head or from the back of the head - as a simple braid. You can let the weaving out of the tail or grab them with the very tips of your hair by making a pile on the back of your head.

Weave with ribbon

Among the fashionistas is popular Lino Rousseau weaving. Ornate weaves of strands and graceful nodules on the back of the head are often found on the heads of graduates or brides: the hairstyle looks gorgeous and is ideal for special occasions. But there are several features: it is very difficult to braid herself, besides strands slip out and are poorly fixed.
We offer another option for weaving by Lino Russo: the hairstyle is simple, but it looks luxuriant and stylish.

So, for weaving you need a scarf or ribbon. Wrap the upper strand of hair with it, divide the hair into two parts and begin to cross-twist it through the ribbons. This is reminiscent of the process of shoe lacing, only each time new strands should be woven right and left until the loose curls run out. Then fix the hair at the base of the neck, tie a ribbon bow or scarf, or use accessories

Classic spikelet

Beginners first need to master the scheme of the classic spikelet.

  • Carefully combing clean dried hair, prepare a styling agent or a spray bottle with plain water, several rubber bands,
  • Take a strand of hair near the forehead, divide it into three equal parts,
  • Put the left strand on the middle one, and remove it to the left, then the right one to the new middle one, as a result, the original left one will be right,
  • Holding the first interlacing with your fingers, separate the curl to the left of the hair that is still loose with your free hand, attach it to the left strand and weave it together into a braid,
  • Repeat the same on the right
  • Alternately weave strands on both sides,
  • Braid the resulting loose tail into a pigtail and secure with a rubber band.

To make her hair look neat, the strands should be the same in thickness and sprinkle them lightly with water. For a longer fixation, if desired, apply a foam or styling mousse to the hair beforehand.

The video below shows in detail the whole process of weaving a classic spikelet to itself:

Turn everyday hairstyle into the evening version The exquisite spikelet with the released strands will succeed by using the technique of lace weaving. To do this, before weaving a new strand into the braid, separate a thin curl from the main one, be sure to put a gel or mousse on it.

This curl is divided into three parts and each lay an arc one after the other in the form of lace. A new portion of hair is woven under the pattern. For the solemn occasion, this hairstyle can be supplemented with beautiful hairpins or flowers.

Spikelet round it

As an option for a variety of hairstyles, braided French braid out.

  • Comb hair, apply foam or moisten with water,
  • Take the hair at the top, divided into three parts,
  • The left curl is now held below the middle strand, which retracts to the left,
  • We get the right curl also under the middle
  • Select the strands from the sides of the remaining hair, weaving them alternately into a braid, each time weaving the middle curl from the bottom.

It turns out a completely new inverted spikelet, the volume of which will be added by pulling curls to the sides.

You can see how the spikelet turns around in this video:

Double spikelet

The technique of weaving such a hairstyle is not different, only all the hair is divided by an even part into two halves and two spikelets are made.

For convenience, collect one part with an elastic band, the second part - to braid it in the classical or inverse way, and then repeat the same weave with the remaining hair. The spit-free braids should be left braided or tails should be made for a mischievous look.

And below is a simple and original way of weaving a double spikelet with the help of silicone elastics:

Having mastered the classic techniques of weaving and well-trained, you can try more complex variants of weaving, for example, a spike of 4 strands or a square spike.

Square spikelet

The sequence of weaving square braids:

  • The strand selected at the crown is divided into three parts, as at the beginning of the weaving of a simple spikelet,
  • Right strand split in two,
  • Thread the middle curl between them and connect again,
  • Now split the left strand in two, also hold a middle lock between the bunches,
  • Add a new curl with the total mass of hair to the lower part of the forked beam, which will braid the middle curl below,
  • Braid in this way all the hair on the head and loose braid.

In this video lesson you can clearly see how to weave such a braid:

Spike of the tail

Comb the hair, apply the foam, prepare small gum.

  • At the crown, select the strand, as for weaving an ordinary French braid, gather it into a tail,
  • Under him make the second such bundle,
  • Divide the upper tail into two halves, bring them under the lower side, and raise the tail itself upward,
  • Make another tail of the side strands and halves of the first tail,
  • Take a bundle from above, also divide it and weave it with new strands into the next one,
  • Repeat until all hair is braided.

Another option of weaving spikelets from the tail:

Create a feminine and romantic image it will turn out by braiding the French cone on its side or around its head. Such hairstyles are now at the peak of popularity, especially in the form of a slightly disheveled, careless braid.

Spike on the diagonal

  • Parting is done on the side,
  • A strand is separated from most of the hair at the forehead, a first weave is made,
  • A classic or a back spikelet is diagonally woven, on the back of the head weaving turns to the ear opposite from the beginning.

Here is an example of a reverse French braid diagonally to itself:

Another modification of this braid in the photo below is the spike-snake:

Around the head

Braid braid around the head is possible in several ways.

  1. Integral oblique.
  • Parting from the forehead to the neck, on the crown of the point of the center of weaving,
  • From one side of the parting near the forehead to start weaving, picking up strands from the center of the hairstyle,
  • Move gradually around the head to the beginning of the parting,
  • Braid the remaining loose hair into a regular pigtail and hide it under the spikelet, fasten it with hairpins or stealth.

This variant of weaving is also shown on the video:

  1. From two braids.
  • Split the hair in two parts,
  • To braid spikelets from each part in opposite directions, one from the forehead to the back of the head, as a classic version, the second from the back of the head,
  • Loose hair to braid in braids and hide under the weave, fix hairpins.

Such weaving is also called "basket". See a detailed article on weaving braids-baskets: Hair-basket - star styling

Fish tail

To create such an original hairstyle, like a fishtail, it will take more time and effort.

  • Comb your hair thoroughly, apply styling products or moisten with water,
  • Select the first strand and divide it into two parts,
  • From the outer edge of the right strand to separate the thin curl and attach it to the left strand on the inside,
  • Symmetrically repeat the same action on the left,
  • Gradually weave all the hair.

The finer the hooks will be, the more elegant the hairstyle will be. The weave must be tight so that the work does not disintegrate and structure is highlighted, as, for example, in this video:

Creating a variety of weaving variations, the image changes at least daily. As an option, ribbons are woven in the middle or two tails are woven, separated by an even parting.

And here is another excellent version of the more complex weaving, based on the same technique:

How to braid spike itself

It is not difficult to learn how to weave various variants of braids on someone, whereas braiding 2 spikelets to oneself is a more difficult task.This will require an additional mirror that will stand in front of the main one and be able to show the back of the head.

Hands on weight can quickly flow, so you have to train for a long time. Of course, you should not quit, if something goes wrong right away.

Carefully prepared hair will be more manageable, which will speed up the process of weaving and give a more accurate result. Washed, dried curls should be carefully combed, if necessary, use sprays to prevent tangling of the tips.

In this video, almost all variants of the spikelets, which we have considered, are visually demonstrated only for yourself:

How to braid spikelet child

For a restless child to make a beautiful hair more difficult, because need to catch everything in a short time.

Girls' hair, as a rule, is poorly obeyed and constantly falling apart; good skill and manual dexterity are needed.

Caution with elastic bands, tight braids do not braid, as this disrupts blood circulation and can lead to a headache in a child.

It's easier to start with light weaving options.without tiring the girl with a long sitting at the mirror, gradually try more complex options.

A wide variety of weaving of the universal spike makes it easy to create different images every day without any special efforts, always being fashionable and stylish.

Spike for long hair: very beautiful hairstyle

Completely casual hairstyle for long hair - spikelet. For her weaving you need a young lady to have long hair, from 20 cm. There are many kinds of spikelets for long hair. To begin, consider the most simple version of this braid.

The classic spikelet is a rather old method of weaving, which still does not lose its popularity. It is not only suitable for everyone, but also very quick and easy. He is often weaved by girls to school, and the hair of an adult lady, thus cleaned, will give the appearance of grooming.

This type of braid is weaved from the top and side of the head, one braid in the center or around the head, two on the sides or, weaving them into all sorts of snails, tight or creating loops of hair.

More often weave spikelets for long hair. Spike for long hair emphasizes all their beauty. The owner of a thick braid can rightly consider it a true wealth.

Spit on long hair emphasizes femininity

If nature has not rewarded you with thick hair, then when weaving, you can add volume to the braid, if you gently pull the strands on the sides of the braid into volume loops. It is worth noting that the spike looks more beautiful if the strands take thin.

Consider the method of weaving the classic spike from the crown.

The French braid is the opposite: how to braid 2 spikelets with your own hands

The most beautiful spikelets for long hair are obtained by weaving the so-called French method. A braid is obtained not only volumetric, but also relief, although the method of weaving is essentially the same.

As with the weaving of a classic spikelet, three strands are taken. The only difference is that the strand is not superimposed in the direction towards itself, but, on the contrary, from itself, is wound over the braid.

The process diagram is as follows:

Square braid: weaving step by step instruction

Square braid trudges a little harder than the classic. Classic spikelets can be viewed from any angle: from behind, to the left or to the right.

A spit usually consists of four strands. If the braid of the three strands, the weaving itself becomes more complicated, so we consider the simplest option.

Most often, the snake is made to schoolgirls, as the hairstyle looks elegant, but quite modest. In addition, weave a snake simply and quickly. It is performed by the same method as an ordinary spikelet. In order for the pigtail to turn out so bizarre, the entire head area is divided by several horizontal partings. Weaving is performed in the area bounded on both sides.

Snake can be made in the French way of braiding. So the hairstyle will acquire an unprecedented amount. The volume will be added by the stretching of hair loops along the pigtail.

Openwork braids and flowers from them

Openwork braid is a type of festive hairstyle. This braid itself looks airy, like lace, and very elegant. Well, if you weave some flowers, ribbons, beads into her hair, then its owner will be simply irresistible.

By itself, openwork braid is created by pulling hair loops. And if this pigtail is twisted around one point and secured, then you get a flower.

So, to create a flower, we perform the following actions:

There are many ways of braiding, and even such a simple pigtail as a spikelet, is performed in different ways. The main thing - do not limit the imagination.

Basic spike weaving technique

So, there is a fairly simple scheme that makes it easy to braid the spike with your own hands. We will analyze different options, but the main view of the braid, on which we will base the following:

Basic spike weaving scheme

Follow each item from the step by step instructions. We will explain in stages so that you manage to properly style your hair, as in the pictures.

  1. Wet your hair a little bit - just a little bit. This will make them more obedient and allow you to stack carefully. If there is a mousse, you can use it. The main thing is to make your hair more obedient and not loose. Gather a strand of hair on the top of your head, as shown in Figure 3. Tie it with an elastic band, since during the weaving both our hands will be busy and we have three strands. Figure 3. The elastic holds the first strand of hair
  2. Leaving the locked strand in the center, collect two more on either side of it. The other two strands
  3. Transfer the right strand to the left side, and move the central one to the right so that it runs under the right strand of hair. First node
  4. Lay the left strand also to the right, but it should be laid over the right one, as shown in the figure. Second node
  5. Now swipe over the left strand, which is currently on the right side, our central strand, but be sure to weave an additional strand with it, having first been assembled in one bundle. A volumetric spike base knot should already be formed on the head. Formed spikelet base
  6. Continue along the same lines on both sides until you reach the neck area. Base to tail
  7. After reaching the neck, make a continuation in the form of an ordinary braid. Thus the spikelet's tail will be finished. Tail spikelet

Well, the spikelet is ready. Gum, holding the center strand or gently cut and remove, or hide under the hair. Apply a little varnish and slightly flatten, so that the dragon has acquired a volumetric look.

This step-by-step instruction is just a base, the simplest foundation on which many other kinds of spikelets are based. Now, having knowledge of this database, you will be able to change the look of your hairstyle in accordance with your fantasies.

French braid braided on its side

A spikelet braided on its side, for example, will look nice and neat. This is both stylish and youthful, and it looks good on the head of adult women. In principle, the scheme is the same, as we said, only by adding side strands, it is necessary to twist it as a tourniquet.

Step by step:

  1. Comb your hair back,
  2. From the left or right side, collect a larger strand and make three small strands of it,
  3. Start making an ordinary spikelet, like the first steps of our instructions - before we started to weave in extra strands,
    Patch an additional small strand on the side that you selected in the first paragraph of this manual.
  4. Add the next strand on the other side of the head,
  5. Take turns to add strands from both sides, without forgetting to tighten the pigtail, so that the hair does not unravel and the cone does not lose its shape,
  6. In the final part, everything is the same as in the usual spikelet. At the base of the neck braid ordinary braid. Fasten the spit links with studs and gently straighten each one to make the hairstyle more bulky.

In Figure 10, you can see a phased illustration of a spikelet on its side to follow the execution of all the instructions in the instructions correctly.

Figure 10. Pigtail on its side

French braid

This type of pigtail is not much different from the classic spikelet in the way of its weaving. It looks very solid, the links are distinguished by severity and bulk. Undoubtedly, this hairstyle will look very elegant.

  1. On the left or right side of the caesura hair, select a strand larger and divide it into three equal strands. Pigtail
  2. Right strand shift under the center. And drag the last one up and to the right as in Figure 12. Figure 12. The first link
  3. Then carry the lock on the left under the right and it goes to the central part of the pigtail. The base of the pigtail
  4. Start picking up strands from both sides of the pigtails, as has already been shown many times. Weave strands
  5. Connect the additional strand with the central one, which is now to the right of the pigtail. Connect the strands
  6. Two strands, joined together, spend under the central. Start spikelet
  7. Do exactly the same with the left side. Left-hand side
  8. Continue to weave the spike links until the additional strands are finished. Then weave the usual braid, completing the hair tail. Straighten to appear volume. Total

Actually, now you know how to weave several types of French pigtails. Show fantasy, you can use completely different ways to make the spike look more spectacular, more beautiful. Adjust the tightness of the braids so that they do not fall off and do not spoil, but on the other hand, they are not tightened too much. Change the central pigtail to offset the location of the entire braid. Experiment with color and use hairspray.

You can braid a spikelet around your head or do it in French style. Here is the last one:

Spit in French style

The same hairstyle can be doubled. By the way, a great solution for your daughter.

French style for daughter

The spikelet weaving technique basically obeys the same laws, as you could see. Surprisingly, this is a truly universal hairstyle, with it always looks beautiful and neat. Dragon does not allow hair to fall on the face, which is very convenient and practical.

When braiding the pigtails, try to grab the strands on each side in the same quantity, evenly. From how much hair you grab, will depend on the shape, which means the beauty of your hair. In addition, I must say that the French braid is woven, as a rule, for straight hair, so if you have curls, you will have to thoroughly stroke it with an iron, align it so that the appearance of the spike does not deteriorate.

You can decorate the braid in different ways: with rhinestones, bow, rim, and various hairpins. In this, perhaps, the case is limited only by your taste.

If you want, make two spikelets on the sides. It is not necessary to braid it tightly and assembled. Lower the hairs, straighten your hair so that it looks like you are not wearing it for the first day. Look at Figure 21 and see for yourself:

Figure 21. Add simplicity

You see - there is no need to create a strict hairstyle. Improvise.

It does not hurt to release a few strands of braids. Lower them so that they casually fall off on both sides of the head.
If you made two spikelets, then is it really necessary to bring them into a mirror-symmetrical view? What for? After all, the hairstyle will look interesting if they are absolutely asymmetric. Release the reins and drop the blinders! - let your imagination run wild. Believe me, this advice is as important as step-by-step instructions!

Make a spikelet “upside down”, i.e., so that the weaving goes from bottom to top. Only in this case you should not make the tail in the form of an ordinary braid, but simply braid the remaining hair, tie it so that it looks beautiful.

In fact, a French braid is a hairstyle that MUST be free from restrictions. Monotony is contrary to the very meaning of female beauty, because the main goal is to surprise pleasantly. Take a look at figures 22 and 23.

Fig. 22. Different approach Fig. 23. Another option

It seems that these are two different pigtails. Not! - This is a simple spikelet, laid with taste, but in different ways. Models and celebrities use this elegant and simple hairstyle to their advantage. Make and you fashionable and beautiful pigtail to yourself, the girlfriend or the daughter. You can be sure that with sufficient dexterity and diligence, it will turn out just great.


Watch the video: #194. Stitch Braids 4 BEGINNERS (July 2024).