
How to create unique hairstyles with braids and curls (35 photos): fashion 2018-2019 years


All women want to look attractive and beautiful. Every day they spend a lot of time creating hair, applying makeup and choosing clothes. If you need to make an easy and beautiful styling, then the "French Falls" (hairstyle) will be your salvation. It is created quite simply at home.

To whom and on what occasion will the “French Waterfall” (hairstyle) suit?

For a start it is worth saying that such styling will be an ideal option for owners of long and semi-long hair. It can even make women with a haircut "Kare".

"French Falls" (hairstyle) is suitable for any celebration or everyday use. Such styling is created for a wedding, birthday or New Year's celebration. "Waterfall" (hairstyle) is ideal for a schoolgirl or a woman aged.

This style looks feminine and seductive. She, undoubtedly, will attract admiring glances of strangers to your image.

The first step: the preparation of working material

Before you do hair "Waterfall", you need to properly treat your hair. Beautiful and elegant styling will look only on a clean head of hair. That is why you need to wash the curls a few hours before the solemn event.

Be sure to use conditioner after shampoo. It will help relieve static tension and prevent hair from pushing. Also, this tool facilitates combing and adds shine to the hair.

Dry your hair with a hair dryer. Be sure to spray the hair with a thermal spray. It will protect the structure of the hair thread.

Second step: the use of styling products

"French Falls" (hairstyle) requires the use of styling products. They will help to keep the weaving for a long time and will not let the curls fall off.

If your hair is straight and thin, use a mousse or foam for volume. In the case when a woman is the owner of thick and curly hair, you should give preference to light sprays with moderate fixation.

Apply styling to dry hair and let it soak. After that you can proceed to the next stage.

The third step: weaving

The most crucial part of the process is the creation of the spit. If you have never spun a spikelet before, then you should first practice a little.

Comb your hair backwards. At one temple, select three thin strands and begin to bind them. Put the bottom on the middle. Further, the upper strand should be transferred to the existing structure. When one section of the braid is created, it is necessary to select a separate small part of the free curl at the top and pass it through the woven structure.

Next, do another weave and do the same. In this way, the treatment of hair, create a full braid. It should end at the opposite temple. Secure the invisible elastic hair and proceed to the next step.

Fourth step: double treatment of loose hair

So, you have braided cross braid and created the so-called waterfall. Hairstyle involves the further processing of loose hair. To do this, you will need a curling iron or curling iron.

Collect the hair that was passed through the braid into a separate part. They must be processed last. The bottom cover is divided into small parts, each of which wrap with forceps. Sprinkle hair with a lacquer of moderate fixation and wait until it dries.

Next, dissolve the missed waves of the waterfall and wind them on larger forceps. You should have small flowing waves at the bottom and large curls on top.

Final stage: fixing and decorating hair

When the hair is processed and laid, apply lacquer to it to fix. It will help your hair to hold on for a long time. When using styling products, observe the measure. Otherwise, the hairstyle may turn out unnatural and stuck together.

Use different accessories to complete the image. If you are a bride, you can place a veil along the spit. When using styling for a celebration, fasten a beautiful flower on the side where the spit ended. If the hairstyle is created for everyday look, then you can leave it without any decoration at all.


Now you know how to create the “Waterfall” hairstyle, step-by-step photo and description can be found in this article. Do not be discouraged if the first time you did not get this styling. A little practice, you can create amazing masterpieces of hair.

If desired, you can slightly alter this type of hair and make your own additions. For example, the styling can be woven from two sides, or the braid will not go strictly horizontally, but with a slight inclination downwards. Also "Waterfall" can be created from several layers. In this case, weave several parallel braids.

Experiment with your hair, follow fashion trends, make stylish and beautiful styling, be always the center of attention and catch the admiring glances of passersby. I wish you success in this difficult hairdressing work!

Weave unique evening hairstyles with braids

The combination of braids and curls is a win-win option, perfectly suitable for every representative of the charming half of the world's population. It’s not in vain that the popularity of braids over the past few years has reached unbelievable proportions. This trend is particularly popular this season.

Spit with curls has a great advantage (except for a flawless appearance) - it is suitable for wedding and evening look. Regardless of the dress, with such a hairstyle you will be stunning.

Spit, as a wreath framing the face, still enjoys great popularity

Despite the huge number of techniques of weaving braid coupled with elastic curls, the tools for creating such hairstyles are almost always similar. It:

  • hairbrush with narrow tip,
  • clips or small hairpins,
  • foam or styling gel,
  • curling hair
  • lacquer strong fixation
  • small elastics and pins,
  • thermospray.

When you stock up on everything you need, you can safely go over to create a flawless hairstyle with your own hands. Already through a small gap of time you will become the owner of a beautiful and feminine styling.

Step by step hairstyle with a scythe and curls in the style of "waterfall" is done as follows:

Unique hairpin will make your braid waterfall even more noticeable

  • first you need to wash and dry your hair,
  • after you make a little bouffant on the back of your head to give more styling,
  • parting the hair, separating a small strand from one side and dividing it into three similar parts,
  • start weaving as when developing an ordinary braid,
  • after a couple of bindings, let go of that strand that needs to be woven into the braid, instead of it grab the newest one,
  • thus weave the braid to the end, tie the tail with a narrow elastic to match the color of the hair.

The photo suggests a waterfall weaving scheme.

So, you got a pretty braid with flowing strands. To add a more solemn look to the hairstyle, twist the main mass of hair with the help of forceps. To braid waterfall with curls looked very nice, wind them on the curling of a huge cross section.

Fundamentally! Do not forget that before applying the curling, it is better to treat the hair with a heat protection spray that will protect them from damage.

Bundle with a scythe and curls

This really elegant version of hair with curls are often used by Hollywood stars to come out. You will be able to show off with beautiful weaving at a party with friends.

The abstract for creating a seemingly difficult beam in execution from a curl with a scythe is very ordinary:

One of the many examples of successful combination of a beam and a braid

  • perfectly comb your hair to warn the impending tangle of strands,
  • divide the hair into 4 sectors: two temporal, parietal and occipital,
  • hair in the occipital sector twist into a bundle and secure it with stealth,
  • tail, falling from the rope, add, twist down and fasten. After that, straighten it so that the roller comes out for itself from the hair - it will become the basis for the beam,
  • hair in the parietal and temporal areas twist into curls,

If you have medium length curls, you can use a special bagel instead of a roller of your own hair.

  • on the right, begin to weave a French braid. First weave the strands of the strands on both sides, closer to the end - just below,
  • the same braid weave on the right side,
  • previously heaped curls from the parietal zone are randomly fixed by invisibility to the beam,
  • braids are also fixed at the base of the beam.

In the end, you will have an elegant, stylish and prestigious hairstyle, no different from the work of professional stylists. That's just the cost of such weaving is much lower than one session in the beauty salon.

Spit on one side

At the moment, a huge number of options for a formal braid are used when designing wedding hairstyles. Still: such a romantic and feminine option just will not leave anyone flammable.

Spit on the side with curls is not at all difficult and fast:

For previously heaped curls give spit volume

  1. Treat your hair with styling foam and thermal sprays.
  2. Wind the whole mass of hair on the curling iron, then transfer it to one side.
  3. Separate several small curls, perfectly framing the face, and secure them with invisible ones.
  4. Divide the rest of your hair in half and braid a fishtail from it. It is produced by the method of separating small strands from one half of the hair and attaching them to the other.
  5. You can throw the braid as it is, and you can make it more delicate by slightly pulling the side strands out of the weave.
  6. Fix the finished result with varnish.

Recommendation! If you want an even more voluminous hairstyle, then instead of braids you can use the French equivalent.

You can create the most interesting hairstyles yourself.


This unusual version of weaving is different in that the braid will frame the curls not over the head, but under them. It is done quite easily.

  1. From the top of the left ear to the base of the right, make a tortuous parting.
  2. Pierce the highest part of the hair for convenience.
  3. Hair in the back of the head braid in a screech.
  4. So that the pigtail was bigger, gently pull the strands out of the weaving, as if fluffing them up.
  5. Treat the hair in the parietal area with styling mousse and thermal sprays.
  6. Twist them into elastic curls and in a random order fasten the studs so that they are placed over the braided oblique.

So that your curls remain elastic as long as possible, it will not be superfluous to sprinkle them with a strong fixing varnish. This hairstyle with a scythe and with curls is perfect for both long and medium hair. With her you will become the queen of the evening.

Hairstyle french waterfall - options

There are several varieties of the French cascade, for example, following the pattern of the Malvinka spit. In this case, braids in the form of a cascade braid around the entire circumference of the head, but necessarily symmetrically. As a result, they converge into a single whole, and are fixed at the junction with a beautiful hairpin.

Wind the hair on the curler before weaving, if you are going to an important and solemn event. You can also comb hair at the roots. Thus, you will give your hair a little volume and a festive mood. But if you create a cascade for wearing for every day or for a business meeting, on the contrary, the hair pull the iron. You can also curl only waterfall streams - this option looks extremely unusual.

This braid is ideal because it fits to absolutely any dress, be it an evening dress or jeans and an alky shirt, you can use it in any life situation.


This option is great for those little trees that have never dealt with braid. Initially, it is necessary to master this technique so that later it was possible to create more original and complex versions.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Comb hair, partly uneven. Around the face, select the strand, divide it into 3 parts and start creating the braid in the usual way. If you have a long bang, you can leave it or engage in the process.
  2. When the spit reached the level of the ear, then you have three strands on your hands — left, middle and right. Make a middle crossing from the right and then add a curl on top. Cover this curl with a free strand, and then release the right curl down. Thus, you can get the first stream of the waterfall.
  3. Now you have two strands on your hands, and the third you need to take from loose hair on top.
  4. Similarly, perform weaving braids, while constantly releasing curls. Reach the second ear. Pin braid invisible or other locking element.
  5. You can dole the remaining tip of the waterfall like a regular pigtail. Hair that has remained intact, to curl in spectacular curls with curling or curlers.

On the video hairstyle waterfall with curls step by step instructions:

And here is how a waterfall with a ribbon will look like and how well such a hairstyle looks. indicated in this article.

Multi-tiered "Waterfall"

If you were able to master the simple technique of doing a waterfall, then you can try experimenting and creating a multi-tiered waterfall. But suitable for girls with long hair styling. The process of creating hairstyles is as follows (step by step instructions):

  1. As usual, comb the hair, highlight the strand on the right side of the face. Proceed to weaving braids, based on past technology. Secure the tip of the spit stealth on the opposite side.
  2. Now pull back 9 cm from the first braid, begin to create the second braid, using the falling strands from the first element.
  3. If dinah hair allows, then you can create a third tier. It all depends on the personal wishes of the girl.

Creating multi-tiered hairstyles is very difficult for herself. To do this, find yourself an assistant or contact the salon.

In addition, to create a hairstyle original and sophisticated look with the help of various accessories.

Most often, you can decorate the styling, if you buy the following items:

  • hairpins,
  • tapes
  • studs with beads,
  • flowers,
  • You can select several curls in different colors using temporary colored lacquer,
  • apply varnish with sparkles.

But what is the scheme of weaving a braid waterfall and how complex it is for weaving independently, is indicated in the article.

On the video hairstyle of a multi-tiered waterfall:

Perhaps you will also be interested in learning how to wind your hair beautifully on a curling iron.

It will also be interesting to know how the hairstyles with a comb look and what options exist, is indicated in the article.

But how to braid two French braids myself and how difficult it is to perform, is described in detail in the article.

Hairstyle waterfall with curls looks just incredibly beautiful. Creating such a hairstyle is easy, so there is no need to visit a hairdresser and spend a decent amount of money.And if you decorate your hair with stylish accessories, then the image will be stunning and original. But here the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the image will turn out to be too elaborate and will not be so attractive.

Weave original evening hairstyles with braids

The combination of braids and curls is a win-win, ideal for every woman in the beautiful half of humanity. No wonder that the popularity of braids over the past couple of years has reached unimaginable sizes. This trend is especially popular this season.

Spit with curls has a huge advantage (in addition to the perfect appearance) - it is suitable for both wedding and evening appearance. Regardless of the dress, with such a hairstyle you will be breathtaking.

Spit, as a wreath framing the face, still enjoys crazy popularity

Despite the great variety of braiding techniques in combination with elastic curls, the tools for creating such hairstyles are almost always the same. It:

  • comb with a thin tip,
  • clips or small hairpins,
  • foam or styling gel,
  • curling hair
  • lacquer strong fixation
  • small elastics and hairpins,
  • thermospray.

When you stock up with everything you need, you can safely move on to creating the perfect hairstyle with your own hands. Within a short period of time you will become the owner of a magnificent and feminine styling.

Step-by-step hairstyle with a scythe and curls in the style of "waterfall" is done as follows:

Original hairpin will make your braid waterfall even more remarkable

  • first you need to wash and thoroughly dry the hair,
  • after making a little bouffant on the back of the head to give more styling,
  • parting the hair, separating a small strand on one side and dividing it into three equal parts,
  • start weaving like creating a regular braid,
  • after a couple of bindings, let go of that strand that needs to be woven into the braid, pick up a new one instead,
  • thus weave the braid to the end, tie the tail with a thin elastic to match the color of the hair.

The photo suggests a waterfall weaving scheme.

So, you got a charming pigtail with flowing strands. To add a more festive look to the hairstyle, wind the bulk of your hair with forceps. To spit a waterfall with curls looked as effective as possible, wind them on a large diameter curling iron.

Important! Do not forget that before applying the curling, it is better to treat the hair with a heat protection spray that will protect them from damage.

Bundle with a scythe and curls

This really luxurious hairstyle with curls is often used by Hollywood stars to come out. You can brag of magnificent weaving at a party at friends.

The instructions for creating a seemingly complicated beam of curls with a scythe are very simple:

One of many examples of a successful combination of a beam and a braid

  • comb your hair well to prevent further tangling of the strands,
  • divide the hair into 4 sectors: two temporal, parietal and occipital,
  • hair in the occipital sector twist into a bundle and secure it with stealth,
  • tail, falling from the rope, add, twist down and fasten. After that, straighten it so that you get such a roll of hair - it will become the basis for the beam,
  • hair in the parietal and temporal areas twist into curls,

If you have medium length curls, you can use a special bagel instead of a roller from your hair.

  • on the right, begin to weave a French braid. At the beginning of the weaving, do the strands of the strands on both sides, towards the end - only from the bottom,
  • the same braid weave on the right side,
  • previously twisted locks from the parietal zone in random order are fixed by invisible beams to the bundle,
  • braids are also fixed at the base of the beam.

As a result, you get a stylish, elegant and fashionable hairstyle, no different from the work of professional stylists. That's just the price of such weaving is much lower than one session in a beauty salon.


Watch the video: TnC -83 Tween Natural Hairstyles - Side Braids w Braidout (July 2024).