Eyebrows and eyelashes

How to pluck eyebrows and choose the perfect shape for them?


Beautiful eyebrows have become an important part of the image of the girl. Yes, and men began to care for the eyebrows and give a neat appearance. But it is girls who give them a lot of attention.

Properly selected form of eyebrows can beautify the face, hide flaws and emphasize the advantages. While the wrong can change facial expressions, spoil the impression of even the most professional makeup. Beautifully pluck eyebrows can master in a beauty salon. But not everyone has the funds for his weekly visit. Because most girls and carry out the procedure for the correction of eyebrows alone at home.

Plucking at home

Take enough time to pluck your eyebrows at home. You should not expect that you will succeed easily and quickly as a master in the cabin. Free at least 30 - 40 minutes for this process and prepare the necessary so that it was at hand.

Step by step training

Prepare for the process. Do the following:

  • Clean your face from makeup, wash,
  • Expose the desk lamp so that you have enough light, but it does not get in your eyes,
  • Install the mirror (the pocket will not work, since you will have to hold it while occupying this hand),
  • Obazolte the treated area. You can do this by steaming the skin. Or, on the contrary, hold the ice on the eyebrows for 10 - 15 seconds. Every woman needs to individually choose a way, because someone relieves the pain of cold, and to someone, on the contrary, it is warm.

After that, proceed to the adjustment. The procedure of anesthesia will have to be repeated, since both cooling and steaming is enough for 5 to 10 minutes.

Plucking instructions

The general rules are as follows. Do not pull out eyebrows from above and on the bridge of the nose. Remove hairs only for growth, do not pull against growth. Act slowly, as the “desired” hair plucked out in a hurry may not grow. Work first with one line, then with another. This will keep the symmetry.

Tools and materials

The quality of any work depends on the tool.

That is why the first thing we advise is to equip the workplace with the required devices:

  1. Get special tweezers:
    • the line of the working body of the tool should not have burrs and openings,
    • working body should not be too sharp
    • check on the arms or legs how well the hairs are clamped,
    • the tool should not slide over the surface of the hair or cut them under the root,
    • for beginners, special tweezers with finger rings are recommended,
    • Professionals often use tweezers.
  2. Eyebrow scissors. This tool should be comfortable and sharp.
  3. Brush comb for eyebrows.
  4. The mirror that you will use for work should be conveniently fixed.
    It is better if it is a large wall mirror or dressing table:
    • if you have vision problems, we recommend to purchase a desktop mirror with the effect of magnification,
    • The use of small pocket mirrors is not as effective, but if they are absolutely necessary, they will do.

A well-lit workplace, a mirror and a quality tool are the basis of a successful result!

  1. Antiseptic. It can be any alcohol-containing liquid or lotion.
  2. Cotton disc or tampon for applying antiseptic on the eyebrow.
  3. White pencil:
    • using this tool is not always necessary. So, if you are experienced in the question of eyebrow shape correction or you only need to slightly correct the shape by removing a few hairs, then there is no need for it,
    • if necessary, radical changes and not much experience of a master, a white cosmetic pencil will serve you well. They easily outline the contour of the future eyebrow,
    • at the same time you can shade the rest of the hairs, then they will be removed much easier.

Before proceeding directly to the correction of the eyebrows, you need to check the entire tool for effectiveness.


Pain Relief Lotion with Benzocaine

We will not be cunning, pluck eyebrows - quite a painful procedure. But the pain can be reduced by applying some tricks.

Now we will teach you how to properly and beautifully pull out the eyebrows and at the same time not experience discomfort:

  1. Directly when plucking it is necessary to pull the skin in the area above the eyebrows up.

Slightly pulling the skin of the eyebrow, you will experience less severe pain.

  1. Apply an anesthetic cream or paste to the treatment area.. However, this method complicates the process itself, because the tweezers slide along the surface of the hairs.
  2. Unpleasant sensations will remove the effects of cold. To do this, you can use an ordinary ice cube.
  3. If you are afraid of exposure to freezing temperatures, the same effect of easing pain will create a warm compress.. It softens the skin and makes the hair more supple.

Perform a full-scale correction in the first week after menstruation.
At this time, your body is least sensitive to pain.

We select the form

In the course of the evolution of make-up art, women were required to have various eyebrow shapes. Beauties of the last century sported both with a string and with a sable break. Today, fashion offers a fairly democratic option - the selection of the shape of the face.

The best shape for square faces

The face close to the square is well combined with the edges pointed at the tips. In this case, the fracture coincides with the median part of the eye or is shifted slightly towards the outer edge.


Eyebrows for a rectangular face

The elongated or rectangular shape is perfectly softened by a flat horizontal line. Thus, the face is visually shortened.

The shape for oval faces is arbitrary.

Happy owners of an oval do not complicate themselves with the task of selecting the shape of eyebrows. They are all that you can think of. However, the observance of measure and naturalness and here is the immutable rule of good taste. Do not forget that men like natural beauty more.


The best output for a triangular configuration

In this case it is necessary to be puzzled by the search for a golden mean. It should be something between a rounded and straight shape. The tips are better to perform sharp.

House for a round oval

Sharp kink, plus sharp outer edges - this form is considered the most compatible with the beauty of chubby ladies. Interestingly, with this technique, the shape of the face slightly lengthens and approaches the oval.

Perfect shape

Algorithm for the selection of forms

Let's open the main secret of the selection of the ideal eyebrow shape: never distort what Mother Nature gave you. To acquire a well-groomed look, in most cases, light contour correction is sufficient.

There is an algorithm for how to properly pluck the shape of the eyebrows, which boils down to the following:

  1. Take a pencil or a ruler and stick to the face as shown in the figure.
  2. The first line running parallel to the nose is the beginning (inner corner).
  3. The second line is the peak point of the break.
  4. The third is the point of the tip.
  5. The bend (height) in the ideal case coincides with the size of the zone AB, and the most correct break point, in this case, is area number 4. As you can see, it is located at the intersection of the eyebrow and the second line.

For the first time it is useful to use the services of a professional.
Moreover, the issue price is not so high.

Hair removal process

Photo: Four steps to perfect eyebrow

With your own hands, without resorting to the help of professionals, you can easily accomplish this simple work:

  1. Apply the white pencil outline of the future eyebrow, adhering to the algorithm described above.
  2. Remove the hairs located around the inside corner.
  3. Working on the tip. If the eyebrow does not reach the intended point - paint on it. If longer - remove unnecessary vegetation.
  4. We determine the peak point and remove all unnecessary hairs, giving the desired shape.
  5. It is not recommended to remove too many hairs at the same time. At first pull out a pair - the three on the one hand, then on the other. Compare. It is important that the eyebrows look absolutely symmetrical.

The instruction, as you can see, is simple and does not require special skills.

Bug work

I wonder if she did that on purpose.

From inaccuracies and errors no one is immune. This is especially true for beginners.

What to do if you plucked your brows wrong? The main thing is not to get upset and not to panic.

To correct this annoying slip in several ways, which can be divided into natural and artificial:

  1. The second eyebrow can be corrected in accordance with the damaged. Let everyone think that it was intended. Originality still did not bother anyone.
  2. Draw the missing hairs with a pencil or shadows.
  3. Go to the salon and do permanent makeup or extensions.
  4. Just wait a few days - the hairs will recover quickly.

Properly selected eyebrow shape makes the look open and expressive.


We hope that our advice will be useful for you. If you still do not quite understand how to properly dye and pluck eyebrows, then additional tips and the process itself, you can look at the video in this article

Any questions? Write in the comments - we will be happy to answer you!

As Sherlock Holmes said, “nothing is more important than little things”! Especially in a case like make-up. For example, a properly selected eyebrow shape can change facial expression. It used to be fashionable to wear thin eyebrows, but this was not for everyone. Today, natural thick eyebrows are relevant, but still they need to be slightly adjusted, because the perfect eyebrow lines can make your eyes brighter and emphasize the shape of the face.

It is known that straight eyebrows visually shorten the face, and the brows, by contrast, stretch the eyebrows. The shape of the face is one of the main factors when choosing the shape of the eyebrows.

Before you carefully weed eyebrow, you need to determine the point of reference.

Take a pencil or a ruler, attach it to your nose on the side and mark a line with eye pencil on your eyebrows. Then do the same on the other side. The distance between the two lines is the ideal distance between the eyebrows. See that they are symmetrical, and feel free to pull out everything in the middle.

The second step - determine the end of the eyebrow. Take the same pencil, attach it so that it is at the bottom of the nose and passes through the outer corner of the eye.

In order not to pull out anything extra, take an eyebrow brush and brush it upwards, so you will better see the extra hairs.

A square face has very sharp corners that can help smooth out the soft brow, as in Diana Kruger (38).

A round face, on the contrary, requires sharper lines. If you want to visually round the chin, then you need wide eyebrows and the fracture should be as far as possible from the nose, such as Kirsten Dunst (32).

A long face, like Liv Tyler (37), needs to be visually expanded, for this it is necessary to make the eyebrows as long as possible so that they extend beyond the line of the outer corner of the eye.

For the face in the shape of a heart, like Cara Delevingne (22), thick eyebrows with a soft arch are suitable. They will help balance the balance with a sharp and expressive chin.

People with an oval face shape, like Jessica Alba (33), can use almost any hairstyle and any eyebrows. The best choice is a slightly angular eyebrow of medium thickness.

For the shape of the face of a diamond shape, like that of actress Audrey Tatu (38), the eyebrows “house” are perfect.

If you chose a form with a bend, then the ideal break point is on the outside of the iris when you look straight.

When choosing the color of the pencil or the shadows that you will use to paint the eyebrows, you need to start from the color of your hair. Girls with dark hair need to choose the color of the eyebrows two tones lighter. If you have black hair, in no case do not paint your eyebrows with a black pencil. And blondes - a little darker, but not too much, otherwise it will look unnatural. Color temperature is also important. So, if you have ashen, platinum or black hair, choose cool shades. If you have red or brown hair - choose warm.

But most importantly, remember that true beauty is natural. You should not completely change your features, it is important to be able to emphasize the best that you have.

The correct form of eyebrows - the key to a successful appearance. They should be well groomed, combed, natural. Often, plucking of excess hair helps to create a natural shape. Pluck eyebrows initially better in the salon, where a specialist will help in creating the best shape. Conducts the same correction is quite possible at home. This should be done carefully, following the rules, then the procedure itself will not cause discomfort, and the result will please.

  • Required materials and preliminary training
  • Eyebrow shape determination
  • How to pull out eyebrows at home: the sequence of procedures
  • Daily eyebrow care after plucking

Required materials and preliminary training

Before you begin to pluck your eyebrows at home, it is advisable to prepare the necessary tool so that everything will be at hand at the right time. For work you need a large mirror, which must be fixed (on the wall or on the stand), then both hands will be free. The light must be bright enough for the entire work area to be lit.

Tweezers, which is carried out plucking, is chosen well-sharpened, the correct form. Its ends should be beveled and close tightly. In addition, in advance to prepare an alcohol solution or lotion with a deodorizing effect.

Before you start work, hands should be thoroughly washed, disinfected tweezers, remove makeup from the eyebrows. The shape of the eyebrows is better to determine immediately, otherwise the result may be unexpected. To correct the shape of the eyebrow is possible only after it grows back, and it takes more than one month.

Eyebrow shape determination

To emphasize the individual features of the face, you must correctly determine the shape of the arc:

  1. Round face. For a visual lengthening, eyebrows should be created with a sharp, raised fracture. The short rounded tip visually narrows the face.
  2. Square face. The shape is the same as for a round face, it is only possible to slightly move the bend to the middle of the eye. For an angular face brows should be smooth. This type does not fit thin and straight forms.
  3. Triangular or heart-shaped face. Here we need soft lines, preferably the beginning and the end should be placed on the same level. Slightly rounded or round eyebrows are ideal. Do not fit straight.
  4. Stretched or elongated face. For this type, straight forms without bends are suitable, since the latter only lengthen the face.
  5. Oval face. This type allows you to experiment with any form.

The shape of the eyebrows also affect facial features. The thickness of the arc depends on the size of the eyes. Small eyes require a visual increase, which under the power of thin eyebrows, thick eyebrows will fit to big eyes.

If the eyes are set close to each other, you need to increase the distance between the eyebrows. In wide-set eyes, the distance is better to reduce.

For a high forehead, curved shapes or arches are created. For a wide forehead - only slightly curved, raised to the middle. Rounded or straight eyebrows are suitable for a low forehead.

How to pull out eyebrows at home: the sequence of procedures

Quickly and gently pluck the eyebrows at home will help properly scheduled eyebrow line. It is based on three base points drawn from the wing of the nose.The first is the intersection with the inner corner of the eye, the second is with the external angle, the third is the conditional intersection with the pupil, this is the eyebrow curve. This point can be located as high as possible for the eyebrows "house", and be absent altogether for the direct form.

Once all the points have been worked out and exposed, you can begin to remove excess hairs around the brow arch. The eyebrow plucking process consists of several actions:

1. The starting, ending and bending points of the eyebrow are marked with a washable cosmetic pencil.

2. Comb the hairs in the direction of growth with a special brush or comb.

3. Tweezers are taken into the hand and an unnecessary hair is caught at its very base. With the free hand, the skin under the hair is slightly stretched. A sharp movement of the tweezers pulls out the hair.

4. Actions are repeated until every extra hair is removed.

To reduce the amount of pain, you can periodically make hot compresses on the treated area. In this case, the pores expand, and the process of hair removal is accelerated and made less painful.

After removing all unnecessary hair, the place where the plucking was carried out is disinfected with an alcohol solution or a special lotion, then wiped with ice cube to close all pores. Such actions will prevent the infection from getting into the formed microraniuses.

Some hairs can be skipped during the first treatment, so in 3-4 days you will need to do an additional correction. Then periodically, as extra hairs appear, you need to pull them out.

If the hairs are not enough, they will have to grow. On average, the recovery will take a month. Before you get a new form, you can use cosmetics and paint on eyebrows. Adjustment is carried out only when symmetry is achieved.

Daily eyebrow care after plucking

In the morning, eyebrow hairs are often ruffled. To give the right direction, they are slightly moistened or placed with a special gel. Make it better to clean the brush from the old mascara.

Castor oil applied to the eyebrows stimulates hair growth, heals wounds, softens the skin. A few drops are used before bedtime, rubbed massage movements in the direction of hair growth. Burdock and other oils of organic origin give shine to hairs. A slightly heated oil or mixture of oils is applied with a cotton pad to the hairs for 5-10 minutes.

After thinning or plucking eyebrows, you should first get rid of redness, soothe the skin and only then apply makeup.

If the hair on the eyebrows needs to be dyed, this should be done before pulling out the hairs or several days after the procedure. Otherwise, the paint will clog the pores, causing inflammation. You can not use hair dye on the head for eyebrow dyeing.

Step 1: Select the shape of the eyebrows

Before you begin the process of eyebrow correction, you should choose the right shape. Pay attention to the shape of the face, because under each of them there is “its own” perfect eyebrow.

Triangular face
If you have a triangular face, make sure that your eyebrows are not straight and even along the entire length. To do this, slightly raise the brow line, trying to do it evenly, without abrupt transitions.

Square face
If the shape of your face is “square”, give up too thin and short eyebrows. Make sure that the shape of the eyebrows had a clear bend upwards.

Oval face
Owners of an oval face should opt for eyebrows of a flat horizontal shape. In order not to visually lengthen the face even more, give up the raised eyebrows.

Round face
Ideal - eyebrows, growing house. Watch for a smooth bend transition, avoid sharp corners.

Video: How to make the desired shape and make up eyebrows

Fashion changes daily, and it does not make sense to adapt to it, since it is for each type of person that its own shape and eyebrow thickness is suitable. It must be remembered that well-groomed and neat eyebrows are always relevant, which can also be obtained at home.

In the motion picture “Office Romance” it was not for nothing that the phrase “Eyebrows acquire tremendous significance in modern times” was sounded. Agree, this is true. Of particular popularity in the 21st century acquired the profession of brow, where the newly minted masters learn sophisticated technology. Eyebrows emphasize the eyes of their owner, make the look expressive, complete the harmonious image. Let us analyze the important aspects of self-correction eyebrows.

Step 2: preparation

For the procedure you will need:

  1. tweezers,
  2. a mirror, preferably with a magnifying effect,
  3. long, smooth stick or pencil,
  4. antiseptic,
  5. eyebrow brush.

Thoroughly clean the tweezers with an alcohol-based antiseptic to avoid any infections. Immediately before plucking, treat with antiseptic and skin.

Pluck eyebrows preferably in the evening. Doctors say that it is at this time of day that the sensitivity to pain is significantly reduced.

To minimize the pain will help washing to the measure of hot water. The pores on the face will open and the hairs will be removed much easier.

Ordinary ice cube can also become a local anesthetic. If you add to it some plant extracts - aloe juice, cucumber or parsley, you will achieve an excellent moisturizing and soothing effect.

Ensure a bright light source - it will not allow any excess hair to hide. The best solution would be a small table lamp aimed at the eyebrow zone. Place the mirror on the table in front of you.

Step 3: Process

When plucking an eyebrow, remember - it consists of three main points: the starting point, the bending point, and the ending point. In order to get the desired result, you should correctly determine where exactly each of them is located, and then work out carefully.

In the list of necessary items for eyebrow correction, it is not for nothing that an even long wand is indicated. It is with its help you can accurately find out the location of each of the points. To do this, take a wand, position it so that one end touches the nostril. Draw an imaginary line up, perpendicular to the wing of the nose. So you determine the point of the beginning of the eyebrow. By drawing a line from the nostrils through the outer edge of the eye iris, you can find a bend point. A line drawn through the outer corner of the eye, will determine the end point.

Remember, all the hairs that grow outside the end point, delete immediately.

Gradually start to get rid of excess hair in each of the points. To avoid critical mistakes that are difficult to fix, be extremely patient. Get rid of excess hair alternately with each eyebrow, comparing and evaluating the result. Do not rush, remove no more than one hair at a time. Pulling out hairs in bunches, there is a chance to pull out too much or just tear them off, and not to pull them out by the roots. In this case, you have to resort to eyebrow pencil to fill the "gaps".

The main plucking area is the lower edge of the eyebrow. Relying only on it, you can give absolutely any shape.

One of the latest inventions for eyebrows in the field of beauty - special stencils. With them, you can easily give your eyebrows the desired shape, simply by attaching them to the zone of hair growth, while removing only the hairs outside the edges.

After the procedure, do not forget to use a mild soothing lotion for the skin - this will help get rid of small redness and irritation.

Complete the correction, running the brush over the eyebrows, settling them in the direction of hair growth.

Required Tools

Tweezers. It is not recommended to save money on it, because this tool will serve you faithfully for many years. Quality forceps should not break the hair, because they immediately begin to grow into the skin.

For the main procedure, the version with pointed teeth is suitable; for final adjustment, give preference to a tool with a flat end.

When choosing tweezers, pay attention to possible gaps, which are formed as a result of converging edges. If any, do not buy.

Disinfectants must be purchased on a mandatory basis to avoid inflammation and irritation. Disinfection procedure: instrument, hands, pinching area.

A mirror is also necessary. And it should be large to fit the whole face. It is important to maintain symmetry when plucking eyebrows.

Lighting should not be artificial, try to choose the time to carry out the procedure in daylight.

In addition to the tools, remove all cosmetics from the face before correction. Also do not plan makeup immediately after the procedure.

how to quickly grow thick eyebrows

Choosing the right form

Eyebrows - a purely individual part of the face, no need to equal the famous actresses. Choose what is right for you, then the face will look harmonious and emphasize the advantages and not the disadvantages.

The following types of faces are distinguished:

  • Triangular (heart-shaped)
  • Round
  • Oval
  • Square
  • Elongated

Triangular face. You need to focus on smooth and soft lines, making the end and the beginning of the eyebrows on the same level. Otherwise, the imbalance of the upper and lower parts of the face will highlight stronger.

Ideal - round or rounded configuration, which will distract attention from the pointed chin. No need to create straight eyebrows.

Round face. For you, an excellent option would be a configuration with a non-pointed fracture and a short end, but a high lift. So the face will seem longer and narrower. Chubby ladies fit ascending form, as well as curved. Eliminate unnaturally round, arched and sharp eyebrows.

Oval face. You can use absolutely any configuration, so do not be afraid to experiment. In order to avoid mistakes, cover the edges with a tonal basis, then draw with a cosmetic pencil one form or another, look, erase and draw the next. Choose for yourself the most suitable and stay on it.

By and large, such experiments are suitable for owners of all types of faces, but practice shows that women with an oval shape often resort to similar experiments.

Be careful of high-lift eyebrows, which gives the face an angry and unnatural expression.

Square face. The choice of form for you is similar in criteria with chubby girls. Do not sharpen the bend and keep the brow tip short. It is also important to move the bend towards the middle of the eye. Due to the smooth fracture, angular facial features will visually smooth out. Do not make eyebrows flat and narrow.

The elongated face. You, on the contrary, are recommended to choose straight edges that visually expand the face and make it proportional. Bends you contraindicated.

how to make up your eyes so they look bigger

Brow configuration by facial features

Common features. Owners of a graceful and small face are recommended to make thin eyebrows, and women with large features should choose thick.

Professionals advise making thickness based on age. The width and density will suit young girls, while women 30+ should choose narrow and neat lines.

The size of the forehead. Girls with a low forehead need to make rounded or straight eyebrows. With wide - curved with a break in the middle (the higher the break, the more the face will look). Ladies with high forehead should avoid flat (straight) configurations, stop at arched or curved edges.

The size and fit of the eyes. Big-eyed beauties look perfect with thick and broad eyebrows. Owners of small eyes are encouraged to opt for medium thickness.

If your eyes are set close, add the distance between the eyebrows on the bridge of the nose and this problem will disappear.

If the eyes are wide apart, reduce the distance, but do not overdo it.

With tweezers

When plucking with tweezers, you will need the tool itself, an antiseptic and a soothing gel. Before starting work, treat the tweezers with an antiseptic to make it sterile. In the process, repeat processing. Handle your hands before using antiseptic fluid.

At the end of the tweezers, wash the tweezers and put them in the bag. Apply a soothing gel on the brow ridges. It will relieve pain and redness, prevent the development of inflammation.

Without tweezers (thread)

Plucking is possible without tweezers. It is produced by floss. A loop is formed from the thread, which is twisted. When dragging the sides of the loop, the twisted area moves and captures the hairs that it pulls out. This method is faster than tweezers, but requires dexterity.

The rules for plucking are the same - for hair growth, with cleaned hands, after the procedure, a soothing gel is applied. But not any thread is suitable for the method. It should be inelastic, not too smooth, but not too fleecy.

How beautiful to pull out eyebrows at home?

If you have unpinned eyebrows, it is important to determine their outlines correctly. This is done as follows:

  • Mentally draw a straight line from the corner of the lips, crossing the edge of the wing of the nose, to the eyebrow. The point of intersection of the line with the eyebrow will be the starting point of your eyebrow,
  • Draw the same mental line from the corner of the lips through the center of the eye to the eyebrow. The highest point of the form (kink) will be located at the point of intersection from the form with the line
  • Imagine the third line going from the corner of the lips through the outer corner of the eye. This will determine the end point of the brow.

The nuances of the form, its features, the nature of the fracture and the width of the line, select based on the type of person.

Eyebrow shape and face shape

To properly pluck the eyebrows, consider their shape and type of face.

To visually narrow round face, choose broken eyebrows. If the face is rectangular. Angular, give preference to rounded shapes. A narrow face will widen straight, thin and rather narrow eyebrows. Fine lines balance the small chin of the triangular face.

For close eyes, increase eyebrow distance. Conversely, if the eyes are far apart, slightly “pull” the beginning to the nose. Ideal lines for a round face - classic with a slight fracture. For oval - any, since this form is the most correct.

Can I pull out eyebrows from above

Plucking eyebrows from above and its expediency is a controversial issue for stylists. On the one hand, this is not recommended. It is better to pull out the hairs from below, thereby raising the arch. While plucking from the top only visually lowers it. However, not all are high arch. In this case, it makes sense to pull out the hairs from above to achieve the desired shape.

The basic rule is this - hairs are removed from the bottom. From above - only in very rare cases. Although we are not talking about very broad lines, when the hairs on the top extend beyond the limits of the form and give a sloppy look to the face. The same applies to the beginning of the lines on the nose. There, too, it is not recommended to remove hairs in general cases, but if there is a lot of them to do, it is necessary.

Smooth eyebrows house through the stencil

Properly form eyebrows at home will help stencils. These are thin plastic cards with slots in the shape of a future line. Sold in sets of several cards with pairs of lines of different shapes. Among them, pick the one that is right for you. Stencil work is easy:

  1. Put it on your own shape,
  2. Circle the slot with a sharply sharpened pencil
  3. Pluck hairs that are outside the shape,
  4. Repeat the procedure from the second side.

Also on these stencils painted with shadows, pencil or wax. From the advantages of the method, an absolutely symmetrical result is obtained, which is obtained quickly with the necessary skill. Of the minuses - the similarity and recognition of forms in the popular sets of stencils.In addition, they are not always convenient to use, since one hand is busy holding the template.

There are stencils masks that can free your hands. They are two templates, taped, which are superimposed and fixed as a mask. This option is more expensive and less common in the sale. Another version of the template that helps to smooth out the eyebrows - a mask attached to the nose. Almost not sold in Russia, but you can order on the websites of Chinese online stores. Frees hands, the most convenient option of all listed.

Angular face types

Owners of a heart-shaped and square face will fit a uniformly curved eye frame. For the heart-shaped face - rounded arches. The only difference is that for a square face, the brows should be longer than for other types.

Having dealt with the nuances of the forms of the hair part of the face, you should decide how to outline the brow arcs.

Ways to create eyebrow shapes at home

After finding the right shape, you need to remove excess hair. Several ways and tips on how to shape your eyebrows at home:

  1. Hair removal with tweezers. Having outlined the brow borders according to three points, the extra hairs are immediately visible. But in order not to forget to thin or shorten the length of the eyebrow hairs, it is necessary to lift the hairs up with a brush and remove the excess length with scissors and knocking out hairs with tweezers. When removing excess vegetation with tweezers, it is necessary to observe an important rule: remove only one hair per capture of tweezers. Even from one randomly removed hair can depend on the final shape of the eyebrows.
  2. Hair removal wax. Heated, not too hot wax, it is necessary to apply only to previously cleansed face without makeup. It is necessary to distribute the wax exclusively on the growth of hair, using an applicator or other improvised means (a match or a stick). On top of the wax applied is a pre-cut strip that comes in the kit. A few seconds after the wax dries, the strip should be torn off against the growth of hair follicles. The faster the strip is removed, the greater the chance that all hairs will be removed along with the root.
  3. Trading - removing the thread. This most painless and not expensive method allows you to remove even the inconspicuous "fluff" hairs. In addition, depilation with thread is a very quick way to avoid redness and inflammation that may appear from other techniques. Eyebrow shaping with full trading is shown in the video.

With excessive removal of hairs or eyebrows that are too thin by nature, the easiest way is to finish missing hairs. When styling with pencil or shadows, the color should be as close as possible to the natural shade. Also, with the help of cosmetics, you can add hair growth uniformity, because eyebrows can be thin by nature.

Having tinted hairs, you should comb them so that all the hairs lie neatly in one direction. If eyebrow arches are properly plucked and trimmed, this step can be skipped as unnecessary, because the hair without it will lie correctly.

Fact! To fix the position of the hairs will help a special eyebrow gel. If it is not available, you can use foam or varnish for styling.

Rub the selected tool to evenly between fingertips and clapping movements to distribute the entire length of the eyebrows.


There are several basic rules, subject to which, the skin and brow arches will delight in the mirror and like others. How to properly shape your eyebrows at home is one of the most common questions. Several recommendations will help to deal with the problem:

  • you should never shape a razor
  • tweezers and scissors should not be rusty and well sharpened,
  • It is prohibited to transfer personal cosmetics and tools to other persons for hygiene purposes.

On average, hairs on any part of the face grow back within three weeks. So, correcting mistakes, if they were made, will have to be pretty soon.

Secrets and recommendations

Regular care and shaping eyebrows over time will take less and less time. If it is difficult to choose a shape, the easiest way is to take a face photo. This method will allow to see the hair arc from the side.

In each cosmetic procedure there are many subtleties, in giving a beautiful and regular shape to the eyebrows:

  1. It is necessary to begin hair removal from the inside to the outside.
  2. Adjust the width should be on the lower hairline.
  3. Plucking or waxing should be done on steamed skin.
  4. It is better to shape the eyebrows in the evening, so that the reddening can pass.
  5. Pain relief procedure will help pre-attached a piece of ice on the skin.
  6. Uniformly shape the left and right hair arches.
  7. Eyebrow trimming at three points will help not to remove the excess.

Adhering to simple rules, even at home you can become a professional and save a lot of money on salon procedures. Beautiful and well-groomed eyebrows more than once play a key role in the conquest of the opposite sex.

How to make eyebrows: the secret number 1 - good tweezers

This is the main key to success. And it is not worth saving on it, as on eyelash curlers or make-up brushes. The investment will certainly pay off: a good eyebrow tweezers will last a very long time. And how comfortable it will be to use them, how easy the hairs will be plucked and even the amount of pain during the process depends on its quality. “The most convenient way is to use eyebrow tweezers with a beveled tip. It doesn’t scratch the skin like sharp-tipped forceps, and it’s very easy for them to grab hair, ”the star eyebrow master advises. Kristie Streicher, in the Los Angeles studio which constantly come Hollywood stars. By the way, it’s not by chance that star stylists and makeup artists almost everybody admits to love in the brand. Tweezerman: these are the best eyebrow tweezers, and even manual sharpening, and their price for star masters (on average from $ 15 for the simplest models) does not confuse.

How to make eyebrows: secret number 2 - maximum comfort procedures

If the face now and then wriggles in pain - the shape of the eyebrows will never be perfect. Pluck eyebrows after a hot shower or steam bath for the face: steam and warm water open the pores, hairs are removed more easily and with less pain. Also, do not do this on the eve and during critical days when the pain threshold rises markedly. And each time, grab only one hair with tweezers: if you pull them out with bunches, you will not save much time, but it will be more painful, and the probability of grabbing the excess will increase many times.

How to make eyebrows: the secret number 4 - good lighting and magnifying mirror

With lighting everything is clear: in the twilight you really do not see anything. As for the mirror, this is one of the few cases when such a beauty gadget turns out to be really very useful. Due to the magnifying effect, it is easy to see even the thinnest and almost imperceptible hairs. “Do not get carried away. After each pair of plucked hairs, take a few steps back to look at the face as a whole, ”advises Christy Streycher.

Eyebrow palette Brow Duo, MAS, Blonde shade

Gel-cream eyebrow Fluidline Brow Gelcreme, MAS

Eyebrow Tint Gels PureBrow Gel, Jane Iredale

Eyebrow and eyelid makeup kit, Kit Sourcils & Regard Yeux, Dr. Pierre ricaud

Eyebrow pencil Couleurs Nature, Yves Rocher, shade 03 "Brown"

Automatic eyebrow pencil Superfine Liner For Brows, Clinique, Soft Brown

Eyebrow correction kit Petite Tweeze Set, Tweezerman

Eyebrow correction and shaping kit Mini Brow Rescue Kit, Tweezerman

How to make eyebrows: secret number 6 - a sense of proportion

It is better not to peel than pinch. And it's not just that wide eyebrows are in fashion like a model Cara Delevin. “Plucked” eyebrows, too thin or irregular in shape, can easily make the eyes smaller, the nose larger, the facial features coarser and less expressive, and the expression of the face stupid and unnatural. As explains the other star guru eyebrows, the owner of the most popular New York "eyebrow studio" Sania Vucetaj, no need to make the distance between the eyebrows wider than the wings of the nose. She also advises to always paint over eyebrows with pencil or shadows in the first place, just as you always do during the mafia, and only then begin to pull out. "So less likely that you pull out excess hair," - explains the master. Some masters also advise you to pre-paint with white or, better, with a pencil in pencil, the hairs you see as superfluous - in order to understand how the eyebrows will look without them.

How to make eyebrows: secret number 7 - the correct "arch" eyebrows

Or, quite simply, its bend. Therefore, before plucking eyebrows, they must be combed and laid. Most are not semicircular broyi, and slightly in expansion, with a rounded corner at the highest point. And the tip of the eyebrow in any case should not be below the head of the eyebrow. Sania vucetaj He also believes that eyebrows usually look more harmonious if, after the highest point of the arch, their shape repeats the shape of the eye.

How to make eyebrows: the secret number 8 - the correct length

Too long eyebrows make the face flat, visually lower the outer corners of the eyes and often give the face a dull expression. How to determine the point at which the eyebrow should end? Very simple! “Attach a pencil at an angle of 45 degrees to the outer corner of the eye or draw a mental line,” advises Christy Streycher. At the place of its intersection with the eyebrow and your eyebrow should end.


  • For the best capture of hairs try to pull the skin a little to the side,
  • To avoid excessive swelling, never pluck the eyebrows against hair growth,
  • Conducting a regular eyebrow correction, you will notice that excess hair grows slower each time.

A PHOTO: Shutterstock, Tom Ford, Press Service Archive


Watch the video: 5 Easy Steps to Get Perfect Eyebrows (July 2024).