
Keratin coiffeur - full review of the means


Coiffer is a well-known Brazilian concern, founded on April 9, 1999 in Kravinuas and creating exclusive premium professional cosmetics. Fans of the brand are well-known Brazilian top models, actors and athletes.
The range of Coiffer has more than 300 different products that meet any customer requirements. In the production of Coiffer products, only high-quality raw materials are used, based on extracts, tinctures and essential oils of flowers and plants, specially supplied from all over the world. Formula formulations are unique, the most effective and safe to use.
Coiffer is a combination of effective recipes and the latest technologies that allow you to always have luxurious hair!

Coiffer hair straightening and restoration procedures are suitable for all hair types and any structure - bleached, dyed, curly or curly, chemically or heat treated, porous, damaged and weakened, lost their vitality.
The effect of the procedures, with proper care, lasts from 3 to 8 months depending on the product used.

Principle of operation

Dikso n Coiffeur is a Brazilian brand that creates professional premium cosmetics. In the arsenal there are many tools with keratin to restore and straighten hair.

Despite what type of hair the client has, the procedure of straightening curls with the help of Coiffer is suitable for everyone (light, dark, dyed or curly).

Keratin is used as a rectifier, which is obtained from the wool of sheep living in New Zealand, which itself is a large reserve. In this case, none of the animals does not suffer, their hair is cut off with the arrival of spring, when they themselves are happy to get rid of it.

The effect of the technique with proper care is maintained from 16 days to 8 months, depending on the product used.

Features of the composition and stages of the procedure

The composition of cosmetics Coiffer includes only selected ingredients.based on extracts, infusions and essential oils of flowers and plants, specially delivered from all continents.

The main component is keratin (protein)containing a large amount of cystine, as well as amino acids (responsible for the condition of hair and nails). Unique substances, the most effective and safe to use.

Attention! Keratin Coiffeur is a complex of effective formulations and the latest technologies, enabling every girl to always look great!

Procedure in the cabin

Stages of keratin leveling in the cabin:

  1. Cleansing First, the master with the help of shampoo (for intensive cleaning) washes the head of the client. In this case, the hair gets rid of fat, dirt, dust and styling products. Thus, the curls become the most prepared for the influence of keratin molecules.
  2. Care. At a distance of 1 cm from the root of the hair, a uniform layer of keratin component is applied, selected individually for each. The mixture is not washed off with water, but is dried by a hair dryer using a massive brush.
  3. Straightening. This is the main stage when the master uses the classic “iron” to align. Heating temperature 230ºС. Due to the protective properties of keratin, well-impregnated hair is not exposed to heat. When this occurs, the direct straightening of curls.
  4. Thorough washing out of the drug.
  5. Drying After the manipulation, straightened curls are dried with a professional hair dryer.

As a result, the client has beautiful, healthy and straight curls.

Hair straightening at home

Girls want to look good and have luxurious curls, but not everyone has enough money for it. Regular visits to beauty salons are not cheap, so sometimes the beautiful half of the society comes up with various techniques to improve their appearance in the home.

Keratin hair restoration procedure at home is risky and unsafe, therefore it is necessary to observe the exact sequence during its implementation:

  • thoroughly wash your hair with the shampoo that comes with the kit,
  • dry curls (use only a towel),
  • along the entire length, treat with keratin solution and dry with cold air,
  • in the end, you need to separate all the strands and with the help of the classic "ironing" walk over the entire head.

Important to remember,that each part of the curls has 4–5 straightenings.

Effect of use

Straight curls can be seen after the first procedure, and the frequency of repetitions for each client is different, it all depends on the structure of curls. The longer they last even, the less need to apply the procedure.

After the first straightening is necessary to monitor the condition of the hair. When the effect of evenness disappears, then you can begin preparing for a re-procedure. Usually, masters recommend repeating after 4–6 weeks.

Attention! Keratin leveling is recommended in specialized stores with experienced professionals. In a ventilated room with an exhaust hood that hangs over a treatment chair.

Hair care after the procedure

After completion of the procedure recommended adheres to some recommendations for the care of curls:

  • the first 2-3 days you can not pin up the hair and collect them in the tail,
  • use hair styling products and wash your hair,
  • Do not dye curls for two weeks after the manipulation (preferably before the procedure).

Contraindications to the procedure

Despite the minimal harm from keratin straightening of curls, there are also contraindications to its use. The procedure is not recommended:

  • pregnant women
  • lactating mothers
  • people suffering from hair loss and damaged by their structure,
  • children under 16 years old
  • suffering from allergic reactions.

Average price in Russia

The cost of the keratin straightening procedure in the cabin depends on its price policy, brand and quality of the product. In addition, the essential role played by the length of the hair, their condition at the client. To carry out the procedure at home will obviously be a more economical solution, however you will not receive any guarantees than in the case of a professional.

The price of straightening by a professional tool in the cabin will be from 4 to 8 thousand rubles, and buying a kit for home use will cost 1700–2000 rubles for a probe (3 * 100 ml) and 12–14 thousand rubles for a normal volume (3 * 1000 ml ).

Advantages and disadvantages

On the keratin straightening, they say a lot, both positive and not so much, it is worth knowing in detail with each side.


  • live and shiny hair
  • thick and strong
  • minimal exposure to aldehydes
  • restoration of damaged and fragile hair,
  • does not harm the scalp,
  • straightens all types of curls.


  • short acting keratin,
  • unpleasant odor
  • sometimes tearing at the stage of applying a cosmetic product on curls,

Therefore, that the hair after heat exposure ironing remained healthy, we must look for qualified masters and quality materials for keratin straightening.

Aligning the hair on the head with keratin cosmetics is a very complicated procedure. And if there are those who wish to experience it for themselves, then it is better to prepare in advance and study the methodology in more detail. This will prevent mistakes when choosing a protective substance, and then the curls will not suffer after thermal exposure.

Popular hair alignment techniques:

Useful videos

The whole truth about keratin from professionals.

12 myths about keratin and keratin hair straightening.

Smoothing Hair Serum

It's no secret that Brazilian women have mostly curly hair. A huge problem for them is straightening curlicues. That is why this technology and such a product as a keratin rectifier was named after Brazilian beauties.

Not spared the problem of curly hair and our beauties. And now the decision has come to us. You will find such a service as Brazilian keratin hair straightening in every serious beauty salon. The service is very expensive, although in fact a similar tool is used. Here is the information from the official site about the product described:

Brazilian keratin hair straightening - A unique procedure that allows you to straighten out unruly curls for a long time, making them flowing, silky and simply radiant health! Aggressive exposure to cold and hot air, sunlight, sea water, wearing hats, poor ecology, lack of vitamins and nutrients, misuse of styling products, bad habits and constant stressful situations adversely affect the hair. The outer keratin scales begin to flake off, the hair shafts become porous and rough, and the strands look weakened, dull and lifeless, "fluffed", electrified, and difficult to lay. More than 80% of women face such problems every day. The best solution with the maximum health benefits of hair is the alignment with natural keratin-based preparations, which works great not only on curly, but also on damaged straight strands.

Keratin Benefits

Liquid keratin is a natural regenerating and building material for hair. Under the action of high temperature (heated by a hair dryer), up to 230 degrees, keratin begins to curl and turns into a solid protective layer that envelops each hair, “seals” porous damage and vulnerable ends, giving the hair an unsurpassed smoothness and dazzling sheen. The procedure allows you to straighten 95% curls for a period of three to four months.

Do not confuse Brazilian straightening with permanent! These are completely different procedures. Keratin penetrates deep into the hair. Smoothing serum based on it is an innovative hair care product that restores the hair structure and its natural strength, giving it shine and making hair straight and silky.

Such a procedure not only simplifies styling, but also promotes hair restoration, solves the problem of weak and damaged hair color. Keratin brings all the useful components of the serum inside the hair.

Straightening Efficiency

Brazilian straightening has no contraindications and restrictions. You can carry out this procedure at home even after dyeing hair or perming. With each subsequent procedure, the hair becomes thicker and healthier. You no longer need irons and hair dryers with special nozzles. And most importantly, you will save a lot of time and nerves. Look at the results of keratin hair straightening at home.

We looked for Brazilian straightening reviews. We found very few Russian-language reviews, since this Brazilian cosmetics appeared in Russia and Ukraine only recently and only the chosen ones managed to test it. All the numerous reviews we have found about Brazilian hair lining are mainly from women in Brazil, the USA and Europe. Local women have been successfully using this tool for several years without overpaying for the expensive procedure in Ukraine and the Russian Federation.

We did not find any negative feedback. And that says a lot. There are products, the opinion of which is ambiguous on the Internet. But this serum is not one of them. We are pleased to offer you a truly high-quality product that helps women around the world. Finally, he came to us. Justice triumphed and the most beautiful women on the planet now, as well as not so beautiful (joke), can use such an innovative and inexpensive means.

At the time of this review, the store, which asked us to review this product (from the left and bottom of the banner), offers to buy a tool for Brazilian hair straightening only in the territory of the Russian Federation, but they promised us that very soon the representative offices will open in Ukraine and in Belarus, and in Kazakhstan. Therefore, it is possible that when you read this article, the banners on the left and on the bottom lead to the store, which will deliver this serum to you, wherever you live. The representative of the store said that first of all this tool will appear in the online stores in Kiev, Kharkov, Odessa and Dnepropetrovsk.

Price for Russians at the moment 1290 rubles. For Ukrainians, it will be around 400 hryvnia. We will try to adjust the cost by the time the product appears on the Ukrainian market.


Watch the video: Keratin Complex Keratin Treatment How To Coppola (July 2024).