
The best means for peeling the hair of the scalp


1. For greasy hair

The best tool for hair growth and beauty read more.

  • 2 tablespoons of sea salt (fine or medium ground),
  • 3-5 drops of essential oil depending on skin type,
  • 1 tablespoon of water or herbal decoction (chamomile, nettle, sweet flag of oak).

2. For dry hair

  • 2 tablespoons of sea salt (fine or medium ground),
  • 3-5 drops of essential oil depending on skin type,
  • 1 tablespoon of base oil (olive, almond, jojoba, avocado, wheat germ, pumpkin).

We do before washing hair

Stage 1. Mix all the ingredients in a glass container, depending on the type of hair (I alternate two ways in turn for dry and oily).

Stage 2 We moisten the hair and scalp with warm water and partly begin to rub salt. But just rubbing into the scalp, do not touch the hair (a lot of salt will crumble, but even that will remain enough).

Stage 3. Massaging the scalp for about 5 minutes and leave the mixture on the head for another 5 minutes.

4 stage. We wash hair as usual: shampoo, conditioner (mask), tonics, serum ...

We do it once a week or one month. Then a month break, then once every two weeks, then a month break again ... and so on.

I started doing scalp peeling about three years ago, when I saw on TV a program about salt scalping for the scalp using almond oil and without essential oils. I did it for a long time, but I didn’t know anything about the breaks that need to be done periodically between courses, and of course I ensured that my scalp was dry and I abandoned it.

But when I was faced with intense hair loss, which was not associated with a change in the seasons or pregnancy. I came to the trichologist, and as it was my surprise that she did not prescribe expensive medications for me, serum, and one of the first (not including medication) prescribed salt peeling of the scalp. But only from the scheme of making peeling and breaks, so as not to overdry the scalp.

And still, if you have any wounds, microcracks or very dry scalp, it is better to wait with this procedure.

Selection of essential oil for the scalp

1. From hair loss:

  • beat
  • ylang-ylang
  • tea tree
  • pine, cedar
  • rosemary
  • cinnamon
  • juniper

2. From oily hair

3. From dry hair

4. Dandruff

  • lavender
  • tea tree
  • lemon
  • orange
  • grapefruit
  • geranium
  • rosemary

Undoubtedly, the scalp needs deep cleansing of horny scales, which is very useful for improving the hair and scalp. It will also save you from excess sebum and cosmetics that accumulate on the scalp.

Important! After peeling, all hair treatments are many times more effective.

Peeling process

The tool with which this procedure is performed is called a scrub. Before applying the scrub, find out if you have an allergic reaction or idiosyncrasy to one of the components that make up it.

You can not use the scrub if there are mechanical damage to the skin: abrasions, wounds, scratches, cuts, etc. It is also prohibited to use it in the presence of an inflammatory process of the epidermis layer.

Before using the scrub be sure to wash your hair thoroughly. Then apply the scrub to the scalp with light, massaging movements with phalanges of the fingers, along the directions of the massage lines. The time of the massage process depends on what kind of scrub you use and can fluctuate from 10 to 30 minutes.

After the main procedure, the scrub should be washed off with soap or shampoo, which improves the structure of the hair. It is also recommended to apply a hair mask that will remove possible irritation from the skin.

Is there any benefit from peeling?

The main property exerted by the scrub during the peeling procedure is to improve the health of the hair. But this procedure has a number of useful properties rendered to the skin and scalp:

  • Eliminates unpleasant itching.
  • It improves blood flow in the epidermis of the head, which allows blood cells to deliver more nutrients to the hair follicles.
  • Normalizes the secretion of secretion, sebaceous glands of the skin, helping, thereby getting rid of oily shine or excessive dryness and brittle hair.
  • Performs prevention of dandruff.
  • Accelerates the process of regeneration of skin cells.
  • Removes particles of various cosmetics (hair dyes, remaining on the skin, gels, mousses, varnishes, etc.).
  • Promotes the flow of oxygen to the cells of the skin of the head.

Based on this, we can conclude: peeling perfectly strengthens the hair follicles, helps in combating skin problems, and also cares about the condition of hair, stimulating their growth.


The mechanical method of carrying out the procedure is the cleaning of the skin with the help of various scrubs, having in its composition abrasive particles capable of cleaning the epidermis.

In addition, the composition of such scrubs include various nutrients, vitamins and trace elements.

Mode of application:

  1. Before applying, it is necessary to moisten the hair with water, as the applied agent is better placed on wet hair.
  2. Scrub is applied, evenly distributed over the entire surface of the epidermis of the hair part of the head.
  3. Massage is performed in places where scrub is applied. It is usually performed with varying intensity: from slightly tangential, to intense massage movements. The timing depends on the type of skin and the composition of the scrub, and varies from 15 to 30 minutes.
  4. The hair is thoroughly washed with a special, gently cleansing shampoo.
  5. At the end of the main procedure, a mask is applied to the scalp that will soothe the epidermis, saturate it with vitamins and nutrients. Stand her order 10-15 minutes.
  6. Rinsing the mask and rinsing the hair with warm water.

Mechanical peeling takes order 60-70 minutes and can be held 1 time in 10 days.


  • The manifestation of dandruff.
  • Excessive fat secretion by the sebaceous glands.
  • Excessive thickening of the stratum corneum of the skin of the head.
  • Preventive procedure to cleanse the skin.


  • Strong hair loss.
  • Inflammation of the epidermis.
  • Skin damage (wounds, scratches, cuts, etc.).
  • Excessive dryness of the epidermis.
  • Increased sensitivity of the skin.
  • Allergy to the components that make up the peeling scrub.


A chemical method of cleansing the skin is to dissolve the upper layer of the dermis with solutions of various acids and enzymes. The result of such exposure is normalization of oily skin improved nutrition and metabolism, strengthened hair follicles and destroyed various microbes and parasitic microorganisms. Also, chemical peeling strengthens hair and promotes their growth.

Stages of the procedure:

  1. Washing the hair and separating them into partings, for a more convenient application of the solution is not the skin.
  2. Treat skin with an agent that normalizes acidity and has a disinfecting effect.
  3. The chemical solution is applied to the scalp. For convenience, it is best to use a cosmetic brush. Depending on the composition, it is left on the skin. from 10 to 20 minutes.
  4. Then the solution is washed off using simple water or a special composition, which neutralizes its action (it all depends on what means will be used for the procedure).
  5. After produce nutrition and hydration layer of the epidermis, by applying a mask or serum for hair. You can also use balm or nourishing oil.
  6. At the end of the procedure, the hair is thoroughly washed.

Use a hair dryer for drying hair, after the procedure, extremely undesirable.


  • The manifestation of dandruff.
  • Consolidation of the stratum corneum.
  • Hair loss.
  • Demodecosis (damage to the skin by the mite that causes this disease).
  • As a means of prevention, eliminating various skin contamination.


  • Excessively sensitive scalp.
  • Damage to the skin of the head.
  • Damages caused by fungal diseases.
  • Allergy to the components of the composition.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Inflammation of the epidermis.

AT composition of funds for chemical peels, the following organic acids may be included: tartaric, citric, malic, almond, and lactic. Or inorganic acids: phytic, retinoic and salicylic.

How to prepare for the peeling at home

To peeling the scalp brought the maximum benefit, you should carefully prepare. If the procedure is carried out with a health and preventive purpose, then you need to make sure that there are no wounds or cracks on the skin. Oily hair before the procedure should be washed (thin and dry, this does not apply).

Slightly wet hair divided by parting, so as not to damage the scalp and prevent tangling of hair. After this, a peeling agent is carefully applied. The mixture is left for 10 - 20 minutes. At this time, the scalp is slightly massaged, after which the composition is washed off first with water, then rinsed with shampoo.

The frequency of peeling of the scalp at home depends on the type of hair. With healthy hair, peeling is performed once a week. If the hair is thin, dry or damaged - once every 2 weeks. The duration of the course is 2 to 2.5 months; after a while, the course should be repeated.

Important: If the hair has recently been dyed or has been dyed, laminated and similar procedures, then you should refrain from the event, as the scrub is able to remove the paint.

When is peeling recommended?

Peeling of the scalp should be carried out in the presence of the following problems:

  • if you need to increase the amount of fat in the epidermis,
  • with hyperkeratosis (thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis),
  • to fight dandruff and seborrhea,
  • to strengthen the hair, if there is a slight loss,
  • to accelerate hair growth and give the hair volume and fluffiness.


The procedure is not recommended or contraindicated if there are wounds or cracks, scalp sensitive or very dry, with dry and brittle hair. The procedure is not recommended for alopecia (alopecia) or for abundant hair loss. With oncological malignancies before peeling, it is better to consult with your doctor.

It should be remembered that the composition used for peeling, can cause allergies. If one or more components have a reaction, it is better to choose a different composition.

Why do I need peeling scalp

The main task of peeling the hairy part is cleansing from dead cells, excess sebum and accumulated impurities. After the procedure, the overall condition of the skin improves. The method is used for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes. Its implementation allows to solve a number of problems:

  • dandruff caused by seborrhea,
  • violation of the sebaceous glands,
  • oily skin, the need for daily washing of the head,
  • hair loss,
  • baldness.

Regular use of the technique accelerates regenerative and metabolic processes. Deep effect on the skin layers improves nutrition and blood supply to the hair follicles. After exfoliation of the upper layer of the epidermis, the skin begins to breathe freely, improves the access of nutrients to the roots. The result is improved hair growth and strength. After the procedure, discomfort, itching and flaking away. There is a feeling of freshness and purity.

Peeling is often used as a preparation for the effects of professional cosmetics by a trichologist or a cosmetologist.

What types of peeling can be applied

In cosmetology there are the following types of procedures:

  1. Mechanical. The specialist applies a special composition with abrasive particles to the selected area with massage movements. The method takes no more than an hour and is recommended for not more than three times a month. Possible to conduct at home, using scrubs and gommage. It is important to carefully read the instructions and follow the cleaning technique.
  2. Chemical. The basis is the use of acids and enzymes. It is recommended for carrying out the qualified specialist in the presence of indications. The course consists of 5-7 sessions, with an interval of seven days.
  3. Aquapiling The gas-liquid method has become a novelty in cosmetology. It provides for the non-contact impact of the hair zone with a special preparation based on medicinal solutions and gases.

To obtain the necessary information you should study the video:

Regular hair care is not enough

As you know, moisturizing is an important part of hair care, regardless of their type. With dry hair, it nourishes with moisture, dehydrated, flaky scalp, gives a normal, sparkling shine to normal. Oily hair often with excessive fat secretion, the pores of the scalp have dry, brittle and split ends (which, by the way, requires a special approach and treatment). With certain care, excess greasiness is neutralized. The ends of the hair, saturated with moisture, cease to split and noticeably thicken, creating the effect of voluminous, fluffy hair.

Of course, moisture alone is not enough for healthy hair. For this reason, enriching them with moisture should be accompanied by a set of nutritional procedures aimed at saturating the scalp with vitamins and minerals. To this end, you can actively apply the same masks, which are extremely useful to include the yolk of chicken eggs.

Indications and Contraindications

The benefit of the procedure is confirmed by representatives of the weaker and stronger sex. Scalding peeling recommended:

  • with seborrhea,
  • dandruff
  • disease prevention
  • to cleanse the skin.

Any procedure can bring not only benefit, but also harm. The technique has a number of general contraindications:

  • sensitivity,
  • hair loss,
  • intolerance to individual components
  • neoplasms
  • any damage to the skin,
  • infectious or inflammatory diseases.

Chemical and gas-liquid types can not be done during breastfeeding and pregnancy.

How to do at home: the best recipes for dandruff and hair loss

Improvement of the scalp can be done at home. It is important to properly prepare for the process:

  1. Carefully inspect for damage, minor scratches.
  2. In case of greasy hair, you must first wash your hair with shampoo. Dry and thin you can just wet it with warm water.
  3. Wet hair divided into parting.
  4. Apply the agent and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Make a light massage of the head.
  6. Wash off peeling.
  7. Wash your hair with shampoo.

For the procedure, you must buy the appropriate peeling-shamun, mask, scrub and strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations. There are a number of popular recipes that can help in solving problems and preventing their occurrence. Most of the ingredients for the preparation of the composition of the house is available at every housewife or is available in a regular grocery store. Carrying out the procedure at home will save time and money.

IMPORTANT! After dyeing hair, it is not recommended to peel in order to preserve color.

What is scalp peeling and what is it used for?

The main task of the peeling for the head is to cleanse the epidermis of dead particles, residues of sebum. In addition, this tool effectively removes residues of cosmetic products that accumulate on the surface of the skin and on the hair.

Such exfoliation of the epidermis significantly improves the condition of the skin. The consistency of the exfoliant allows you to easily and efficiently eliminate pollution, while gently caring for the covers.

Regular deep cleansing of the scalp ensures the following results:

  • removal of dead epidermis particles,
  • activation of cellular metabolism
  • improvement of the skin
  • improved nutrition of hair follicles,
  • accelerating hair growth, improving their appearance,
  • control of the sebaceous glands,
  • effective elimination of seborrhea or dandruff symptoms,
  • elimination of itching or other unpleasant sensations.

By the way. After such a peel, various medicinal or cosmetic hair products act much more efficiently and faster.

How to cook and apply?

Scalding of the scalp is a procedure popular among beauty salon clients. Basically, in the course of this procedure, professional or medical cosmetics are applied. Often, such exfoliation is part of comprehensive hair and scalp care.

The protocol of the procedure includes the following steps:

  1. On clean hair (dry or wet) a special exfoliating compound is applied.
  2. The master massages the scalp of the client for a certain period of time.
  3. The residues of the product together in the peeled particles are washed away from the client's hair.
  4. On the hair is distributed mask or lotion by type of skin.

Note. Salon professional means for scalp peeling contain in their composition more effective and active ingredients. The procedure of home exfoliation is more hypoallergenic and has a much lower cost.

The procedure of home scrubbing is not much different from the salon, except that the composition of the peeling means. Active products for home exfoliation are easy to find on the shelves of grocery stores or pharmacies.

Salt Peeling

To prepare homemade exfoliant, take the finest grinding salt, ideally sea salt. A few tablespoons of salt (from 2 to 5 depending on the length of the hair) pour water in a ratio of 1: 1. The salt mixture is applied to the washed head, gently massage the integument for 5 minutes. After the end of the massage, the exfoliant can be left on the skin for another 5-10 minutes. Finally, the salt is removed from the hair, thoroughly rinsing it with shampoo and rinsing it with warm water.

Council It is enough to carry out such procedure once a week in order not to overdry the epidermis. Salt exfoliation is permissible to conduct courses - 4-8 weeks, then - to take a break for several months.

The condition of the hair after such peeling is greatly improved, they become shiny, soft.

Attention! Salt peeling should not be done if there are wounds, abrasions or microcracks on the skin. The same prohibition applies to overly sensitive or dry covers.

Soda peeling

Mix soda with warm water until a paste is formed. Spread the mixture over the surface of the head, massage and rinse with warm water. Apply 1 time per month.

Council If there is not enough time to prepare a natural remedy, you can purchase cosmetics for home exfoliation in the salon or cosmetic shop. The most popular products of this type include Nioxin SCALP RENEW Dermabrasion Treatment, Elvital Planta Clear L’oreal, Farmavita Amethyste Purify Peeling Mask, and other peels.

Opinion trichologists on peeling for the scalp

Most trichologists are unanimous in opinion - scalp peeling is an indispensable tool for improving the condition and appearance of curls. Separately, experts note the benefits of home exfoliants, for example, salt.

Polina Andreeva, trichologist of the author's Vita clinic, St. Petersburg

“Excessive sebum secretion, dandruff, and various styling products make peeling for the head a necessary procedure. Horny particles form a “shield” on the skin, which prevents it from breathing. The main function of any peeling is the removal of small particles from the surface of the head. Also, this procedure has a strong regenerative effect. The main condition - this, of course, moderation - should not be peeled more than once a week, if you do not want to become the owner of dry scalp. Those who love home peels should be careful when making them - the concentration of the product should be as low as the time it takes to keep the product on the head. Peeling is particularly relevant in the event that the client in the foreseeable future will face medical masks, rubbing and other cosmetic procedures.

Anna Vostrikova, practicing trichologist, Saratov

“Most women have an extensive personal arsenal for the care of the scalp and hair: various shampoos, masks, and balms. However, women often forget about the wonderful peeling procedure. The skin on the head, as well as on the face and on the rest of the body, is gradually covered with a layer of cornified particles. This layer prevents the growth of new hairs and impairs the work of the sebaceous glands. Despite all the benefits of peeling, it is worth noting that this procedure is not daily. It is enough for owners of greasy hair to do it once in 2 weeks, dry - once a month. A peeling agent can be purchased at professional salons or shops, having previously discussed the purchase with a personal hairdresser. It is great if the purchase will include essential oils, extracts from medicinal plants and algae, and other useful components. People with excessively sensitive scalp should abandon this procedure, as well as those who have abrasions, cuts, scratches and so on in this area. It is also permissible to do the peeling yourself - fine salt or coffee will be suitable for this purpose. ”.

Review of reviews used

Of course, such a popular procedure was not ignored by lovers of quality hair care. Most reviews of head peeling have a bright positive color:

“At first I was preparing peeling with the addition of water. But because of this, the mixture quickly dissolved and did not perform its main functions. I tried to massage completely dry products, without adding anything at all - also not particularly, the mixture does not move well on the skin. An excellent option was a mixture of bulk ingredients with a spoon of yogurt or kefir. The composition does not immediately dissolve, the mixture perfectly nourishes and cleans the epidermis. "

“For some time I did the procedure of cleansing the scalp in the cabin. But the course requires a decently high cost, so I decided to make a peeling at home. As a component for exfoliation, it did not take sugar or salt, but black bread. A few crusts filled with boiling water and left to swell for 30 minutes. Next, apply the product on the roots of the hair a little massage and leave for a few minutes. Rinse with shampoo. Such a peel is excellent, and most importantly - a gentle tool that removes pollution. "

However, the peeling for hair had not only fans, but also doubters, and sometimes frankly skeptical users:

“Like many other girls, she didn’t immediately discover peeling for her head - she neglected them for a very long time. As it turned out - in vain. I read about this procedure, asked about the price in the cabin - not cheap. I tried home peels: salty, coffee, soda. Not impressed - the skin is dry, itching and unpleasant symptoms. I tried Nioxin SCALP RENEW Dermabrasion Treatment. A wonderful product that looks more like a cream. Now I use only them. Once again, I was convinced that a natural product does not always mean the highest quality product. ”

Scalding peeling is a popular cosmetic procedure designed to cleanse the integument from dirt, sebum and cosmetic residues. The client chooses the method of peeling independently. This may be a salon version, which is more efficient, but also at a higher price, or a home product - more budget, as well as less allergenic.

Salt Based Peeling

Sea salt - 2-5 Art. l
Water - 2-5 Art. l

Take 2-5 Art. l warm water (depending on the length of the hair), add the same amount of salt, preferably sea finely ground. Stir, put the resulting mass on the dermis, gently begin to rub, gently massaging, 10-15 minutes. Leave the mass for another 5-10 minutes, after the expiration of this time, wash off the salt, wash the head in the usual way. Upon completion of the course, shiny, silky hair is provided.

With egg yolk

Egg yolk - 1 pc.
Salt - 2 tbsp. l
Juice of half a lemon
Lavender oil - 1-2 drops

To eliminate dandruff and peeling, mix egg yolk, lemon juice, salt, preferably coarse, add lavender essential oil. Massaging lightly, spread on the skin, leave for 2-10 minutes. Using regular shampoo, wash your hair.

With aroma oils

To prevent skin irritation, take medium-sized salt, 20–30 g, dilute with 3 parts of burdock oil, and aromatize with essential oil. If oily hair, you should use lemon or cedar oil, if there is dandruff - eucalyptus or tea tree extract. To consolidate the effect achieved, make a nourishing mask.

Clay peeling

To get rid of toxins, delicately remove dead cells, strengthen the hair structure using Gassul clay. It has a volcanic origin, which gives it special properties that are beneficial for the skin. Clay is added to warm water, diluted to a paste-like consistency, evenly distributed on the hair. After 5 - 10 minutes to remove.

Peeling for oily skin

For oily hair it is useful to prepare an emulsion using fruit acids. Orange and apple juice in equal proportions, mix and heat a little. Apply, massaging, incubate for 15 minutes, then rinse without shampoo.

Peeling Scalp Soda

If the goal is to overcome the excessive fatness of the hair, then you should try soda, which prevents the active development of sebum and cleanse the dirt. If the skin belongs to the dry type, then you should not use soda: it will make the hair even more dry. Scrub is prepared from a couple of tablespoons of soda and water. After the skin is scraped, rinse off, you can not use shampoo.

If time is short, you can use the quick scalp peeling option. To do this, it is enough to mix baking soda with shampoo (in equal doses). Massage the skin and rinse with water.

Cocoa and Coffee Bean Scrub

For owners of sensitive dermis, a method that gently cleans it and caring is recommended. If your skin has acne, acne, or ingrown hair, then this unique peeling will help solve problems. In equal proportions, take cocoa powder and mix any oil or shampoo. Apply as other mixtures.

A warning: Blond hair after such a peel get shade.

When cooking gruel for scrub, you can use rice, wheat proteins, panthenol, vitamins, glycerin, tea tree extract, extract from seaweed. Such emulsions give excellent results.

Variety of funds

Realizing that the procedure is able to heal the hair, then it is worth figuring out with the help of what it can be done.

For peeling traditionally used:

  • special gels, shampoos for deep cleansing,
  • sea ​​salt,
  • black bread,
  • essential oils: peppermint, jojoba, lavender, tea tree,
  • Castor oil,
  • masks with onions, egg yolk,
  • herbal infusions.

These funds are actively used if you are peeling the head at home. Depending on what you choose, it will depend on how deep the peeling turns out. For example, an onion mask is suitable for easy peeling, and sea salt for deep.

Peeling - the secret of beauty and health of hair

It would seem that such care should be sufficient with its regularity. However, an additional procedure has recently become widespread, without which the result from any other types of care will be minimal or inconspicuous at all. Scalding of the scalp is a special procedure due to which the scalp gets rid of dead particles, pores are cleansed of grease and dirt. Subsequently, there is a more efficient saturation of its oxygen and nutrients. Hair that finally received full access to external nutrition begins to grow faster, being actively filled with vital energy, and the intensity of their loss decreases.

This type of cleansing is safe and useful for hair. Gently cleansing the skin of impurities, the peeling composition does not violate the hair structure, does not injure. Even on the contrary, it contributes to its strengthening and is an effective prevention of dermatitis.

At home or in the cabin

Fortunately, today, due to the prevalence of the Internet, everyone has the opportunity to find many excellent, effective recipes to perform a peeling of the scalp on their own. But still the initiative should be moderate. Making a diagnosis and prescribe treatment with one's own hands is fraught with aggravation of existing problems. For this reason, you should first consult a trichologist. And only if after the examination permission is obtained, you can proceed to the procedures, but taking into account the recommendations of the specialist. The selection of the site for the cleaning should also be carried out, taking into account its financial situation. Saline, for example, the view, but at home, does not require costs. What a business salon peeling scalp. Its price will be radically different.By the way, in some cases, the problems turn out to be so serious that you cannot do it with home procedures alone. Then, of course, the question of whether to do peeling of the scalp in the cabin or at home, disappears by itself. Of course, in the salon this procedure will be somewhat more expensive in its price. However, an experienced, qualified cosmetologist will be able to select exactly those scalping peels that are ideal for a particular problem and contribute to its early resolution.

Salt for beauty and health of hair

Peeling scalp salt can be performed using both sea salt and simple cooking. The main thing is to use salt by all means of fine grinding, since large crystals can seriously injure the delicate scalp and cause its irritation.

In addition to reducing the fat content, cleansing the skin and pores, such a peeling contributes to a deeper and, thus, high-quality penetration into it of all subsequent care products. With normal and greasy hair, it is possible to peel the scalp 3-4 times a month, with dry hair, no more than once.

What is the procedure

For the implementation of home peeling will need from 2 to 5 tablespoons of finely ground salt, which is diluted with an equal amount of water. The amount of salt depends on the length and thickness of the hair. Mixing the ingredients well together, the resulting mass is applied to the scalp. Next, for five minutes, perform a gentle massage. If the skin is not dry, at the end of it, it is desirable to leave the salt mass for a more thorough effect for another 10 minutes, rinsing off after their expiration with running water using a detergent.

If there are scratches on the skin or other damage, do not rush to peeling. It is necessary to wait for their complete healing and then it will be possible to fully enjoy the result.


Gas-liquid peeling of the scalp is a unique modern procedure, the essence of which is in the effect on the skin of a special soft medicinal gas product, which includes a mixture of gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide), as well as organic medicinal solutions.The skin treatment itself is carried out with the help of a directed jet, the ejection rate of which exceeds the supersonic one. Crashing into the surface of the skin, the jet deforms it, literally knocking out the dirt from the pores and exfoliating the dead cells, at the same time saturating it with useful substances, introducing them into the deepest layers.

Invaluable advantages of gas cleaning

The advantage of this type of cleaning is, firstly, the factor of the lack of direct contact of the instrument with the skin. Accordingly, the possibility of infection is excluded. Trauma and painful sensations are also reduced to nothing. It can not but rejoice at the fact that with this procedure for the deep introduction of nutrients it is not required to disturb the integrity of the skin, and therefore, it will not take time to restore the skin. In addition, the significant difference between “before” and “after” becomes noticeable after the first session. There are no restrictions on the age of the client. In addition, the likelihood of an allergic reaction to the composition is almost zero.

However, the procedure is prohibited for those who have any skin diseases, psyche, hypertension, as well as problems with blood circulation in the brain.

There is also a special care complex for thin, thinning hair. Nioxin - peeling of the scalp, consisting of three stages. First, the skin is cleansed, then moistened and replenished, and at the end of the procedure is absorbed with nutrients. Such a cleaning is not carried out more than once or twice a couple.

In general, reviews of cosmetologists and even trichologists, hair specialists, testify to the extreme benefit to the health and growth of hair by peeling the head. Of course, there are contraindications and limitations to this procedure. But if there is an opportunity to feel the amazing effect of the peeling effect on yourself, you should not neglect this chance.


This type of procedure combines the use of drugs with gas (a mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide). The epidermis layer is cleared by exposing it to this. drug-gas mixture saturated with oxygen and nutrients.

  • Can be used for any age category of patients.
  • Painless procedure.
  • Not in contact with the skin.
  • Practically does not cause allergies.
  • Nutrients and vitamins enter the epidermis, without compromising its integrity.
  • Very quick visual result that everyone will notice.


  • Impaired blood circulation of the brain.
  • Infectious skin diseases.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Hypertension.

Sea Buckthorn Scrub by Natura Siberica

The average price in Russia: 550 rubles.

Composition: vitamins "C", "A", "E", raspberry seed, argan, Altai sea buckthorn oils, extracts of juniper, geranium, nettle, red almond, burdock, calendula, wild Siberian mint.

This tool refers to the mechanical type of peeling and has a triple effect: improves blood circulation, deeply cleanses the skin and prevents hair loss. It normalizes the production of fat by the sebaceous glands and prevents dandruff.

Nutrients and vitamins that are part of the scrub, perfectly nourish the skin and saturate it with essential trace elements.

Scrub can be applied to all types of hair.

Application: scrub is distributed in a thin layer, evenly, throughout the skin of the scalp, which should be washed before applying the tool. Then a light rubbing movements need to make a massage. within 10-15 minutes then rinse thoroughly. After the scrub, it is recommended to use a nourishing and sedative (oil, mask or balsam).

Contraindications: an allergic reaction to the components of the composition, mechanical damage to the skin (abrasions, cuts, scratches, etc.), skin inflammation, excessive dryness of the epidermis.

Peeling DSD "De Luxe 1.3" deep cleansing

The average price in Russia: 490 rubles.

Composition: lactic, phosphoric, tartaric, salicylic, glycolic and malic acids, extracts of chilean pepper, yeast, menthol, apricot pits.

This remedy is a chemical type of peeling. Perfectly removes various impurities, nourishes the skin with beneficial microelements and moisturizes the skin.

Application: hair should be washed and divided into partings, then with a cosmetic brush, apply the product onto the skin with a thin layer and wait 10-15 minutes, then rinse (preferably a couple of times) using shampoo or soap.

Contraindications: skin inflammation, pregnancy, allergic reaction to components of the composition, fungal diseases of the epidermis, mechanical damage to the skin, too sensitive skin.

Peeling shampoo "Deep Cleansing Shampoo" from the French manufacturer

The average price in Russia: 240 rubles.

This tool belongs to the mechanical peeling and produces deep and gentle cleansing. It takes care of hair follicles, strengthening growing and awakening sleepers. Perfectly fights dandruff. Suitable for all hair types.

Composition: tartaric, malic, glycolic and lactic acids, menthol, chamomile extract.

Application: shampoo applied to wet hair, foamed and washed off. Then re-applied, foamed and left on the hair for 5 minutes. Then washed off with water. After application it is recommended to apply nutritious balm or oil.

Contraindications: allergic to components of the composition, mechanical damage to the skin, dry and inflamed skin.


When choosing a tool for peeling, it will not be superfluous to consult a beautician regarding the use of one or another tool. If you have no contraindications - you can easily find a tool that is right for you. Using scrubs and peeling solutions, follow the instructions and do not exceed the exposure time in order to avoid negative consequences.

Recipe number 2 Egg yolk against dandruff

For cooking you will need one egg yolk, 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice, table salt, and two drops of lavender oil. All ingredients are mixed and put the resulting mass for 5-10 minutes. Consumer reviews indicate a solution to peeling problems with regular use of peeling.

Recipe number 4 Sugar to improve blood microcirculation

The preparation includes:

  • 50 grams of sugar
  • ground oatmeal,
  • hair conditioner.

Peeling leave for a couple of minutes, massage the skin and rinse with warm water. As a result, the cornified layer is gently peeled off, microcirculation is improved.

Recipe number 8 Clay and salt against irritation

The recipe includes:

  • 2-3 tablespoons of blue or white clay,
  • a tablespoon of broth nettle or chamomile,
  • aromatic oil - on request.

The resulting uniform composition is applied and held for up to 20 minutes. It is enough to wash the skin with warm water and the itching with peeling will gradually disappear, subject to regular procedures.

Professional cosmetics for peeling scalp

The modern beauty industry is ready to provide an extensive list of tools for the treatment and prevention of scalp diseases. According to consumer reviews, the most popular and effective are:

  • La’dor Scalp Scaling SPA. The tool is suitable for use at home, the cost of a 15 ml bottle of Korean brand Lador is 125 rubles.
  • Ollin Full Force peeling with bamboo or aloe extract. The product will cope with dandruff and help prevent its subsequent appearance. Professional complex tools Ollin produced in the form of mousse peeling.

The main task is to properly match the product. It is necessary to focus on individual characteristics and financial capabilities. Make a decision and make the best choice will help a specialist.

Testimonials of those who tried

Ekaterina Kiseleva, 32 years:

Good day. All girls with problems of dry and sensitive scalp recommend using the tools of the company Lador. Already tried many shampoo peels, but they eliminated the problem of peeling only for a while. Spa treatment from Ladore soothes the skin, hair has become noticeably stronger. I advise!

Anna Menshikova, 41:

On the advice of a friend, she underwent a chemical peeling of the head in the salon. An acidic remedy has proven to be beneficial and effective. It was possible to solve the problem of dandruff and oily skin. Now I am a regular customer of the salon. Thank!

Answers on questions

How much is the procedure for peeling the head of a beautician?

The price starts from 300 rubles in the salons of St. Petersburg.

What season is better to peel the head?

The procedure is considered all-season and is suitable for carrying out in the summer.

How many fruit peel-based chemical peeling procedures are needed to fix the results?

The number of sessions depends on the individual characteristics of the person, in the average course is from 5 to 7 sessions.

How much time is the procedure of salt peeling of the head?

The session takes about an hour in the cabin and 30 minutes at home.

How to make a choice?

When choosing a particular means you need to be guided by something. After all, while this is a simple list, a simple listing. That is why we propose to consider how to use each tool, and more importantly, we will determine what advantages each of them has.

Sea salt and not only

It is necessary to use salt of the average size or small. It is rubbed into the roots of the hair with massage movements for 3-5 minutes, and then, in order to avoid evaporation and to keep warm, they wear a warming cap or, in its absence, a plastic bag, a film. Then everything is left for half an hour to achieve the desired effect. After the time runs out, salt is washed off with shampoo or a mask is applied, and then shampoo is applied. The second option, as you can see, is better.

Salt is applied to dry or wet hair. Analysis of the forum “head peeling reviews” suggests: it is better to apply sea salt on slightly wet hair, because then it does not crumble and is rubbed rather quickly.

But no matter what you decide, remember: the skin is a delicate structure, and therefore, rubbing the salt too hard can scratch the scalp.

If you carry out salt peeling, then you can additionally use kefir, yogurt, vegetable oil, any essential oil. But there are some features. So, kefir, yogurt can drain from your hair, dragging salt along, which means the procedure will need to be carried out longer. And the oil, on the contrary, will provide the skin with additional nutrition.

Advantages: peeling the head with salt, if you add oil or after the procedure, apply the mask first (purchased or made by yourself), and then shampoo, it becomes not just a cleansing method, but also a way of nutrition and healing.

Black bread and hair useful

You will need a crust of black bread. They need to pour boiling water and leave for several hours. After that, gruel should be rubbed into the scalp.

Advantages: if you make a light massage of the scalp before peeling, which improves microcirculation, then you will not need to use shampoo after the procedure.

Bread mask not only exfoliates the top layer of the skin, but also cleans the hair. What is the result?

  1. Putting gruel and rubbing is peeling,
  2. After that, we leave the bread for an hour on the hair, covering it with plastic, - this is a mask,
  3. Then wash off with water (!) - this is the final stage of therapy.

In addition, bread (and the confirmation of this is a multitude of masks using black bread as a component) is in itself useful for hair. And this is another plus.

Oils: both essential and castor

As already noted, you can choose from the following types of oils: jojoba, tea tree, lavender, mint. Because it is they who, due to their composition, can produce the effect of peeling.

The oil should be slightly warmed up and rub it in a circular motion into the scalp. Then cover the hair with polyethylene, and the top is still desirable with a towel in order to keep warm as much as possible. After half an hour, all this is washed off with shampoo. The girls who used oils, including castor oil, are well aware that the oil is not too easily washed off. So, without a shampoo for this type of peeling can not do.

Advantages: oils are useful for hair, since their composition is a storehouse of valuable elements.

Absolutely not

  • produce peels more often than once a week, and if you have dry hair, then more often than once every 10 days. In general, do not adhere to a certain regularity, use the procedure when necessary,
  • do the procedure immediately after dyeing or perming.

In conclusion, we recall about another valuable properties of peeling. As we found out, it provides cleansing of the scalp, which means cosmetics, masks, tinctures and any other means of care will act directly and more efficiently, without overcoming the layer of dust, the activity products of the sebaceous glands, microparticles.


Watch the video: Causes + Fixes to a Flaky Scalp (July 2024).