
Masks for colored hair: how to maintain health and color


Each hair is an elastic and durable threadlike formation with a complex structure. Under the action of various circumstances, hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity, fall out. Prevention is the best way to keep them healthy, but if problems appear, you should immediately start caring for your hair. At home, for their recovery using a variety of vitamin means, which include a mask. Proper care for dyed and damaged hair will help avoid problems. Severely damaged, you may need to prescribe treatment by a specialist doctor.

Fragility, fragility, dullness most often appear in hair damaged by dyeing or as a result of combing with a stiff brush, from prolonged exposure to the scorching sun, when creating curls with a hot curling iron, from exposure to low temperatures. The quality of hair can affect hormonal problems during stress or pregnancy. The appearance of dandruff or irritation on the scalp also signal a hair disease. There are other equally important quality characteristics.

The main indicators of healthy hair:

  1. 1. Elasticity. Healthy hair when stretching increases by approximately 30%, and after completion of the tension returns to its original length.
  2. 2. Porosity. Loss of protective cuticles leads to an increase in porosity. Hair loses shine and ability to resist the external environment.

The change in the parameters of healthy hair is manifested in the following symptoms:

Why does dye damage hair?

The fact is that each of our hair is covered with a protective layer of horny scales. It is thanks to this layer that healthy hair is smooth and shiny. During dyeing, hydrogen peroxide raises the hair scales and washes away the natural pigment. Thanks to ammonia, artificial pigment penetrates into the formed place: this is how your hair becomes a permanent color. But due to the fact that the protective scales of the hair remain in the "open" state, the hair loses its luster, worse carry nutrients from the root to the ends and lose the ability to resist the harmful effects of the environment. The result is weakened, unruly strands that need careful care and restoration, including using a mask for dyed damaged hair.

Here are the most common symptoms, the appearance of which can be safely associated with the use of resistant paint:

  • Split ends
  • Dryness and brittleness
  • Hair loss
  • Dandruff and scalp irritation
  • Allergic reactions

How to reduce the harm from staining

Any effect of artificial dye on the hair has certain side effects. You can minimize them, if you seriously approach the very process of staining:

  • Use paint without ammonia - this substance is particularly aggressive effect on the structure of the hair, forcing the scales literally stand on end.
  • Do not carry out staining yourself, especially when it comes to lightening. Hair can be damaged permanently.
  • Immediately after dyeing, it is necessary to use special balms. They will make your hair smooth and soft.
  • To carry out a complete staining from root to tip no more than twice a year.

And yet, there is always a place for coloring in the life of women who want to change, surprise and look for their unique image. How to restore a healthy shine of dry, damaged hair? Instead of regular trips to the beauty salon, we suggest that you use proven homemade recipes for the restoration of colored masks for colored hair.

Thanks to natural ingredients such as vegetables and fruits, honey, eggs, oils and herbs, the hair gets enough nutrients to protect the protective scales, and the structure of the hair - to recover.

Recipes for colored hair masks

The Internet has described many recipes for making homemade masks for dyed hair. In order to facilitate your searches, we present only those recipes that have been tested on ourselves, and which we were convinced about the effectiveness of on personal experience. Regular procedures with the participation of these components really return the hair a healthy look for several weeks and prevent further damage from staining. In addition, all our nutritional masks are simple and fast, do not require the purchase of exotic products, long preparations and complex manipulations.

Video about masks for colored hair

We recommend that you choose 1-2 suitable prescriptions for you and use them 1-2 times a week to treat damaged hair, or 1-2 times a month for prevention.

Recipe 1: pharmacy chamomile + protein

A beautiful mask that preserves the color of dyed hair, is prepared from the collection of pharmaceutical chamomile and whipped egg white. Chamomile must be insisted in boiling water for 4-5 hours (can be left overnight), then mixed with the protein of one egg. Apply the mixture to dry hair and rinse as soon as it dries.

Recipe 2: Banana + Avocado

If you like fruits and vegetables, including exotic ones, there will most likely be a banana and avocado in your fridge. For the preparation of an ultra-moisturizing mask, 1 banana and half an avocado are useful (fruits should be ripe and fresh). Mix the fruit pulp in a blender and apply the finished slurry for 30 minutes. To enhance the effect, you can add to the mask a couple of spoons of olive oil, a yolk and a spoonful of honey.

Recipe 3: onion + honey + butter + yolk

This is the ideal moisturizing mask for dry dyed hair. It is necessary to mix onion juice with vegetable oil, beaten egg yolk and honey - all in the same proportions. One tablespoon of each of the components is sufficient for application to hair of medium length. Honey before use, it is desirable to warm up. Apply the finished mask on the hair after washing, wait 30 minutes and rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Recipe 4: kefir

The easiest option that requires absolutely no effort: apply kefir heated to room temperature over the entire length of hair and leave for 20-30 minutes. On average, it takes from 300 to 600 milliliters of a fermented milk drink. If there is time and desire, kefir can be put together with egg yolk and / or a couple of tablespoons of olive oil.

Recipe 5: brandy + yolk

A mask based on this strong alcoholic drink will help not only to restore dyed hair, but also to preserve and even enhance their color. Mix 100 grams of cognac with one yolk, apply to hair for 20 minutes, then wash off the mask with warm water. This is one of the easiest and most effective mask recipes for dyed damaged hair.

Recipe 6: Hot Pepper

Hair, subjected to coloring, change their structure, becoming weaker. There is a risk of their loss. A homemade mask for damaged dyed hair based on red hot pepper helps to cope with this. Grind a quarter of a small pod, pour 50 grams of alcohol or vodka on it. Leave it for a week. Then strain. Take a little tincture and dilute it with water at the rate of one to ten. Rub the resulting solution into the scalp. Flush is not necessary! This will improve blood circulation and stimulate the activity of the hair follicles.

To combat split ends after dyeing, use heated oils: olive, burdock, wheat germ, and so on. Carefully handle the ends, wrap the hair in a towel and wait half an hour. After that, rinse hair well with warm water without shampoo. The result is not long in coming!

Recipe 7: Grapes

Dyed hair quickly loses its shine. To keep the color bright and the strands shining, you can make a grape mask. Take two tablespoons of dark grapes, better seedless, and mash it into mush. Grind a tablespoon of flax seeds in a coffee grinder and add them to the grapes. Season with a tablespoon of honey. Spread the mixture on the hair. Hold for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water without using shampoo.

Recipe 8: Vitamin E

A synonym for colored strands are split ends. To protect the hair from the Victorian loss of volume, prepare a simple homemade hair mask using your favorite balm and vitamin E.

Mix vitamin E with the nourishing balm that you usually use. From half the length of the curls, apply the mixture, leave for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly.

Recipe 9: collect herbs

If you want to not only strengthen the curls, but also to stimulate hair growth, it's time to go on a visit to Mother Nature. For starters, prepare or buy in the pharmacy the following herbs:

To prepare a similar regenerating mask for colored hair, take a teaspoon of each herb. Fill the mixture with a glass of boiling water. Herbs should be infused for an hour, and then - well strain the mixture. Add rye bread to the decoction (no more than 300 g). Spread the mixture in a thin layer over the head. Wrap the hair and forget about the mask for two hours. The mask should be washed with clean warm water without shampoo.

Recipe 10: Beloved Porridge

If your favorite curls become thinner after dyeing, a homemade oatmeal-based hair mask will help to saturate them with nutrients. To make this wonder mixture, take:

  • 5 tablespoons of oatmeal,
  • 2-3 tablespoons of almond oil
  • 1-2 drops of essential oil.

The flakes should be ground and left in boiling water. As soon as the flakes soften, mix in the oils and apply on the curls. Hold the mask for an hour and then rinse with warm water. Healing oatmeal masks can be safely applied to the strands 1-2 times a week.

Remember, before applying a homemade mask for colored hair, it is important to find out if you are allergic to the ingredients of the composition. In addition, it is necessary that all the mixed products were fresh. Only then can fruit and oils be able to fill hair with the substances and vitamins they need.

To apply the mask, in addition to the tool itself, you will need a towel and food film. The mixture is applied to the wet strands with soft massaging movements, after which the hair is wrapped with a film and wrapped with a towel. To act, the mask takes time - from 15 minutes to an hour.

If you become blonde.

Chamomile flowers will help to preserve sunny color. For the preparation of this homemade mask for dyed hair, only a tablespoon of dried flowers and boiling water is required. Having infused chamomile for an hour, apply the resulting balm on clean, freshly washed hair. The mixture should be left on the hair for half an hour, and then rinse with water or lemon juice with H2O.

If you turned into a brunette.

Save the curls of the color of the black wing, to feed and restore them to help coffee and cognac home restorative mask for colored hair. To prepare the mixture, take:

  • 1 teaspoon of ground coffee,
  • 2 tablespoons of brandy,
  • 2 chicken yolks,
  • 1 teaspoon of castor oil.

Coffee should be diluted in a glass of boiling water, in the resulting mixture add butter, yolks, brandy. Stir the mixture well and leave on the hair for a few minutes, and then rinse thoroughly.

A couple of words about oils

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about hair care at home is oil. Burdock, flaxseed, castor, olive oils really have a very good effect on the hair tissue, moisturizing and saturating it with nutrients. However, applying oils to care for dyed hair, it should be remembered that their prolonged exposure may lead to partial loss of color. In addition, the application of oils requires particularly thorough washing of the hair (often repeated), which can also lead to a weakening of color. Therefore, we recommend not to exceed the dosage and reduce the time of applying oils to dyed hair.

General recommendations for the use of masks for colored hair

  • Virtually all masks are much more effective if, after applying, put a plastic cap on the head and wrap it with a towel. The heat generated under the film serves as an excellent catalyst for reduction processes. It is also recommended to heat up some of the components of the mask or the mixture.
  • All products used must be fresh to the concentration of nutrients in their composition was as high as possible. For the same reason, the home mask should be used immediately after preparation.
  • If the procedures for mixing, applying and washing off the nourishing masks for dyed hair take too much of your valuable time, use ready-made tools. For example, the mask ALERANA®intensive nutrition is designed specifically for weakened hair and contains natural ingredients: nettle and burdock extracts, amino acids, keratin and panthenol. It is enough to hold the mask on the hair for only 15 minutes, and the healing effect is obvious after the first 3 procedures.

Do not forget about the basic rules of hair care, compliance with which will also help you in dealing with the effects of dyeing. Protect your hair from the cold and the scorching sun, use a hairdryer and a curling iron as little as possible, eat properly and indulge yourself with vitamins more often. And then you will need masks for colored hair only for prevention.


  • permanent (resistant)
  • semi-permanent (semi-resistant),
  • tinted shampoos and foams (do not penetrate into the hair structure itself and give a not too noticeable result).

Semi-resistant (ammonia-free) The products are harmless, as the coloring pigment remains on the surface, not penetrating and does not violate the structure. They can even be useful due to special vitamin complexes, which most manufacturers add to the composition.

Paint without ammonia is not able to remove gray hair well or drastically change the color, in addition, it is quickly washed away, lasting for a month and a half. But they are more resistant than natural dyes.

Resistant ammonia The products give an amazingly beautiful and saturated color, but harm the health of hair due to aggressive active substances - hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. And the most traumatic procedure for a head of hair is bleaching (getting rid of pigment) and subsequent staining.

The use of resistant paints and brighteners leads to the fact that the hair becomes drier, weaker, susceptible to damage, begins to break and split, and sometimes - to fall heavily. This is due to the fact that the natural structure of the curls undergoes changes due to the replacement of the natural pigment with a new one, as well as due to the interaction with the active substances of the paint.

The flakes covering the surface of each hair, bulging, resulting in curls bad comb, tangle, quickly damaged and shine disappears.

To reduce the effects of staining:

  • Do not abuse the resistant paint, the optimal frequency of the procedure is 6-7 weeks.
  • Alternate the coloring - the entire length of the hair and only the roots, so that the color is always saturated with minimal sacrifices.
  • If the hair roots grow quickly and differ greatly in color, tint them 1 time in 3 weeks, applying the remedy only to the regrown areas, since the tips of the hair are the weakest part. If the color does not suit the length, you can apply the dye along the entire length 10 minutes before the roots are painted.

And in the period between the colors your hair looks healthy, bright and beautiful, proper care should consist of mandatory steps.


  • Immediately after dyeing the hair and the first day, particularly careful care is needed, starting with applying a moisturizing balsam on the wet curls, which manufacturers put in a package with paint. Watch out for the even distribution of the balm along each strand so that the pigment is well fixed and the scales lie against the stem of the hairs.
  • When painting it is important to follow the instructions in order to minimize the damage and to achieve the desired lasting color.
  • After washing off the fixative, be sure to neutralize the alkaline medium that forms on the head. This can be done with a special shampoo and balm for colored hair.
  • Fixing the pigment on the hair occurs within two days, so refrain from washing the head for this time. Also, it is not recommended to immediately comb even wet curls - this additionally damages their structure.

Home care

In order for the color to remain longer for hair restoration / care, proceed only after 2 weeks, since the effect of reducing agents may wash color.

Completely natural and folk remedies are not capable of having such a strong and pronounced effect as specially developed formulas, but as additional funds they contribute to a more active restoration of your hair. The simplest and most effective are masks made from natural ingredients, rinsing with herbs and vegetable oils. Home care can be divided into 3 stages:

Mustard mask

It counteracts the weakening and loss of colored hair, as well as stimulating their growth and renewal.

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of mustard powder (in no case of a ready-made sauce),
  • 2 tbsp. almond or olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar,
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of water.

Mix the ingredients until smooth and apply with a brush to the roots of dry, unwashed hair. After that, be sure to put a polyethylene cap on your head and wrap a towel over the top. It is advisable to hold this mixture for 50-60 minutes.

If the mask burns the scalp very much (do not worry, this is only a reaction to mustard, and not an allergy or burn), you can wash it off earlier. Repeat the procedure for oily hair 1-2 times in 7-8 days, and for dry hair 1 time in 10 days.

Kefir mask

Well nourishes over-dried hair.

  • 4 tbsp. spoons of fatty yogurt,
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey
  • 1 yolk.

All mix thoroughly and apply with a brush to the entire length of hair for 30-40 minutes. If you have a long hairstyle, then make a double portion of the mixture, so that it is enough for abundant application. It is recommended to apply kefir mask 1 time in 8 days.

Red pepper tincture

Well helps against hair loss, promotes growth, activating the follicles and supplying them with oxygen.

Take a pod of hot red pepper, finely chop it and fill with half a glass of alcohol. Pepper should infuse 7-8 days, then strain the resulting liquid. Before use, be sure to dilute the tincture with water 1:10 and rub into the roots (preferably all night). You can do this procedure up to 3 times a week.

Another great tool are vegetable oils. They can be used both as independent, and as ingredients for various masks.

Olive, almond and coconut oil strengthens the hair structure, nourishes the follicles with vitamins E and D, contributes to the preservation of color.

Burdock and Castor It has an excellent effect on the growth, shine and strength of hair, so it is best suited to those who have weak and strongly split curls.

Spread wheat oil well for nourishing and strengtheningthat gently envelops the hair, creating a durable barrier around them, protecting against the aggressive effects of external factors and providing with useful substances.


  • If your hair is oily, do not use oils more than once every 7 days - this can aggravate the problem. And for dry it will be useful to do the procedure with oils 3 times a week.
  • During restoration it is worth refusing to use pleyok, irons, hair dryers, thermo-rollers and fixing agents (foams, mousses, varnishes and others). All this additionally dries, burns and overloads the hair, nullifying attempts at treatment. Purchase a special shampoo-conditioner for colored hair at the store.

2. Color retention

We all know how annoying it is when a beautiful shade, so deep and radiant at first, is washed out and dims with time, and the faded curls look unattractive and lifeless. Therefore, the preservation of saturated and bright colors is also a significant part of the care after dyeing the hair and it should be given as much attention as the restoration.

Tips on how to keep color tarnish:

  • Try not to wash your hair for two days after dyeing, allow the pigment to consolidate.
  • Set aside for a while deep nutrients - they help to remove the coloring pigment.
  • Use colorless henna, which strengthens the hair structure and adds beautiful shine. It is not recommended for blondes, as it can give shade!
  • Rinse with herbs. Owners of blond hair should make a weaker texture (about 2 times), so that the grass does not give shade.

Colorless henna mask (blondes may give a yellow tint)

  • 1 cup of kefir (if the hair is oily, use 1% kefir, if dry - from 3% or more),
  • 1 bag of colorless henna powder.

Mix the ingredients and apply the resulting mass abundantly over the entire length of the hair, then put a polyethylene bag on the head and wrap it with a towel, wait 30 minutes, then rinse. Repeat the procedure 1 time in 8-9 days, and the result will be visible immediately after application, henna will make the hair shiny, and kefir will greatly strengthen.

Herbal Rinse

With the help of herbs you can maintain the saturation of color and shine of the hair. A decoction of chamomile flowers is perfect for blondes, but only for those whose hair has a golden hue, since chamomile will give them yellowness.

For redheads, strong karkade tea infusion is ideal, giving a hint of copper, and brunettes are recommended to use regular black tea or coffee. Such products can be used regularly during shampooing, but we must not forget that at the final stage, hair should still be rinsed with clean water.

3. Giving healthy volume and shine

At this stage rinsing and masks from henna will also help, but more important is a balanced diet and the use of the required amount of liquid. Try to drink about 2 liters of non-carbonated drinking water during the day, eat more vegetables and fruits. It will be useful once a week to make a nourishing mask of almond, burdock or olive oil - it is enough to rub it into unwashed hair for half an hour before taking a bath.

Shop Tools

For the colored hair, special care lines are produced, with the help of which you can provide a comprehensive restoration, maintain a bright color for a long time and give the curls a beautiful and healthy look. These are shampoos, balms, conditioners, sprays, masks and creams - each of these products is designed to perform a specific function and cannot be replaced with something else.

Basic care products are shampoo and balsam. Buy only those shampoos, on the packaging of which there is a label “for colored hair”. Otherwise, you can only get a premature loss of color and weakening of curls.

Additional funds are air conditioners and masks. Air conditioning is needed in order to the detrimental effects of staining, washing, blow-drying, combing and other things, was kept to a minimum. It covers the surface of the hair with an ultra-thin protective layer that protects them from damage, plus adds shine and volume. Masks also help to maintain the depth of tone, nourish the curls and restore them, which is also extremely necessary.

When buying any care product, be sure to pay attention to what type of hair it is intended for.. The main types are fatty, dry, normal. The latter are the most unpretentious - they fit almost any care product, except those that were developed specifically to combat dandruff. Oily hair needs a decrease in sebaceous secretion, and dry hair - in enhanced nutrition. Therefore, before buying, be sure to carefully study the label.

Line recommendations hair care after painting. From the budget line, this is Elseve (L'Oreal Paris), it has the name “Color and Glitter”, and provides good comprehensive care, regularly exposed to the harmful effects of resistant paint, and also prevents the color from quickly washing out. These tools are suitable for any type of hair, and this greatly simplifies the selection. But among the professional tools used by the masters in the salons, we recommend the Echosline Color Care line, represented by a mask, conditioner after dyeing, fluid for the tips and spray to protect the color.

Subtleties of daily care

Care after dyeing also provides for the observance of simple rules for proper washing, combing and drying.

  • Do not wash your head too often - this contributes to the rapid leaching of color, makes curls weaker. Wash long hair no more than once every 2-3 days, short hair once every 1-2 days.
  • Squeeze the wet curls with your hands easily squeezing in the palms. It is better to use not chlorinated water from the tap, but bottled, boiled or filtered drinking water.
  • Try to dry your head without a hair dryer - let them dry naturally.
  • Do not stack too wet hair. Use foams and mousses for styling - they reduce the negative effects of high temperature. Also a great solution would be to use a thermal spray.
  • Comb your hair with a comb or brush with rounded, non-rigid and sparse teeth, so as not to injure them. When combing, you can use a special spray from Yves Rocher, which facilitates the sliding of the strands and preventing their entanglement.
  • Perm and dyeing - enemies. Never do both procedures on the same day, as this can lead to a sharp deterioration in their condition and loss. Between dyeing and chemical perm should take at least 3-5 weeks.

Environmental impact

Ultraviolet radiation from the sun, sea water and winter frost - all this is sadly reflected in the appearance of curls, already weakened by paint.

Try to walk less in the open sun without a scarf or hat, and in winter, cover your hair with a hat. Special sprays with an SPF filter will also save you from UV light.

After swimming in the sea, wash your head in fresh water, and use a swimming cap for the pool. In the cold season do not go out with wet hair - the frost will make them very brittle.

Proper nutrition = healthy curls

Dyed hair needs care and nutrition from the outside and from the inside. Therefore, the perfect hair requires proper nutrition with fresh and rich in vitamins and minerals products.

Try to eat more peanuts, chicken, red fish and beef - these products will replenish iron stores in the body. Almonds, oysters, walnuts prevent hair loss and supply our body with zinc.

Against brittleness will help chicken eggs containing biotin - it is better to use them boiled, with a minimum of salt. Be sure to eat foods high in calcium — milk, hard cheese, cottage cheese, spinach, and broccoli. Watermelons, kiwi, pears, as well as cucumbers will help maintain the balance of water in the body - it is necessary for good moisturizing of dry dyed hair at a deep level.

What you should know about staining

Girls love to change and are rarely afraid to change the shade of their hair. Some believe that such changes will bring them happiness, others just want to make a little variety in their lives.

Some of them are actively involved in sports for getting a beautiful figure, others are experimenting with their appearance, wanting to stand out among the crowd.

But in most cases, the desire to change something in your life ends with a change in hair color or a new hairstyle.

If you are tired of your hair color and are seriously considering changing your image, note the following information:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide, which many people use to lighten, has a negative effect on curls. The higher the percentage of funds, the more damage it causes curls. The main advantage of a large percentage of hydrogen peroxide is the ability to quickly clarify curls. But the disadvantage is the weakening of the structure of the curls.
  2. With regular dyeing is best to apply shampoos tint. They do not adversely affect the hair, give it shine, retain the structure. Also, these tools will suit you if you have a little gray hair.
  3. When painting, give preference to proven paints. If the manufacturer of the tool does not cause you to trust, then it is better to purchase another product. The use of paint of dubious quality can cause allergies, spoil the hair or give the wrong shade, which is listed on the box.
  4. Lightening paint - a tool that helps you turn from a burning brunette into a pretty blonde. It removes the pigment from the hair, which causes the destruction of the hair structure. It is necessary to apply such means strictly according to the instructions and keep it on the curls no longer than indicated on the package.
  5. When buying resistant paint, pay attention to the one in which there is a minimum amount of ammonia. It is pleasant to use such paint, there is no foreign smell in it, the risk of skin irritation is minimal.
  6. Do not use cellophane when dyeing, as it does not allow the skin to breathe. If you do not follow this rule, you can damage the skin, resulting in redness or irritation.
  7. You are unlikely to achieve a light shade after the first coloring if you are brown-haired or brunette by nature. Such a reincarnation should occur gradually, otherwise there is a high probability of deterioration of the curls and their loss. In such situations it is best to seek help from a hairdresser.
  8. When dyeing regrown roots, first start applying paint on them, and 5 minutes before rinsing, apply a little bit on the tips.
  9. Do not try to add third-party ingredients to the paint, even if you are sure that they are needed in it. Any intervention in the composition of a cosmetic product can lead to the fact that you get the wrong color that you dreamed of or ruin your hair.
  10. To fix the result of dyeing, it is necessary immediately after washing the paint to apply a balm on the hair. And only after that apply a nourishing cream, restoring the structure of curls.

Folk recipes for hair

Well-groomed hair is an indicator for a healthy person. Beauty curls curled from a balanced diet, a complex of treatments for care. Care for dyed hair at home with the help of regenerating masks, herbs is simply necessary.

Mustard mask is used for hair loss, for strengthening and growth of hair. Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of mustard powder, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon of water and 2 teaspoons of sugar, mixed to a uniform consistency, applied to the roots, wrapped with a towel and incubated for 1 hour.

Mask of kefir. Ingredients: 4 tablespoons of kefir, 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of honey, mixed, applied to the entire length for half an hour. The procedure can be repeated at intervals of once a week or 10 days.

Tincture of red pepper.Cut the pod of red hot pepper, pour half a glass of alcohol, insist seven days, filter through a sieve. The tincture is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 and rubbed into the roots, it is possible at night. The procedure can be done frequently - up to 3 times in 7 days.

Vegetable oils are an excellent means to strengthen. For oily hair, oils can be applied once a week, and for dry hair - up to 3 times. It is better to temporarily not use the iron, hairdryer and curling iron during the recovery.

Over time, saturated color fades. Appearance with such curls becomes unpresentable. To maintain a beautiful color, you need care.

Recommendations from tarnishing hair color:

  1. After painting for two days, do not wash the curls.
  2. Do not use deep nutrients so that the pigment is fixed.
  3. Use colorless henna. It strengthens the structure, gives a specious gloss. May give shade blondes. To make a colorless henna mask, you need to take 1 packet of henna and 1 cup of kefir, mix, put on the entire length, put on cellophane and warm with a towel. Leave for half an hour. The result will be on the face. Henna will add shine to hair. Thanks to kefir they become strong. It is enough to apply a mask once a week.
  4. Rinse the curls with decoction of herbs. They give them a rich luster and color. For fair hair shades, low concentration is recommended. For golden shades suitable decoction of chamomile. Copper hue gives hibiscus tea, perfect for redheads.

Shop cosmetics

The basic means for the care of dyed hair include shampoos and balms. Pay attention to the labeling means. Take professional shampoos for dyed curls.

As additional products use conditioners, sprays, masks and creams. Each tool performs its function. After the conditioner, hair easily combed, quickly stacked. It has protective properties, gives shine. Masks have nourishing and regenerating properties.

For each type of hair has its own means. For the normal type fit any products. Oily hair needs to reduce the greasy secret. Reinforced nutrition require dry curls. They can be moistened with creams and masks.

After coloring it is necessary to follow simple rules:

  • With frequent shampooing, the color will quickly wash out. Short hair can be washed at intervals of 1-2 days, and long after 2-3 days.
  • After washing, you need to wring out the hair with your hands, then wrap them in a towel.
  • A natural method of drying is welcomed, so it is best to wash the curls before going to bed.
  • It is necessary to give hair dry before styling. Foams and mousses will help to quickly put them in their hair. Thermal spray should be applied before using the iron or tongs.
  • Do not comb wet curls.
  • Hairbrushes are selected individually. For long hair use comb with rare teeth, large round comb - for straightening, special comb - for hair. For short hair fit almost any.
  • Curling and dyeing can not be done for 1 day, it worsens the condition of the curls, makes them brittle, leads to loss. It is necessary to endure a month between the procedures of painting and perm.
  • Need to use hats. It is necessary to hide hair from winter frosts, go out in the sun with a hat or a panama. You should use special protective sprays in the summer from exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  • In the pool you need to wear a hat. After sea water, it is recommended to wash your hair with plain water.

Natural and chemical paints

Coloring agents are divided into natural and chemical. You can get a short-term effect from natural remedies, they do not have high resistance.

To natural include:

  1. Henna. Natural dye, appeared from ancient times in India, differs from other means of low cost. It has both positive and negative properties. According to doctors, from henna more harm than good.
  2. Basma. Powder gray-green color of plant origin. It was used not only by women, but also by men. The final color can not be guessed in advance, it depends on various factors.
  3. Onion peel was used for coloring our grandmothers, great-grandmothers. This tool was used to obtain a reddish tint and dandruff.

Chemical products include: resistant, semi-resistant, special shampoos with a touch. Thanks to resistant ammonia paint, a very beautiful color is obtained. Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia, which are part of the paint, worsen the condition of the curls. Bleaching severely injures the structure. Hair breaks and begins to split due to the introduction of ammonia paints, very much damaged and fall out.

This happens because the natural design of the curl changes due to the new natural pigment, and also because of the reaction with intensive preparations during staining. Scales on the surface are injured, flicker disappears.

Ammonia-free paints are semi-resistant, harmless. The paint reagent does not penetrate deep inside and does not change the structure. Manufacturers add to the paint vitamins, useful for hair. This paint can not completely mask the gray hair, change the shade, it quickly washed off. Tinted shampoos are easy to apply and quickly wash off.

How to care for curls

In order for the regrown roots and hair to look decent over the entire length, it is necessary to observe the periodicity of staining, do not wait until the roots stand out and differ from the base color. You need to keep a diary and keep track of how many days are left for staining, pre-stock paint. It happens that the term is suitable for coloring, and the desired paint is not available. If the regrown roots have reached more than 1-2 cm, you can only apply paint to the roots. The color after dyeing will not differ from the main one. Periodically it is recommended to update the color along the entire length, so that the curls are elegant and shiny.

After dyeing, wash the curls with warm water, using ordinary shampoo, a balm that came with the paint from the package. It is necessary to distribute it over the entire length, leave for 5 minutes so that it can penetrate into the scales.

It is important to carefully read the instructions before applying the dye and properly care for dyed hair. You should not wash your hair after dyeing for the first 3 days, so that the color is well fixed. It is not recommended to comb undried locks, you can damage their structure.

Proper nutrition and plenty of fluids will give the curls a healthy look. HIt is necessary to include in the diet of fruits and vegetables, drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Peanuts, chicken, beef, red fish contain iron. Prevent loss of walnuts, almonds, oysters. They contain zinc.

What to consider when dyeing hair

Periodic hair coloring every woman chooses for different reasons. Some need to paint over the beginning of gray hair, others do not fit the natural color of the curls, others want to radically change their image. Regardless of the reasons, the result should be the same - achieving the color that most closely matches both the image and your own world perception. In order not to resort to color change procedures every week, it is necessary to carry out all the staining steps correctly and tips from qualified hairdressers can help.

  • First you need to correctly determine the color. A radical change in tone is not recommended, since for these purposes you will have to use aggressive paints and increase the exposure time, which will have a negative effect on the hair.
  • It is best to hold the coloring at the hairdresser. An experienced master will be able to choose the paint, focusing on the type of hair, select the optimal color and advise means for colored hair, which will need to be constantly used in the future.
  • The most negative impact on the curls have those procedures in which dark hair turns into bleached. In order to achieve such a result, the use of paints with strong chemical components is required, which is naturally not safe for the structure of curls.
  • You can not simultaneously carry out the dyeing and do a perm. There should be at least three weeks between such procedures.
  • For constant refreshment tones need to apply natural and high-quality dyes, such as henna or Basma. By increasing or decreasing their exposure time, women achieve a unique and appropriate shade for them.

Care for dyed hair should be started immediately after the paint is washed off the head. Compliance with not complicated recommendations will allow you to admire your hairdo with a new color for several months.

  1. After washing the paint on the hair you need to apply conditioner. Usually it is attached to the package with the dye, if it is not, then the choice in the shops of such funds is quite diverse. The conditioner is applied to the entire length of the hair, kept at the right time and washed off.
  2. Rinse must be completed with cool water.
  3. The hair should be dried naturally, the comb should be used only after they are completely dried.
  4. It is not advisable to wash your hair for three days. During this period, the paint is fixed.
  5. Hairstyle should regularly pamper pharmacy or self-prepared masks. Homemade masks for colored hair are not difficult to prepare, but it is better to use them right away.
  6. After staining you need to change the usual shampoos and balms for others. On such cosmetic products must be applied appropriately. Many manufacturers of paints and produce a series of cosmetics intended for care after dyeing. By purchasing all the cosmetics of one company, you will provide the most effective protection and preservation of color saturation.
  7. During the care of dyed hair can not often resort to the use of a hair dryer and various irons. The additional thermal effect on the curls not only destroys the paint, but also drains the curls, making them weak and lifeless.
  8. When you visit the pool, be sure to wear a hat, as chlorinated water not only dries the skin and curls, but also significantly changes the hair color.
  9. Every evening you need to comb your hair before bed. The best thing to do is a massage comb made from natural wood; the Tangle teezer brush works well.
  10. Curls need not only external nutrition. The shine on the curl, their softness and silkiness largely depends on what we eat, so the food should always be diverse, full-fledged, containing a large complex of vitamins.

Care for hair with artificially changed color should be regularly. A mask for colored hair is made at least once a week, and it can be used as a pharmacy tools, and compositions prepared at home from the available products.

The best recipes of masks used on dyed hair

After dyeing without additional feeding, the curls become noticeably drier, lose their luster, the paint after a few weeks or even days no longer looks so bright, the ends begin to split. To prevent such troubles and at the same time prolong the color stability will help appropriate care for dyed hair, which is necessary to carry out at home. Therapeutic compositions for the hair is prepared from common food, essential and vegetable oils. Their preparation does not take a lot of time and is distinguished by a budget price.
Mask for dyed hair reviews from women who regularly carry out such nutrition, inform that constantly performed procedures perfectly improve the condition of the locks. It is easy to choose a suitable recipe, you only need to take into account that alcohol tinctures cannot be used, as they contribute to color flushing.

  1. Good effect on dyed hair egg mixture. Two chicken yolks are added to a glass of warm water, the mixture is continuously stirred until a homogeneous composition is achieved. Then, the resulting solution must be poured onto the head previously moistened with hot water. The egg mixture is thoroughly rubbed into the skin and then distributed over the entire length, then the head is washed with plenty of warm water. Strengthen the effect can be followed by rubbing the whipped yolk in the head. After rubbing in, shag the wind up with a warm towel, and after 10 minutes, wash it one more time.
  2. A simple mask for dry dyed hair is prepared from one yolk and a teaspoon of olive or burdock oil. The mixed composition is distributed throughout the hair, aged for about half an hour and washed off with water. For long ones, the number of ingredients doubles.
  3. In order to restore the split ends structure, you must mix a spoonful of heated olive oil with a few drops of fragrant ylang - ylang. The resulting mixture is applied to the ends, left for half an hour and washed off with shampoo.
  4. Masks for colored damaged hair are made from rye bread and decoction of anti-inflammatory herbs. It is necessary to mix several plants - nettle, sage, chamomile, oregano, celandine. Herbs can be any number, mixed raw materials must be taken in the amount of two tablespoons and brew with boiling water. The resulting broth is used for soaking two hundred grams of bread, which must be infused for at least 3 hours. Then the bread mixture is distributed on the head of hair and the scalp, a warming cap is put on. In this form, it is desirable to take at least an hour.

  1. Masks for dry dyed hair are prepared using burdock, olive or linseed oil. In the heated oil, you can add oil solutions of vitamin E and A, you can buy them at the pharmacy. With increased dryness, this mixture is applied to the hair and the entire scalp. If the skin is oily, then the mixture of oils is distributed only along the head of hair and always at the tips.
  2. Homemade masks for colored hair can be made from honey, onions, yolk and vegetable oil. It is necessary to squeeze a teaspoon of juice from the onion, then it is mixed with the same volume of warm honey, add a little more than any natural oil and inject the yolk into the resulting mixture. The applied mask is aged for at least half an hour and with water with a suitable shampoo.
  3. When caring for colored hair, you can use the simplest remedy - kefir or yogurt. The lactic acid product is distributed over the entire length, left for half an hour and washed off with warm water. Hot water is not used, as the high temperature leads to the formation of difficult to remove lumps.
  4. Reviews about masks for dyed hair are positive even if, after washing the head with shampoo, use acidified water for rinsing. In the water, you can squeeze the juice from the lemon or add vinegar. They help strengthen the health of curls and decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs that are regularly used for rinsing.

Homemade masks for colored hair are not difficult to prepare. Only you need to take into account that the benefits of them will increase if you choose only natural and fresh products without preservatives. Care for dyed hair should be permanent, the easiest way to allocate one day a week, a few hours from which you will need to spend to maintain their own beauty.

Causes of hair deterioration after dyeing

Usually, after dyeing the hair becomes dry, thin, weakened. This is due to aggressive substances present in the composition of paints.

In addition, the curls may look lifeless with health problems. Other reasons include:

  • insufficient or poor care,
  • lack of vitamins in the body
  • regular nervous tension
  • pregnancy,
  • the use of thermal tongs, hair dryer or ironing.

Care after dyeing

Careful care of the colored locks consists of certain actions that must be carried out regularly.

You can also try clay masks for hair, which improve the condition of ordinary and colored curls.

For the treatment of heavily damaged and dried hair, use moisturizers, which include coconut milk, almond oil or wheat germ extract.

Care for dyed hair

In the process of applying the dye, the hair is subjected to aggressive attack that disrupts its structure. As a result, they begin to break down, become similar to “wire” or “sponge”, split dry tips appear. To reduce the effects of staining, you should use some tips:

  1. Frequent staining cannot be abused, between procedures 6-7 weeks should pass. In order to rarely expose hair to chemical attack, it is necessary to alternate the dyeing along the entire length with the treatment of the roots. If the roots grow too fast, they can be painted a little more often - 1 time in 3 weeks.
  2. The first day after the procedure is used fixing balm, which is evenly distributed along the length, so that the pigment is fixed as much as possible and the scales are leveled. Full absorption of pigment occurs within 2 days. At this time it is necessary to refrain from washing the head.
  3. At first, it is not recommended to heat the hair. Do not comb while they are wet, as this damages the structure.
  4. It is necessary to use natural masks for dyed hair to improve health and maintain color stability.

The use of special shampoo

After dyeing, get a shampoo, which is indicated for colored hair.

This is due to the fact that the usual shampoo is able to wash the coloring pigment from your hair.

You can use absolutely any balm and conditioner to care for the curls, but always buy a shampoo that suits your hair type.

If possible, buy cosmetic products of the same manufacturer, because these tools are designed in such a way that they complement each other.

Also use hair conditioners to make them soft and silky.

To strengthen colored hair, it is desirable to wash them with a regular egg once a week.

For the procedure, take 2 eggs, fill them with warm water. After that, slightly moisten the hair with water, rub into them the composition of eggs and water. Wash the product from the curls and comb them.

Use of hair dryer

It is advisable not to use a hair dryer for drying stained curls, as it dries up and injures them even more.

If you can not refuse to use a hair dryer, then dry your hair with a warm stream of air.

Try to dry the curls as often as possible in a natural way.

Folk hair care products

For hair care, use traditional medicine. They are no worse than salon procedures moisturize and nourish the curls, making the strands healthy, elastic and shiny.

Especially useful hair brings the use of esters and oils. It is best to use for this purpose burdock extract, olive and coconut oil.

With regular application of these products on the scalp appears luster and volume, there is a restoration of structural damage in the receiver area of ​​curls.

The presented recipes for care products you can do yourself at home.

Tincture of red pepper

  • chili pepper - 1 pod,
  • alcohol - 150 ml.

  1. Finely chop the pepper, pour it with medical alcohol.
  2. The resulting composition is placed in a dark room for 10 days.
  3. Dilute with a 1 to 10 ratio of water before applying.

Using: Massage the prepared remedy into the scalp.

Effect: With a regular procedure, at least 4 times a week, loss of curls is prevented.

Bread mask

  • rye bread - 0.2 kg
  • light beer - 0.5 l,
  • vitamins A and E - 1 capsule.

  1. Heat the beer to make it warm.
  2. Crush bread and fill it with warm beer.
  3. Allow the bread to swell, this will take about a quarter of an hour, then mix the composition with a spoon.
  4. Add to the composition of 15 drops of oil, stir.

Using: Apply a mask to your hair, after 50 minutes, wash it off.

Effect: Nutrition, hydration, restoration of curls.

Egg mask

Cooking: Break eggs into a container with warm water, stirring.

  1. After a quarter of an hour, when the mask has cooled, wet your head, rub the product into the hair roots with massaging movements.
  2. To enhance the effect, rub 1 yolk in your hands and rub it into curls, wrap your head with a scarf.
  3. After 40 minutes, wash your hair.

Effect: Nutrition and moisturizing hair.

Rinsing tansy

This recipe is suitable for owners of dark hair.

  • water - 3 l,
  • Tansy flowers - 0.1 kg.

  1. Fill the flowers with water, then boil the composition in a water bath.
  2. After a day, strain the tool.

Using: Rinse hair with makeup every time after washing.

Effect: Nutrition and hydration of damaged curls.

Often I do the coloring, after which my hair looks like straw. I use for their restoration balms, masks, wash them with an egg. Somewhere in a month the condition of the strands becomes better.

Victoria, 34 years old

Against hair loss apply tincture with red pepper. Sometimes after it I feel a slight burning sensation, which passes quickly. I've been using this tincture for 4 months now, my hair began to fall out less.

For a long time I was looking for products that could quickly restore hair after dyeing. For some time I was saved by balsams and conditioners, but over time, the curls became heavy from them. After that, she completely stopped using the hair dryer, began daily to make masks with honey. The result is quite happy and now I am not afraid of staining!

Previously, she didn’t care for her hair after dyeing at all, and also wondered why they look lifeless with me. Now a special shampoo, conditioner appeared on my shelf, once a week I make different masks for curls and all these actions bring a positive result!

Efficiency of masks

Using natural masks for homemade colored hair, it is possible to provide them with additional care and prolong the life of the acquired shade. Curls will not be exposed to chemical exposure, as all components of home cosmetics are natural and safe. With regular use, the brightness and saturation of the hue is maintained for a long time, the color will not fade and dim.

With this method, the structure of the hairs is significantly restored after an aggressive dyeing procedure, and the roots are strengthened, the bulbs are saturated with vitamins and microelements. It stimulates the metabolic processes of the scalp. Painted curls moistened and softened, become obedient, voluminous, easy to comb.

Nourishing masks

Food is necessary not only for dyed hair. However, the procedure of coloring is quite aggressive, and it is such hair that most of all needs an enhanced supply of necessary substances. Eating roots can prevent such problems that occur after dyeing, such as dry scalp, dandruff, split ends.

Bread mixture for hair growth

Oregano - 1 tsp.
Plantain - 1 tsp.
Sage - 1 tsp.
Nettle - 1 tsp.
Celandine (flowers) - 1 tsp.
Black bread - 1/3 loaf

1. For 1 small spoonful of dry herbs pour boiling water and brew for 1 hour.
2. Strain the broth and add the kneaded crumb of black bread.
3. Rub the ready remedy into the roots and distribute it evenly throughout the head.
4. Cover your head with a package and a towel. Keep the mask up to 2 hours.
5. At the end of the procedure, wash your hair without shampoo.

Egg-honey remedy

Egg - 2 pcs.
Honey - 1 tsp.
Sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l
Onions - 1 pc.

1. Squeeze the juice from a small onion.
2. Thoroughly mix all the components of the mask.
3. Wash the head and apply the resulting mass to the wet strands, gently massaging the scalp.
4. Put on a plastic cap on top and wrap with a towel.
5. After half an hour, wash off the mask with cool water without shampoo.

Yeast Mask

Yeast (dry) - 1 tbsp. l
Egg - 1 pc.
Water - 50 g

1. Dissolve the yeast in water.
2. Add one egg.
3. Bring the mask consistency to a mushy state. If necessary, you can add more yeast.
4. The resulting mixture spread on the hair along the entire length and massage the scalp.
5. After 25-30 minutes, when the mask is dry, wash it off with warm water.

Radish mask

Radish - 1 pc.
Sour cream - 1 tbsp. l
Olive oil - 2 tsp.

1. Grate the radish on a fine grater.
2. Squeeze out the juice and mix it with sour cream and butter.
3. Instead of sour cream, you can use kefir, yogurt and any other dairy products. They are great for moisturizing.
4. Rub the mixture into the scalp and put on the shower cap.
5. Keep the mask for 25-30 minutes.
6. The mask can be easily removed with warm water without using shampoo.

Balm dry tips

Olive oil - 100 g
Burdock oil - 2 tbsp. l
Vitamin A - 1 capsule
Vitamin B - 1 capsule
Vitamin F - 1 capsule

1. Stir oils in the indicated proportions.
2. Add vitamins.
3. Heat the mixture slightly and apply on the head.
4. Put on a hat and towel over the head.
5. Keep the mixture for half an hour, then wash your hair with shampoo.
6. This procedure is recommended every week.

Mask for fine hair

Oatmeal - 5 tbsp. l
Water - 2 tbsp. l
Almond oil - 3 tbsp. l
Ylang Ylang Oil - 3 drops

1. Grind oatmeal in a blender.
2. Pour the oatmeal into warm water and let it swell.
3. Add almond oil and ylang-ylang ether.
4. Apply a mask to dyed hair and wait one hour.
5. Rinse your head with shampoo and balm water.
6. This procedure is recommended a couple of times a week.

Mask for damaged hair

Linseed oil - 1 tsp.
Yolk - 1 pc.
Cognac - 1 tsp.
Henna - 1 tsp.
Honey - 1 tsp.

1. Flaxseed oil and honey should be mixed and slightly heated.
2. Grind the oil-honey mass with 1 yolk.
3. Add henna and brandy, mix until smooth.
4. Apply the mask on a clean head and rinse off after 30 minutes.

Masks to preserve color

It is very important to keep the saturated color of dyed hair, because without proper care the pigment is quickly washed out of the structure, as a result of which the curls become dull and ugly. Many solve this problem by dyeing hair much more often than it should be. To keep the color for 5-6 weeks without refilling, it is enough to use the means to save it.

Mask for dyed blond hair

Chamomile - 1 tbsp. l
Water - 1 cup
Egg white - 1 pc.

1. Chamomile brew in a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 3 hours.
2. Beat the whites of one egg.
3. Strain chamomile decoction and mix it with whipped protein.
4. Apply the mixture to the hair, making a light massage to the head.
5. Keep the mask dry.
6. At the end, rinse hair thoroughly.
7. Mask can be done 1 time per week.

Mask for dyed dark hair

Cognac - 2 tbsp. l
Coffee - 1 tsp.
Yolk - 2 pcs.
Castor oil - 1 tsp.

1. Coffee mix with brandy and yolks.
2. Add castor oil.
3. If the mixture is too thick, it is better to dilute it with water.
4. Distribute the mask on the strands and hold for 5-7 minutes.
5. Wash off the composition of non-hot water with the addition of shampoo.
6. Such a procedure can be performed no more than 1 time per week.

Mask Tips

So that the procedures for the care of dyed hair met the expectations and did not disappoint, you should not hold them immediately after dyeing, it is better to suffer a week so that the pigment is fixed. Selecting a recipe is necessary depending on the problem, the type and color of hair.

Liked the mask for colored hair is worth testing. Apply the agent to the skin behind the ear in a small amount or treat a separate strand of hair. After such a test, it becomes clear how the skin reacts to the components used. When choosing ingredients, preference should be given only to fresh and natural products.

All components should be thoroughly mixed so that undissolved lumps are not stuck in the hair. Oils, honey and dairy products are recommended to be slightly heated in a water bath. Thus, the active substances will perform their functions better.

When rinsing can not use vinegar or lemon: they can suddenly change the shade of hair. After applying the masks, the hair is dried naturally, without the use of a hair dryer.


Watch the video: DIY Hair Mask for Dry, Damaged, Colored Hair (July 2024).